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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 195 KB, 1200x900, Havregrød_på_vand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12032030 No.12032030 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's the humble oats plus water plus salt.

>> No.12032076


>> No.12032112

Dad food

>> No.12032239
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your lack of fried egg and picante sauce is concerning.
Actually, the fact it's not a bowl of rice with nothing makes me think you're a heretic

>> No.12032910

Honestly American breakfast is the tits. Eggs bacon sausage toast pancakes OJ coffee biscuits b gravy etc etc ...American diner breakfast food is just so good. One of the few things I think America actually does well. Culturally that is.

>> No.12032917

Fruit strudel and a cappuccino. Sweet, light, and easy.

>> No.12033387

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was previously in cans. you're a fucking joke dude, and im dead fucking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fucking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking families poverty dinner on these forums ever the fukcc again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking nerd.

>> No.12033426

Needs fruit and sugar

>> No.12033441

Oats are the best when eaten the savoury way.

>> No.12033709

Are Americans really incapable of eating oatmeal without covering it in some form of fructose? Do you put syrup on rice as well?

>> No.12033742

>access to the most delicious foods in all human history
>eats this

>> No.12033886


>> No.12033923

Fuck that poverty porridge
>Full fat milk
>Stick o butter
>Cane sugar, four heaped tbs
>Dollop of molasses
>Half a bar o chocolate

That's a proper oat meal
accept no substitute

>> No.12034245
File: 156 KB, 1600x901, Raulia ja puuroa 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Granny just called and instructed me to start my day with a bowl of oatmeal. With "butter eye", no less. Based granny.

The problem, I'm not an agricultural labourer but work in office.

>> No.12034287

Slav occupant of Baltshit?

>> No.12034315

It’s cool, our culture, food, and country really is fucking awful except for a few redeeming qualities that just barely make it worth living here.

>> No.12034321
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I'll give you a hint: this is not oatmeal.

>> No.12034338


>> No.12034342

coffee and toast

>> No.12034356
File: 92 KB, 890x668, yummy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clearly you haven't been anywhere near to baltics. Another hint: it may have beans in it and nowadays the most popular way of eating it is probably with buttermilk/kefir and fruits.

>> No.12034363
File: 725 KB, 1331x2560, Resized_Snapchat-1861443420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12034373

My problem with American breakfast is it just takes me forever to make when I'm tired in the morning, but the payoff is good.

>> No.12035423

It looks like brown sugar and cum.

>> No.12035430

>That's a proper oat meal
that's cake

>> No.12035446

What is it? Looks tasty for some reason.

>> No.12035450

It's the only proper way to start the day. Oatmeal is but the foundation on which a great edifice should be built. Almost literally, as good oatmeal has the consistency of hardening concrete

>> No.12035866

>Not cooking your oats in milk instead of water

>> No.12035896

Why not milk? It makes it more filling and satisfying. I also like to pour a little more milk over the top once the oatmeal has congealed a little bit, and take a bit with each spoonful. I usually just add salt too, sweet oatmeal just makes me feel sick before I get full, although last time I cooked a few mashed strawberries until the syrup thickened and put that in along with a bit of cinnamon, which was pretty good.

>> No.12035956

I wish I had time to make breakfast before work.

>> No.12035991
File: 277 KB, 1500x1500, raisin bran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This plus some banana slices is all I have time to eat because I have to wake up at fucking 5 am

>> No.12035994


I'm a kind of guy who does the same workplace luch for months in the end. At one point I would actually have kama regularly. Works well in its original purpose as an emergency ration too: if I was out of kefir I could eat it in the other popular way by pouring hot water from the tea kettle.

So there are two basic ways of eating it, either mixing into hot water or cold dairy. Most people add some sugar, but hot water people may vehemently oppose and advice to only have a pinch salt. The kama here >>12034321 with bacon and "butter eye" in was done into hot water. By the way, I had never heard of bacon before stumbling into it this night by accident. First thought: "who the fuck puts bacon on oatmeal... oh it's kama? Well that's actually genius!"

>> No.12036682
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Just prep some overnight oats the night before

>> No.12037387

What? Oats take 2 minutes to cook in the microwave?

>> No.12037411
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>>He fell for the breakfast Jew

>> No.12037425

put some blueberries, chia seeds, almonds and bananas in that shit. it looks like fucking vomit.

>> No.12037427

I would but I'm hetero

>> No.12037508

>2 parts whole milk
>1 part uncooked oats
That's the base, takes 10 minute in a pot and no need to stirr much on low heat due to fat content of milk.
Add some salt for taste, cinnamon, cocoa powder (unsugared), berries (frozen or not), raisins, fruits, seeds or what have you.

Don't judge putting an egg or two in it as well. For the last minute, jack up the heat, add an egg or two, stirr hard till the egg is cooked.
I guess, if you want, you can serve it with bits of cooked bacon on top and you have the equivalent of piece of bread, glass of milk with cooked egg and bacon.

>> No.12037513

also insecure

>> No.12037520

For me? Every single morning I have two or three cups of coffee, made in my cheeky new keurig. As far as food goes, it’s either applejacks, or 3 scrambled eggs in Tabasco sauce with a couple pieces of bacon or sausage links. Those sausage links have to be maple, though. Fuck original flavored breakfast sausage.

>> No.12037527

I do a sweet oatmeal variant.
oats+water, microwave until it's ready, in the meantime I crack open 4 or 5 walnuts and break a couple squares of dark chocolate. Then I add a bit of milk to cool it down, because I like to sweeten it with a tablespoon of honey.
Cheap, fast, nutritious and delicious.

>> No.12037551

It always gets me how americans have to specify cocoa powder to be unsweetened. As if sweetened cocoa powder is a thing.

>> No.12037606

I'm Norwegian, I did it out of courtesy for the NA crowd and their Nesquik and equivalents which are like 90% sugar or something.

>> No.12037648

Horrible opinion all around

>> No.12037659

oh yeah same for me same for me... except... I add MILK and. .. . .yup a bit of sugar not a lot don't get too antsy just a tablespoon... and then... a BANANA to real spice it up oh yeah *finger kiss* and the final touch? a few bits of unsweetened baking chocolate oh yeah

>> No.12037669

I couldnt imagine eating oatmeal with just water you fucking psycho

>> No.12037680

it's really good.

>> No.12037699

I'm about to make some ramen

>> No.12037812

That's a little too humble, anon. How much time do you have to get ready in the morning anyway? I have about thirty minutes from when i wake to when I leave; my breakfast is a cup of plain yogurt, two poached eggs, and then I'll stuff an apple and a banana in my coat pockets to have on the way.

>> No.12038106

To be honest, "cacao powder" in Europe probably means instant cacao in most places too.

At least if spoken. In recipes the real stuff is implied and doesn't need to specify "unsweetened" or anything.

>> No.12038112

Is this pasta?

>> No.12038119
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i only have it like twice a year but god damn is it my favorite breakfast food ever

>> No.12038130

for me it's oatmeal, milk, half a bar of dark chocolate with almonds

>> No.12038255

Good choice.

>> No.12038332
File: 654 KB, 1536x2048, 4413DFCA-CCD0-4C1A-A414-8BD772A4D394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best breakfast right here

>> No.12039488
File: 733 KB, 1200x1200, Kellogg's box front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]