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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 863 KB, 1772x1488, Screen Shot 2019-03-11 at 12.53.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12021182 No.12021182 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest: which would you rather eat this week? the food in /ck/'s catalog or the food on /r/food's front page?

>> No.12021199

Fuck the reddit echo chamber and fags competing desperately for fake internet points.

>> No.12021205

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.12021213

maybe if you competed for something, you'd actually accomplish something kiddo

>> No.12021223

yeah i'd rather just filter through a catalog full of fast food and shill threads instead.

>> No.12021226

I unironically rather would.

>> No.12021289

If they didn't have such a shitty format and layout I'd probably go there occasionally.

>> No.12021311

>Non-political subreddit for posting food pictures

Bro you're stuck in 4chan's echochamber, don't even worry about other sites

>> No.12021351

since it's on reddit I have to trust that the imaged food is tainted by their wives' boyfriends' or own poz ejaculate... no, no for me I'll take the mccicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.12021370
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Would be nice to see people actually talk about food and cooking instead of shitposting but I like to call people nigger so i'm stuck here.

>> No.12021651


>> No.12021663 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12021695

Nice pufy pusy

>> No.12022198
File: 124 KB, 640x1138, j3k1pafaajl21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I am kinda (very) butthurt that the popcorn chicken there got so many upvotes and my nearly identical one got all but ignored.
Mine was part of a nice sandwich too.
What gives?
Seems random.
Or do you see something wrong with my chicken here that warrants the difference?

>> No.12022210

>go to Reddit and post your memecorn chicken
>400 people upvote it
>go on /ck/ and post your memecorn chicken
>get called a fag by an overweight autist
nice chicken fag

>> No.12022257

Go to plebbit if you want a feelgood hugbox circle jerk
But why the fuck are you eating popcorn chicken on a bun? That's not a McChicken.

>> No.12022323

I posted that on reddit and it got like 12 upvotes.
That's why I was wondering what's wrong with it.
And I didn't even know that you call this popcorn chicken initially, I just fried up battered chunks of chicken, I don't see how that's unsuited for a sandwich or some shit.

>> No.12022353

It’s not photogenic like the top voted ones are. Get a good angle put it through a good filter and you’ll get your dumbass karma

>> No.12022392

r/food obviously. Say all you want about circlejerks but when it comes to food, do you want the food that got the most attention or the food that got the most upvotes?

Plus half of /ck/ threads are shitty fast food threads

>> No.12022394


>> No.12022396

Don’t forget lighting. Morning or evening light depending on the rooms windows will give you the best photos.

>> No.12022404

Not very attractive photography, that's probably why

>> No.12022411

This is a brilliant troll

>> No.12022419
File: 2.84 MB, 300x376, wtfffffffffffffffff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens there? Is it a appetizing food photo competition? I don't see the appeal.

>> No.12022421

Imagine being such a loser that you make some food and then bust out a DSLR to take a studio quality photo of it so you can show off to randos on reddit. Just make your meal and eat it, weirdo.

>> No.12022428

>comparing front page reddit to 4chan catalog
The new page would be a better comparison. Even then, you're comparing a site dedicated to high-quality food and a board dedicated to all food discussion.

>> No.12022492

It doesn’t take any longer to use my legit camera than it does my smartphone. Why not take advantage of having a 24mp camera with a lens that costs as much as a galaxy s10 by itself? I get it if you don’t want too. With the newest phones there’s an argument to be made that modern dslr cameras aren’t even worth buying anymore. Even then you still have to know how to properly arrange a photo in color composition, lighting, framing etc. etc. or else their delicious food looks like shit.

>> No.12022505

Difference between here and there is, that they obviously care about actual food and putting in effort, while guys like you just buy cheap fast food or make instant noodles.
Yeah, I wouldn't care about that either.
Difference is skill and effort vs indifference and quite honestly bad taste.

>> No.12022517 [DELETED] 


isn't this like, half the board? the others just shitpost or shill.

>> No.12022529

submit at 9am eastern next time

>> No.12022551

The difference is cherry-picked meals and everyday eating. Reddit's full of people who're making some special recipe or going to a fancy restaurant, while /ck/ is people discussing what they eat everyday. Do you really think redditors never buy fast food or eat cheap shit? Of course they do, they just don't post about it on reddit.

>> No.12022601

Are you special or something?
What did you just complain about, retard?

>> No.12022626
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>> No.12022691

ck actually

>> No.12023021

That first dish alone beats the fuck out of anything I have seen on /ck/.

Not that that would be difficult, let's be real, this is a fast food board, it's not about cooking actual food or anything.

>> No.12023110

At least those faggots post food. If someone posts OC here, it is ridiculed to pieces if it isn't Michelin Star level...if it is, then they are called pretentious

>> No.12023125
File: 506 KB, 800x419, 1483999942628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made this give me some feedback lads, rate or hate

no! bad dog! oooohhh noooo.... I guess it really is a doggy dog world :(

>> No.12023147

What the fuck are you going on about you massive turbo faggot

>> No.12023149

I agree anon, not one single McChicken/Jiro/Bangs thread. Who do redditors think they are- cooks or something?

>> No.12023155
File: 2.51 MB, 3006x5344, IMG_20161119_125918362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a (you) and a pic of me feeding my doggo

>> No.12023157

I wanted my sandwich to get some love from the discerning critics on /ck/.

>> No.12023172

Other than the post at the top all of that food has been sitting around for over 10 hours. Assuming there's a single Taco Bell thread on /ck/ right now, /ck/ wins by a landslide.

>> No.12023214

I like your boots, your probably ain't a pussy and work for your money

>> No.12023218

>Waah people are mean to me on the internet oh noes :(
Why are you shitposting here when you could be getting all that karma bud?

>> No.12023240

Pffft you pathetic little faggot
Dust that fedora off Mr. Manly McRawsteak.

>> No.12023249

The only thing I would even entertain trying is that pastrami and I’m still skeptical

>> No.12023269

this is a pretty embarrassing post. at least give him props for hooking his dog up with a 3.5/5 burger

>> No.12023290
File: 44 KB, 640x640, RW00400C_MUL_N1_0615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you sir. I've since replaced them with pic related.
You feel better?

>> No.12023299

I wanna say it was plain burger from Steak N Shake...Can't remember.

>> No.12023587

at least here we can say what we want and have a fun discussion without getting our comments deleted or hidden. Plus we don't have literal retards posting horseshit for internet points

>> No.12023604

Unironically /ck/. At least we appreciate all types of food here. Plebbit would look down on fast food unless it's meme nonsense

>> No.12023614

Likes and dislikes are not a valid measure of worth. Democracy is flawed. To believe otherwise is to believe that humans are perfect evaluators of worth, or an ad populum argument for quality. The only thing that likes signify is popularity. And what's that worth? On professional and less inclusive groups, these measures may be more meaningful, but with food objective quality is hard to pin down and the people on the (((reddit))) page are not exactly providing expert opinions.