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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 800x600, mcdonalds-buffalo-ranch-mcchicken-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12044695 No.12044695 [Reply] [Original]

Are Burgers the best kind of fast food?

>> No.12044703

For me, it's the steamed ham.

>> No.12044726

fucking nonce. wendy's slaps

>> No.12044739
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>> No.12044747

God I fucking love chicken sandwiches.

>> No.12044764

Should just be only chicken burgers. Beef just doesnt compare.

>> No.12044778
File: 1.49 MB, 954x978, vs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the better bun? The Burger King Chicken Royale or the McDondalds infamous McChicken ?

>> No.12044787

Too messy. I want something I can grab, chow and go; all within my 30 minute lunch period. With enough time left over for a smoke where my finger aren't greasy from the food.

>> No.12044789

So for this, it's the pizza slice.

>> No.12044790

You want to take a guess what the paper these sandwiches comes wrapped in can be used for?

>> No.12044798

Throwing away. If you are reusing sandwich wrappers I pity you

>> No.12044800

You peed the top half off the sandwich and hold the bottom while you eat so your hands don't get messy you retard.

>> No.12044919
File: 250 KB, 2000x1000, 654aea45-7083-40e6-9e3c-b4b543e14b28..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they're not, Fried Cheese in a bun is. Burgers are literally the worst of the cow put together, fried cheese tastes better, it's quality is overall better and is fun as fuck to eat, not to mention the steamy cheese basically acts as it's own sauce to the crunchy exterior.

>> No.12044922
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, 0400B7B6-CF84-4FB4-94BC-6FB41C4541DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s a chicken sandwich. Would you call pic related a “ham burger” just because it’s on a bun?

>> No.12044969

Who said anything about cows you cheese munching bitch

>> No.12044972

Would you call a piece of ham on a bun a “ham burger”?

>> No.12044973

>chicken sandwich

Why do Amerilards call burgers sandwiches ?

>> No.12044975

Would you call a piece of ham on a bun a “ham burger?”

>> No.12044981

no the kebab is

>> No.12044983

>pisses on sandwich

>> No.12044991

Yes i call it whatever the fuck i want

>> No.12044996

So if you ordered a ham burger and got ham on a bun, you would be okay with that? Or a cheese burger and it was just a slice of cheese on a bun?
A hamburger sandwich is a sandwich made with a hamburger patty, regardless of the bread. In fact, the first hamburger sandwiches were served on regular sliced bread.

>> No.12045083

Burgers are the pinaccle of food in general.
Universally loved
Present globally
Applicable to both fast food and fine dining
Extremely versatile
Significantly improves a lower quality cut of meat

>> No.12045195
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Burgers are difficult to eat in a civilized way. If you're a monkey who doesn't care about hygiene then probably it's your best bet yeah.

However picrelated is superior to burgers in every single way.
It rewards your eating skills. If you're a 0iq retard you'd end up messier than with the burgers. If you're a veteran roll eater you won't even leave a drop anywhere.
It fits much more filling and the overall ratio between bread and the filling is way better than in burgers.
It allows for a wider variety of fillings because of the enclosed nature of rolls.

>> No.12045236

no, but they're the best ethnicity

>> No.12045247

Burger is a nationality, not an ethnicity.

>> No.12045484
File: 34 KB, 439x583, 1548716848316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12045490

>call us Burgers
>don’t concede to our burger expertise
I’m glad you people can’t say nigger without going to jail.

>> No.12045540

>dipping sauces
fatty detected.

>> No.12045595

why is everything on this app anime themed

>> No.12045626
File: 559 KB, 1751x385, peak chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this getting a little out of hand?

>> No.12045917
File: 20 KB, 499x323, 1552597336691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to say it....