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12017426 No.12017426 [Reply] [Original]

What do You guys think about these meme machines?
Do you like them? Hate them? Own one? Thoughts on them? cook anything good recently with them?
Share your experiences

>> No.12017442

seems kind of dumb
if i'm trying to be healthy i'll just not eat fries and if i want fries i'll just deep fry them

>> No.12017503
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gobble gobble heh

>> No.12017514

it's just a small oven

>> No.12017593

I have one and use it fairly regularly. It's excellent for healthier home made fries and I've also made chips, fried brussel sprouts, and potato chips in it

>> No.12017601

Try a whole turkey, heh

>> No.12017611

I liked mine when I got it as a Christmas gift since it freed up oven space and can generally cook anything but the nonstick basket started flaking after less than two months use. Not sure if I want to replace it since I wasn't rough when I cleaned it.

>> No.12017616

Try a whole turkey, heh

>> No.12017621


>> No.12017627

Useful for weeknight meals when you're in a bit of a rush. I also like using mine where it reduces the amount of attention I have to give something (e.g. sausages)

>> No.12017631

If you do get one of these for fries, follow these steps:

First, preheat airfryer to 400F, put a pot of water on to boil, slice up your potatoes into fries. Once pot of water reaches rolling boil, boil the fries for 4 minutes in the pot, NO MORE than that. Rinse the fries in cold water to stop it from cooking any more. Dry the fries a bit with a paper towel, being careful not to break em. Oil them up with whatever oil you prefer, I use olive oil in a mister and mist the fries. So, you're going to toss them into the airfryer when it's reached 400F and every 5 minutes, give them a hearty shake to kind of flip em around. Do this for 20 mins total, more if you want crispier fries. Once done, salt, and serve with (ketchup with a drop or two of white truffle oil mixed into it)

>> No.12017655

Not bad. But anything you make with it that's supposed to be deep fried tastes better deep fried. And everything else you cook in it would probably be easier or better the traditional way of cooking it.

>> No.12017718

based heh poster

>> No.12017822
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I use mine often. It’s great for wings

>> No.12017991


it does use less energy than your oven though, so there's that.

>> No.12018071

It’s also faster and crisps way better

>> No.12018189

Oi ya fuck I have same thing bought it month ago. Use it daily p much

>> No.12018410

I’ve had one for a year. use it for chips, yam fries, wings and tendies. pretty dope desu

>> No.12018428


>> No.12018541

how much of a pain is it to clean?

>> No.12018615

Blow it out your ass

>> No.12018626

I'm hearing they're basically the same thing as a convection toaster oven?

A bunch of my family members got them and I thought they seemed dumb but they managed to cook a whole bunch of stuff with them pretty well/

>> No.12018656
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This is the correct answer. Wings turn out amazing.

>> No.12018976

Did you try the recipe?

>> No.12019000

Do you think that mongoloid is going to? He get out of his chair to pay the grub hub driver though.

>> No.12019011
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>Pic potentially unrelated
Yeah they invented something like that decades ago with a myriad of additional features and practicalities, its called a TOASTER OVEN

>> No.12019971

Pretty good for the ol' night whole turkey craving

>> No.12019983

Super easy

>> No.12020132

gebakken lucht

>> No.12020134 [DELETED] 

heh im gay and im not sure if that matters or not

>> No.12020340


>> No.12021039

I've got one, and the fries come out nice and crispy. Really refreshing after eating years of shitty limp diner fries.

>> No.12021317

Same. I want to try mozzarella sticks. Or, fried Babybell. Last time I tried doing it to babybell it just melted. Should I freeze it first?

>> No.12021321

thanks fren

>> No.12022718

Honestly it's pretty good.
Especially if you like french fries.
Hmm, maybe a whole turkey too.
First letter in every sentence.

>> No.12024257

sweet potato fries everyday.
Is this really good for cooking like also chicken breasts?

>> No.12024281
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Yes. Chicken breast look completely shit out of it but taste fine, so if you're preparing meals that are to look good that's a bad choice but if you want just a tasty meal, it's fine.

Pic related, turkey tendies out of my air fryer at work.

>> No.12024285

Fries (or more correctly; chips) are supposed to be an easy comfort food.

Why the fuck would you spend two hours cooking them?

>> No.12024297

It's a troll post.

Put some frozen pre-sliced fries in the fryer. Set timer to 14-15 minutes if you want them yellow and soft, 18 minutes for crunchy brownish. Shake the basket halfway through frying so they are fried evenly on all sides.

That's all there is to it.

>> No.12024643

I used to work at chick-fil-a. Later today I’m going to attempt to air fry a chicken breast like CFA used to deep fry. It automatically won’t be the same though because I’m going to spray with olive oil instead of peanut oil, and I can’t exactly remember what was all in the flour mixture and milk wash

>> No.12024657

They work, but they're kinda dumb. A good convection toaster oven can do everything they do, plus a lot more. You'd be stupid to buy an airfryer when you could have that instead.

>> No.12026347
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>Buy countrertop convection oven
>Use pan that enables air flow
>Have an "Air Fryer" that far more versatile for the same price

Why buy these meme machines?

>> No.12026358

Behind the times on fad devices-just started using a bread machine

>> No.12026374

I need to get one of these desu