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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 550x429, little caesars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12030035 No.12030035 [Reply] [Original]

Little Caesar's is the best pizza for the money you can get out there. If you're not making your own, I don't understand why you wouldn't just get one instead of the shit from Dominoes or Papa Johns

>> No.12030059

Little Caesars is its own category. Dominoes and Papa Johns are objectively better pizza but if you're in the mood for a dirt cheap hot-n-ready piece of junk to fill your belly then Little C is the clear winner

>> No.12030088

Nice, I was planning on an extra topping stuffed crust from my LC today. Remember to order online for your free 2L sodee pop!

>> No.12030122

This thread is brought to you by Little Caesars©

>> No.12030132

I just ate a whole Little Caesar's pizza, ask me anything

>> No.12030145

Was is good?

>> No.12030166

It wasn't very hot but it was ready and cashier lady had to go get change because she only had ones and made a stripclub joke

>> No.12030210

Cashier might be into you anon, you should go spend some more there to impress her!

>> No.12030228
File: 729 KB, 1875x2045, mommy sable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looked almost 40 though

>> No.12030328

The deep dish is legitimately good and cheap for its price. The regular pizza is not.

>> No.12030332

Man, if she looked anything like that I would carry her home with me and force feed her eggs.

>> No.12030344

That meane she might be desperate, especially if she has an inattentive husband. Go for it. The worse that will happen is a lack of an indicator of interest, so you move on.

>> No.12030389
File: 254 KB, 1211x955, vr_sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forgive them for the way they massacred their stuffed crust. It used to be amazing and the cheapest you could get, but now they wrap the "cheese" in the crust with pepperoni and it's just awful.

>> No.12030390

The deep dish is shit and doesn't even have anymore sauce or cheese than normal, it's just two more inches of crust.

>> No.12030437

>wrap the "cheese" in the crust with pepperoni
I just got one a couple weeks ago and it was normal stuffed crust.

>> No.12030469

American? All my local LC's (Sudbury, Northern Ontario) are doing them wrapped in pepperoni now, and won't make it the old way.

>> No.12030519

Yeah, Pennsylvania here, sorry for your loss. I really hope that doesn't catch on here.

>> No.12030984


they are all awful might as well get the cheapest

t. dominoes driver

>> No.12030995

LC is legitimately better than Papa John's regardless of the fact that it's half the price. Never had Dominoes.

>> No.12031026
File: 22 KB, 300x450, 619-02084410en_Masterfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 40 though
Anon age is just a number.
I am 50 and i banged a 26 yo chick just a few weeks ago.

>> No.12031029

because it's not hot and it's not ready and it's not cheap.
dominoes makes me wait 15 minutes but it's much better.

>> No.12031084

It's 5 fucking dollars, and the pizza portal means I never have to interact with a human being. It's great

>> No.12031144

on a scale of 1-10 how ugly was she? what led up to you peening her?

>> No.12031164
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LC is legit the best deal in fast food ($5 large pep) that doesn't require a membership (Costco, Sam's Club, etc.), but it's carryout only.

For delivery pizza, I prefer Dominos and their two or more for $5.99 each deal.

>> No.12031171

>bragging about having sex “a few weeks ago”


>> No.12031180
File: 2 KB, 299x276, 1248546877237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahe was very pretty in the face but quite fat actually.
Almost obeast.
Actually forget the almost part but it was pretty easy.
Tinder match.
We met at the hostel bar she was staying at and drank till she was thin enough.
Not my best work, not sure why i am bragging....but hey! 26!

>> No.12031189

I'd pay money to not eat Little Caesar's

>> No.12031190


>> No.12031194

LC is utterly vile, pig disgusting

>> No.12031196

Love that Little Caesars! Piece Of Pizza!

>> No.12031199

Paypal ok?

>> No.12031234

>I prefer Dominos and their two or more for $5.99 each deal.
i got this the other day and it was pretty decent. tried a pan pizza out, shit is ridiculously filling and greasy to the levels of old pizza hut. was not a bad deal

>> No.12031264


>> No.12031304

Lately I've been getting their thin crust for my wife and I, and a hand tossed for the kids. Agree: pan pizza is way too greasy and filling.

>> No.12031312

What is her sons favorite?

>> No.12031327


(plain cheese)

>> No.12031338

Round Table Pizza you fucking plebs

>> No.12031342

>plain cheese
why are children such plebeians?

>> No.12031344

t. Eats greasy meats on pizza and loads it with shitty veggies like peppers and onions

>> No.12031347

>peppers and onions

>> No.12031355

I wish that were not the case, or else I'd be getting them cool Indian food, Thai food, etc. Maybe it's some sort of instinctive thing to stick to only a handful of foods you know so as not to risk eating anything new that might cause you harm? I dunno.

My 2-year-old daughter is like a friggin' koala bear (only eats like two things). She won't even eat Chick-fil-A nuggets.

>> No.12031362

>green peppers and onions onions on pizza
>not retarded pleb tier

Anon, I...

>> No.12031367

>greasy meats on pizza and loads it with shitty veggies
You have to be 18 or older to post here. Don't you have homework to do?

>> No.12031370
File: 48 KB, 680x499, 7EC30AB8-FFE5-444E-B524-331953C39F8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m mature for loading my pizza with toppings

>> No.12031392

>green pepper
What you mean bell peppers? There's lots of green peppers anon.
>onions onions
never heard of onions onions before...

>> No.12031413

>hes never heard of onions onions
You prove yourself more and more the pleb by the post.

>> No.12031421

Google doesn't bring anything so I think you may be trolling me.

>> No.12031451

>I've been getting their thin crust for my wife and I
i got one of those as well, was surprised at how clean/non-greasy the day after/on reheat. especially considering the square cut

>> No.12031453

why do reddit users continually use "AMA" instead of the 4chan established "ask me anything" when all they do is mimic and repeat what we say?

>> No.12031460

They are lazy and gay.

>> No.12031469

>the best pizza for the money you can get out there
Why do people keep lying about this?
For $5 dollars you get a shit pizza at LC, for $5 more dollars you get a mediocre but better tasting pizza at ph,pj, doms etc.
For $10 more dollars you can get amazing pizza at your local pizzeria.
The taste is proportional to money spent. $5 is barely anything, therefore you get a product that is barely anything.

Just because your palate is shit from growing up poor doesn't mean you're correct.

>> No.12031492

>hot-n-ready piece of junk
i giggled

>> No.12031493

Agreed, I don't know how they do it and it's probably better that way

>> No.12031534

he's talking a bout a real onion's onion you conniving fool

>> No.12031586

I am in mexico and there is a little cesar across the street. Is it the same thing?

>> No.12031645

>Eat Little Caesar's
>Never get full
>Get literally any other pizza
>Can't eat more than a slice or 2
How the fuck do they do it?

>> No.12031713

I was the manager of a LC for a few years during college.

Ask me anything.

>> No.12031718

Why does everybody who works at LC's look suicidal

>> No.12031737

I'm pretty sure it has enough grease to just skip your stomach acid and go directly into the intestines.

>> No.12031745

Was 15 and smoking in a copse of trees near the road; tubby ginger cashier from Cesar's leaned in and told me there were cops nearby.

Cool guy

>> No.12031776

Because it's a job. It isn't a career. Anyone out of their teens working there is either doing so to fund college or because they can't be employed at McDonalds.

The people who held our signs outside were mentally-deficient folks who we employed through an agency. We couldn't have them in the store but I'm sure some places do so.

>> No.12031835

I like both Papa Johns and Little Caesar's and you say Papa Johns is crap?

>> No.12031848


>> No.12031881

>anon can't understand how two meals for 10 dollars is better than one

>> No.12031902
File: 339 KB, 600x337, qEqqItBRcMwAiZn-800x450-noPad.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty stoked that they're bringing back the pretzel crust

>> No.12031910

dominoes is fucking trash, their pizza doesnt even taste like pizza

>> No.12031912

>For delivery pizza, I prefer Dominos and their two or more for $5.99 each deal.
Legit, but I got personal beef with them. They keep changing my delivery instructions to call my phone. I didn't order a fucking conversation, motherfucker!

>> No.12032006

>objectively better than LC

nigga you stupid

>> No.12032008

based and eggpilled

>> No.12032026

Your 2-year-old is autistic

>> No.12032032

Only autists like chickfila, though.

>> No.12032039

But Little Caesars is garbage. Way too much bread it’s like not even real pizza. I’m gonna spend five bucks on the pizza literally 7-Eleven is better.

>> No.12032056

Hot and ready is a gamble that you almost always wind up losing. If I get LC it's going to be something that I have to order and wait for to make sure it's made fresh.
Also local/non-chain pizzerias being inherently better is the second worst meme in pizza culture. The majority of them serve bland shit.

>> No.12032060
File: 565 KB, 147x154, jerry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dominoes and Papa Johns are objectively better
>and Papa Johns

>> No.12032068

>Way too much bread
They make thin crust now.

>> No.12032073 [DELETED] 


>> No.12032165

The owner was a really nice guy, he paid the rent of Rosa Parks up until she passed away.
Little Cesars may not be high quality compared to some good east coast family slices
>not counting jew york "pizza"
but Little Ceasars is for sure an icon to any southern Ontarian/Northern Michiganer

>> No.12032167

>>>/pol/ discord tranny

>> No.12032184
File: 157 KB, 700x701, thinking eliza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why pizza of all foods got the dude go local treatment when you can apply it to anything. Is the burger from the local place that's been making burgers for 50 years going to be better than a McDonald's burger made by a teenager? Probably. Doesn't mean I'm going to stop eating Mcdonald's or wait 15 minutes for his burger, or pay 10 bucks for one

>> No.12032296

get ready for the worst fucking heart burn of your entire life

ate half a hot and ready when i was really drunk once, slept on a floor. when i woke up i was practically burping up pure acid and my throat was on fire. that combined with the hang over i had was probably one of the worst feelings ive ever had

>> No.12032556


>> No.12032566

>be a preteen growing up in the 2000s
>mom gets us pizza
>it's Little Caesars because it's 5 dollars
>eat Little Caesar's so much I can never eat it again as an adult
Am I the only one?

>> No.12032572
File: 33 KB, 359x473, 1552236859403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shit leopard cant change its shit spots no matter how much it bathes and says its a lion

>> No.12032589
File: 2.92 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2019-03-10-18-18-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nawh this was the way to go, was still poor but my mom almost always took us out for fastfood, i remember one or two solid weeks of nothing but arbys, wendys, harveys, maccas, grew up greasy and chubby now im just greasy

>> No.12032632

Just how silly are you that you think the pizza did that and not the alcohol?

>> No.12032649

Alcoholics are retarded.

>> No.12032660

I get pizza from pizza places, retard.
>t. New Yorker
Why anybody would bother with that fast food pizza crap is beyond me.

>> No.12032897

Ok I’ll try to again. For you, anon. Thanks for the update.

>> No.12032916

We never ate Little Cesar's. We would eat Domino's as kids, but ate Pizza Hut when we got older. I only ate Little Cesar's when someone at work would provide food for everyone, but I won't go out of my way to get it.

>> No.12033996

They should label it as a Detroit style pizza and it's pretty dam good for 8 bucks

>> No.12034013
File: 139 KB, 1600x1200, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Little Caesars©
But that's a different chain entirely

>> No.12034300
File: 337 KB, 240x240, CalmFluidAmericancicada-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this joke ever get old? I still get a sensible chuckle.

>> No.12034318

>2 slices for 5 dollars
More like Kikeza Kikeza

>> No.12034336

Every other place is one slice for $4
Hell, one place charged me $4.50 for a slice

>> No.12034364

>Koala bear
Dumb filthy Gringo.

>> No.12034654

No delivery.

>> No.12034753

Official ranking:

In terms of quality:
Papa John's >>> Pizza Hut > Dominoes > Little Caesar's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peter Piper

In terms of value:
Caesar's >>>>>>>>>>>>> Papa John's > Dominoes = Pizza Hut >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Peter Piper

Overall winner:
Papa John's

Case closed.

>> No.12034780

What holy shit what im euro so i dont know any of these cahins but i never paid above 6euro for a pizza

>> No.12034885

A low end chain will sell you a ready-made pizza for ~$9
Regular chains will give you two pies for $15~$20, they're almost always 2-for-1

>> No.12035087

It's been "back" for a while, on rotation for the hot-n-ready deal. Unless you like eating a fistfull of salt with every bite, it's fucking terrible.

>> No.12035098

It's also in our worthless currency where people make $14 an hour. So it's $3.75 (USD) for two slices, or about twenty minutes of work for lunch.

>> No.12035101

I disagree, but maybe my dominos just really, really sucks. Our only papa John's left about 4 years ago and I never had their pizza. The tendies were good.

>> No.12035105

Every time I got Papa Johns it was the worst lukewarm shit I've ever gotten; then again it might've been just a shit store as the place closed within a year.

>> No.12035113

Fuck is with dude's feet?

>> No.12035117

Those are what men's feet look like, you Zoomer soy-latte.

>> No.12035125

It's not the children that are plebs, it's their shit parents.

>> No.12035133

Dominoes cheese tastes fucking weird. Little Ceasar’s really is better.

>> No.12035137

You're a shit parent. Cook them meals, serve it to them and they will eat it. My 2 year old eats raw onion ffs, eats all chile/manner of spice/"adult food". You're letting your children become picky eaters, you piece of shit.

>> No.12035142

The cheese.

>> No.12035153

Thank you. I've yet to have good dominos but have never had shit LC. LC fucking amazing.

>> No.12035160

little caesars is the penultimate "thinking man's" pizza. prove me wrong

>> No.12035162


>> No.12035165

>mom buys pizza
>doesn't use that money to buy groceries and cook meals at home
No, we were poor and my mother cooked us food, not spend spend spend on pizza. Going to Sonic twice a year was a treat for us, it was akin to going to the outback or something. That's poor.

>> No.12035167

This but unironically

>> No.12035169

The one near me is amazing.

>> No.12035173

little caesars is just stale bread with ketchup as tomato sauce and soggy paper for cheese

>> No.12035185

shit anon, you're not supposed to share the secret recipe. didn't you sign an NDA?

>> No.12035193

>single mother takes her shit kids out to eat fast food for months on end
>expensive as fuck
>picks the most expensive places
Poor, huh? I wish your mother swallowed you, or that she got hit by a bus, or that one of her 3 baby daddys beat her to the point of being in PVS so that she was at least using tax payer money wisely.

>> No.12035202

Why anybody that chooses to live in New York on purpose as an adult is beyond me.

>> No.12035219

Well, if they're real man feet I'm glad I don't have them or else it would be odd for me.

>> No.12035226

Have fun being a tranny, I guess.

>> No.12035285

>order doms
>takes 24 minutes to get to me
>need to make a mad dash to sit down and eat before it turns into inedible garbage
Same thing for papas.

Domino's and Papas is literally the same fucking thing just one is red and tries to hard to be 'italian american' and the other is blue and wants to be as american as possible. Their pizza is good fresh, like 5 minutes out of the oven, but then it's shitty. And everything but Mushrooms and the sauce is frozen.

used to manage a domino's.

>> No.12035333

Heh, it works both ways.

>> No.12035950

>Peter Piper
Isn't this literally just Chuck E Cheeses? Do they do delivery or do you seriously go to Peter Piper for pizza as an adult?

>> No.12035999
File: 42 KB, 600x600, aphex pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I go to Peter Piper. Just not for the pizza.

>> No.12036006

Fug, I didn't notice before but there's bulging nodules all over and they're twisted in a painful way. Got to be some kind of chronic disease, maybe a medfag can enlighten us.

>> No.12036011

Dear god no, i was working on a game jam earlier this year, and we had monthly reunions, and every time they gave us those shitty pizzas, last time i ate those i wanted to puke, and we stood for 3 days working, last reunion i refused to eat.

>> No.12036012

For a peck of pickled peppers?

>> No.12036022

>Dominoes and Papa Johns are objectively better pizza
Objectively awful opinion.

>> No.12036028

Fucking terrible for women and gay children maybe.

>> No.12036045

No, for teh gamez.
Do they sell pecks of pickled peppers?

>> No.12036084

Enjoy your heart attack, fampai.

>> No.12036089

>eating greasy takeout pizza
>ew but THAT ones too salty
Absolute retard.

>> No.12036174

Grease helps my hangovers. Salt makes me thirsty.