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File: 34 KB, 752x550, FDA_lunesta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12047975 No.12047975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey IDK what the best board for this would be, but I like you /ck/ and it's about putting things in your mouth that aren't penises

What would the consequences of sleeping forever? Basically just buying sleeping pills, then using them immediately when you get home from work and on weekends so you essentially don't exist. Would you go insane?

>> No.12047996

This isn't the place to post this, take it to advice.

Also you'd probably get so foggy you'd be in some psychosis state after a while, but I'm not a doctor, only take them like you're supposed too.

>> No.12048043

Best place to ask is probably /sci/

>> No.12048089

I have fucked up sleep habits, so I relatively frequently sleep immediately after getting home from work and stay asleep until the next day (with a brief waking period between 11-12, usually just long enough to drink something). I don't think I could do that multiple days in a row without pills. The most I've ever done is 2 days.
I will say that it is absolutely soul crushing to wake up and go to work, which you seemingly just left. I don't even hate my job but I don't want to only do that. I have no idea why you would WANT to completely eliminate all non-working hours.

>> No.12048100

You'll likely spend half the weekend awake buzzed out and unable to do much if you attempt that, and I'd be worried about side effects from the amounts you need to pass out for 56 hours.

>> No.12048104
File: 30 KB, 400x400, ambien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be addicted to sleeping pills. I was prescribed 7 Ambien (legally by one doc) as well as an array of benzos at one point. I took them constantly. Sort of like how alcoholics aren't just 24/7 asleep taking a sedative you function, you are just kinda out of it.

You get a lot of anterograde amnesia so people tell you you said and did things you don't remember at all and you get kinda used to it after a while.

Obviously it isn't good for you in many ways, but high dose sleeping pills is the best euphoria possible of any drug including heroin just because of how deeply soothing and comforting it is.

Nah you can get stuff done and you can mix em with uppers too.

If you took a whole bottle of sleeping pills, the modern kind, you don't die, you just go into a light coma for 2-3 days tops then wake up feeling amazingly refreshed.

>> No.12048133


>> No.12048157


>> No.12048174

sleep agents like ambien and lunesta act on the same GABA receptor as both alcohol and benzodiazepines. so it would be kind of like being drunk/drugged on those but without the effect of the drug.
it would be very unhealthy, OP. physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually unhealthy.
don't do it.

>> No.12048175

You can always try melatonin to see if you can regulate your sleep, it’s a natural thing your body makes anyway.

>> No.12048177
File: 30 KB, 300x250, 1507696980612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe try switching to decaf first

>> No.12048183

They are wayyyy more euphoric and different than either alcohol or benzos.

The first few times you take a couple its often trippy or hallucinogenic. It removes most of your inhibitions and also your ability to remember what you did later. You get an intense euphoria, hungry, horny, and eventually a bit sleepy but you can stay up. It kills any awareness of pain or discomfort, physical or emotional and gives you energy (paradoxically).

Here's a description I found of a new user to the drug (ambien):

>take 20mg on an empty stomach (two pills)
>within fifteen minutes, muscles relax so much that your body feels like a giant fluffy pillow
>you soon lose the ability to type coherent sentences on your keyboard and this becomes very funny in retrospect
>shortly therafter, you start hallucinating pretty colors
>music sounds incredible, movies are a feast for the eyes, novels are profound to the point of tears
>you wind up doing things like standing in front of a painting for an hour, opening and closing your hand, trying to catch the trees; or staring at a lamp and playing with the strands of color that drift slowly towards you
>feel very calm, happy, safe, and carefree
>eventually, come down and go off to sleepy land
>have pleasant, vivid dreams
>wake up feeling well-rested and satisfied
>look back at your computer history and laugh at all the silly shit you wrote the night before
Best three months of my life. Only blacked out once (and I was occasionally taking 50 to 60mg doses, which is just a waste) and all I did was just take a few more pills and watch a film. Never felt compelled to drive, go outside, or do anything stupid. Nothing compares to Ambien. I'm going to try to get a new prescription soon. It gave me a reason to live.

>> No.12048217
File: 204 KB, 1170x923, 1526278008024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn. this post is sad. take this as an example, OP. don't be like this.
i hope you find peace, anon.

>> No.12048220
File: 94 KB, 750x1000, gptr,1400x,front,black-c,313,133,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have a problem going to sleep, I just want to pass time for a couple years.

>> No.12048233

? You would wake up at like 3-4 AM, then what you'd take more Lunesta? But then you have to wake up in 2-3 hours. Your Lunesta would still be active and you'd feel like shit. Also tolerance would build up.

>> No.12048242

Can those lunestar be used like roofies? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12048246

congrats you have major depression

>> No.12048247


Druggie OP wants to exist on nothing but sleeping pills and is too addicted to see why it's a bad idea

>> No.12048253

As someone who has a decent prescription to Vyvanse (for work) and sleeping pills/downers (for night), it's actually a pretty enjoyable existence provided you're not impacted by feelings of loneliness. Socially I'm worse than ever, but internet communities provide an adequate social net anyway.

>> No.12048256
File: 54 KB, 450x400, m53436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nuh uh, my psychologist says I'm "just sad".

>> No.12048261

>I just want to pass time for a couple years.
are you in prison, OP?

>> No.12048262
File: 53 KB, 540x540, 1485313629179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet communities provide an adequate social net
how is reddit anyway?

>> No.12048269

What does it mean if you aren't depressed, sad, or whatever, but you still never leave your apartment or do anything with anyone, instead spending all your free time online? Not even playing games, just being on the internet. Is this more like agoraphobia or what? There's no real "fear" of leaving my apartment, it's more "why bother."

>> No.12048278

mild depression. people are supposed to want to.... you know.... do people stuff
anyway how does one get an ambien script what do you have to pretend to have?

>> No.12048297

I'd assume you just complain to your doc about having trouble sleeping due to maybe anxiety.

>> No.12048298

>mild depression
Is it mild depression even if you're happy, etc.? There are no negative emotions here. Just doing nothing in my personal life (work life is different).

>> No.12048301

>I can't sleep because of [X], I've heard good things about ambien
>well anon, I'm not a big fan of ambien because of its addiction problems. what do you think about X drug?
>sure, works with me
>*one month later*
>I don't know, X drug isn't that beneficial. could we try ambien?
>ok anon

Also make sure it's a nurse practitioner. It's so easy to pump them for scripts.

>> No.12048304

This was basically my early 20s but with dxm and ketamine instead

>> No.12048310

could be atypical depresion, since that's less melancholic. I actually don't know if mild depression is a thing nor that your disinterest in life indicates you have it I was more just posting for the sake of it.

>> No.12048335

They're all hard to squeeze these days. Used to be:
>hey doc, I'm in pain and I got great insurance
>60 perc 30s it is!
That's how it fuckin worked god damn it! For 20 years! 20 FUCKIN YEARS!!!! NOW I CAN'T GET SHIT FROM THESE cocksucking FUCKS!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12048392

OP here, my body is my prison.

>> No.12048396

Sorry dude. Transgender issues, ehh?

>> No.12048526

So like Ambien lasts for only 2-3 hours, it is a very brief high. Lunesta lasts maybe 4-5, less intense high spread out over longer, but once you fall asleep you generally stay asleep.

You don't feel like shit, you feel great lol.

Lunesta has a rather distinct metallic tang and is extremely bitter.

Like I did this for the better part of the decade tho. You definitely can. It wiped out a lot of unpleasant childhood memories for me. They are so much less intense now. It has its uses.

I used to mix Adderall and Ambien and sometimes other drugs and see if the uppers or downers would "win" e.g. if I would fall asleep or continue to get work done.

I got a prescription for Adderall then said I was having trouble falling asleep from it. Started from there. I didn't even really want the Adderall much, but I looked up on Erowid what Ambien did and it sounded great. It fucks up your digestion and immune system if you take it chronically at high doses.

Also you get crying jags from taking it sometimes, like intense bouts of dysphoria where you just let out all the sads at once.

Neither of those is as inner-peace inducing. Sure you are out of it, but only Ambien has the power to completely numb all pain, plus it makes you hungry + horny.

They don't easily give out painkillers anymore so sedatives are wayyyyy easier to get.

>> No.12048538

how do you get an rx

>> No.12048562

From a psychiatrist typically but any doctor can prescribe it. It is also sold clandestinely online.

I wouldn't recommend it if you just wanna abuse it. For it to actually work you have to use it sparingly, maybe 2-3 times a week max. I was taking 4-5 at a time then 1 when I woke up, 2-3 before any stressful event.

They are very euphoric and easy to abuse with very negative long term side effects (that don't show up with recommended infrequent use).

Ambien withdrawal is the WORST, most intense of any drugs I've experienced.

>> No.12048571

So as an example, like every 6 months or so on high-dose sedatives I would need a course of stomach antibiotics because my intestinal fauna balance would get messed up and I would have a lot of stomach discomfort and diarrhea.

Ambien acts as an acid-reducer (so does alcohol) which semi-relates into how it makes you hungry. It tells your gallbladder not to send bile I believe as well as makes you not feel full easily (far more than with Cannabis) and reduces (temporarily) acid secretion so when you STOP taking it you get severe acid reflux.

I also used to get really sick with colds and flus, way worse than they are now and it disturbed my blood pressure.

>> No.12048603

Does it keep you from dancing with the one you love?

>> No.12048622


>> No.12048644

Sleeping pills don't work that way. I'd recommend alternating between opiates and vodka.

>> No.12048649


>> No.12048655

Yeah they fucking do man. You can totally take them recreationally. Alcohol and opiates are sedatives too. Do you think a heroin addict cares about taking a sedative in the morning? Why would an Ambien addict be any different. They both are euphoriants.

Opiates you have to constantly hike the dose whereas tolerance with Ambien develops fairly slowly.

>> No.12048660

You've never tried anything resembling an Ambien "binge". When you don't go to sleep it's not fun.

>> No.12048684

That's what everyone on My 600lb Life say, are you perhaps a few hundred lbs more rotund than you should be for your height OP?

>> No.12048713

Huh? I used to binge on them all the time. It is incredibly fun to stay awake on them.

>> No.12048894

Lorazepam can be, The first time I took one I literally blinked & next thing I knew I was in my bedroom in my pjs eating a pork sandwich. Once I fully came to I realized about 8 hours had passed

>> No.12048896

Pro tip: sleeping pills don't work like that.

>> No.12048910

avoid sleeping pills at all costs, it's a special kind of hell to be dependent on these shits, I can't sleep without them anymore. Fix whatever needs to be fixed in your life do not get dependent on pills to sleep.

>> No.12048921

Does your friend owe a van

>> No.12049817

This. Sleeping pills are a bitch to quit

>> No.12049836

what's the best OTC sleeping pill?