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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12039013 No.12039013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys eat your canned tuna? It’s the only fish I can stand and it’s fairly high in protein, so I want to incorporate it into my diet more

>> No.12039018

Fucking love a good toe pic. Has she been blacked though?

>> No.12039020

Mixed into my ramen.

>> No.12039033

Right through her shorts. And then I eat her ass and hope she braps into my mouth

>> No.12039044
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I make tuna melts pretty often, one of the few meals I'm lazy enough to actually bother putting together.

Also I want to lick her pusy

>> No.12039049

Some simple recipes I picked up while working at a sandwich shop. We used to cycle 'tuna specials' every week.

Tuna melt:
Mix tuna with mayo, dijon mustard, S & P, lightly toast one side of two slices of bread, place the mix on the toasted side, shred sharp cheese ontop, close (toasted side down again) bake in oven 350 till cheese melts and outside is toasted. Or in sandwich press if you have one.

Simple Tuna salad with sweet pickles:
Tuna, S & P, Mayo, put on a soft roll or sub bun and layer slices of sweet pickles on top.

Tuna Cranberry:
Whole grain bread, more seeds the better, dice some green apple up, mix in with some tuna S & P, bit of mayo (not to much just enough to bind).
Dried cranberries, roughly chop, some lemon juice or wine vinegar, mix with pinch of salt, let stand for 2 - 5 minutes. Mix in some mayo, enough to make a thick spread on the bread.

All these sandwiches go well with iceberg lettuce for a crunch and a bit of a slight bitter taste. Well, maybe not the melt.

>> No.12039055

Shut up. Incel.

>> No.12039056

If OP can handle the fishiness of cheap ass canned tuna, then OP will probably love a fresh juicy grilled mackerel. Better for you and way more delicious. Mackerel is an oily fish, so when you grill or broil it, it tastes like you cooked it in butter. It's amazing.

I encourage you to give it a shot once.

Also, tuna, boiled eggs, minced onion and celery, mayo, mustard and cayenne peper mixed together and served on a slice of whole wheat bread and delicious fold-overs that you can make on the run. Bonus points of grilled version.

>> No.12039105
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>has she been blacked though

>> No.12039138

Make a grilled cheese with it, or mix it with some rice.

>> No.12039142

Fuckin' ell, good thing her face is DoF'd out.

Fish is great, put some effort in.

>> No.12039153

I like to mix canned tuna with mayo and hot salsa and eat it with corn chips. Maybe toss some shredded cheese or some herbs like cilantro or chives on top too.

>> No.12039211 [DELETED] 
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>mix tuna with desired amount of mayo.
>add salt pepper, pinch of paprika, garlic powder and few drops of lemon juice or vinegar. Red pepper flakes if u want some spice
>my fav mixins are chopped yellow onion and chopped dill pickle. Some ppl like celery.
>toast the bread in butter if you like
>little more mayo on bread with some iceberg lettuce and the cheese of yours choice.

>> No.12039217


little hot sauce of ur choice in the tuna or on the sandwhich is amazing

>> No.12039242
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I'm on a nofap you fucking asshole

>> No.12039254
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>> No.12039257

Reddit is really weird. I remember when we were the perverts.
That is to say, turd prick is gross, my man.

>> No.12039259

my eyes are up here, creep

>> No.12039265
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>> No.12039316

lmao it's canned tuna, just add mayo and sweet relish.

>> No.12039331

Why are you angry?

>> No.12039337
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a tuna taco is what I'm thinking of right now

>> No.12039345

Chili garlic paste and a little mayo my dude

>> No.12039396

>all these mayo subhumans
Just put some quality olive oil onto it and eat it

>> No.12039411

Stop perving silly boys.

>> No.12039435

can of tuna, spoon of skyr/thick yogurt, spoon of cottage cheese, hot sauce/black pepper/green onions/lemon juice/whatever flavouring. this makes good tuna salad because mayonaise is disgusting shit.

>> No.12039456

friendly reminder that tuna is an extinction threatened species and you shouldn't buy it
-this post was sponsored by he mackerel gang

seriously tho, tuna are disappearing due to AGRESSIVE over fishing for commercial needs

>> No.12039469

Jokes in you pal, I switched to dolphin years ago

>> No.12039472

We should use our navy to blow up other countries fishing vessels. We own the oceans they shouldn't be allowed to eat our fish

>> No.12039476

start with japanese whaling vessels and you might get some traction on that anon

>> No.12039478

What if I only eat farm raised tuna?

>> No.12039481

not him but all good anon, sustainable food is best food. also I don't like "game" taste so I'm all about farm raised proteins in all categories.

>> No.12039483

Straight out of can.

>> No.12039484

Looks more like roast beef but I'll play
>drained albacore canned in spring water
>chopped onions
>mayo and dijon
>white pepper
>evoo mixed in until homunculous

>> No.12039541

>falling for the tuna jew
the southern hemisphere bluefin isn't even endangered lol

>> No.12039543

Toe pic, fellow redditor. Toe pic.

>> No.12039641

Just go home now. I'm closing the door.

>> No.12039658 [DELETED] 
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I was more of a Kate's Playground guy myself

>> No.12039664

Canned nigger dicks.

>> No.12039679
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women are right
men are dogs
bifurcated genitals
front butt
I Iike tuna salad myself. Chopped onions, mayo (or Miracle Whip) tuna
maybe some salt and pepper

>> No.12039702

If you're a cheap bastard like me
You can put some with cheese and maybe a lil hot sawse n make tasty tasty enchiladas

>> No.12039709


>> No.12039713
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>white women

>> No.12039715
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do you mean this?

>> No.12039717

eww you can tell it's one of those nasty pecker pusy

>> No.12039721

>fake tits


>> No.12039744
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>> No.12039750

What did he mean by this?

>> No.12039754

I like asians, just not fake titties

>> No.12039760

I am just grossed out by that pussy form and am male btw ;(

>> No.12039763

>canned tuna
>the only fish I can stand
Fucking what? Canned tuna is objectively the worst fish you can get your hands on short of wrangling a cancer-ridden tumor fish out of a nuclear waste dump.

>> No.12039779
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With mayo served with zaltines

>> No.12039791

1 can of tuna
2 handfuls of sliced olives
whatever pasta you have at home
add lime juice, salt and black pepper to your liking

wa la delicious and ez meal

>> No.12039807

What pussy form are you talking about?

>> No.12039813

My man. Dem tiddies gotta be natural. I don't care if they're small, fuck fake tits.

>> No.12039821


>> No.12039831


>> No.12039836

>pecker pusy
What is this?

>> No.12039851

Dice half an onion and a carrot, slowly cook them in olive oil. Put a bit of water in the pan and keep the lid on. Cook them until they’re soft, add water if needed.

Then add a can of tuna and keep on cooking. Salt, pepper, a bit of basil. Cook some pasta and mix it all. Wa la

>> No.12039854

Discord Tranny

>> No.12039884

What in the actual fuck is wrong with the west?

>> No.12039914

Fascism and nationalism mostly.

>> No.12039964

No but really, what is it?

>> No.12039980

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


>> No.12039991

Seriously. It’s antisocial behavior basically. The two train people to think of others as less than people. Fascism and nationalism work together to teach you to fear, to hate, and to be cruel. They take the wonders of technology that cry out for the good in humans, technology that would allow us all to unite and become closer as one human nation, but instead we use that technology to goose-step ourselves into gas chambers and drone strikes. Case in point >>12039980

>> No.12040476

You sound like a condescending fag.

Yeah, I understand them feels. Like, if you’re going to jerk me off with your specialized dick jerking optimized bobody part, let’s just be honest what’s going on here and not layer all of the other insane bullshit on top of it.

OTOH, sometimes it’s nice to share time and make food for each other as long as you find one that doesn’t incessantly fill every available opportunity with chatter and can just STFU and let there be peace. Hope you find one of them someday brah

>> No.12040499

You are an upper middle class white boy who has never known, nor experienced anything that resembles fascism or nationalism.

>> No.12040503

I trade it out for the holy deenz like a sane person.

>> No.12040640
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