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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 612x408, farmers_market_produce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12012728 No.12012728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will this fad end?

>> No.12012739


>thousands of years old tradition

if you find farmers markets pretentious then its you thats the problem

>> No.12012740

The wife is clearly having second thoughts

>> No.12012745

Yeah, that mustache is pretty fucking dumb.

>> No.12012755

She married a soy thinking she could change him. Then she got her gash contaminated so the only “man” she can attract now is another cuck

Just another day in progressiveland

>> No.12012756

>muh organic farming
>in a plot of land in the back yard
>soil laced with lead paint flakes

>> No.12012761

He's pretty good looking and she's not much. You people are blind. He's hotter than he

>> No.12012765

he was talking about polygamous relationships with children and frumpy hipster women

>> No.12012766

I wouldn’t know, I’m not a homo or a female

>> No.12012771

hopefully never. those weird mormon people or whatever they're called always have cheaper produce

>> No.12012772
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>work at grocery store
>customer loads up on tons of overpriced (((organic))) gluten-free insert health buzzword here garbage
>9 out of 10 times, they're fat fucks
Every fucking time. bonus points when they're vegetarians/vegans.
imagine getting fat eating sad bland as fuck tofu every day

>> No.12012775

I wouldn't touch his ass with a 10 foot pole.

Ponytails on men are disgusting and the mustache is soi af

>> No.12012779
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Whenever I see one of those things I make sure to throw another pound of bacon into my cart!

>> No.12012795
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>> No.12012963

What fad? Eating vegetables?

>> No.12012969

You obviously don't feel an attraction to women. She looks wonderful and I would love an opportunity to court such a one.

>> No.12012973

Nothing you assholes post will stop me from enjoying locally grown produce
If you like your community, support it or become yet another shitty town with nothing but a dollar tree

>> No.12012975

I live in Europe and all the customer are skiny and hobo looking ppl. slender milf comes too, they are the best

>> No.12012976
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hopefully never, it means good local high end cheesemakers and butchers come to me instead of me having to drive to their farms and/or showrooms individually, sometimes the females will buy vegetables and honey and flowers for...why do women buy flowers?

oh also


>Professors claim farmers' markets cultivate racism: 'Habits of white people are normalized'

>The geology professors claim that 44 percent of San Diego’s farmers’ markets cater to “households from higher socio-economic backgrounds,” which raises property values and “[displaces] low-income residents and people of color.”

Good. Donated 50 bucks to mine after reading this.

>> No.12013405

She looks like a lizard you deranged roastie. Stop trying to guess what men like

>> No.12013424

the only thing there I don't like are the gauges in the dudes ear.
Otherwise everything there is wholesome

>> No.12013429

Great post, Mr. President.

>> No.12013445

Deplorable taste. You're distracted by an awkward facial expression and badly managed hair. You need to develop an eye for true beauty or you'll be fooled by the superficialities of presentation every time.

>> No.12015289

Honestly looks more like her kid shat and she just smelled it.
t. have a cousin with a small baby and she makes that exact face when she realizes the kid has poo'ed in her arms.

>> No.12015296
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>> No.12015304
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Yeah, I fucking hate breeders.

>> No.12015311

Peak incel

>> No.12015568

>sex is only for procreation
t. religious maniac from utah

>> No.12015596

>mustaches are söy now
fuck off

>> No.12015634

>it thïnks we fīltēr thãt word ón slōw bœrds
Please stay on your containment boards tourist scum

>> No.12015652

What could possibly be bad about supporting local farmers? It's better for the environment and the food is generally better as well.

>> No.12015674

Guess what, your local farmers can’t grow your hipster lettuce without fossil fuels

Earth will do fine without us

>> No.12015713

Yes but the lasting effect on the environment is significantly lower. A ton of resources are used to ship produce across the country when you could just buy locally.

>> No.12016806

Nope have sex incel

>> No.12016828

That's a guy

>> No.12016835

When you snuff it. Do it now!

>> No.12016929

Wow, thanks anon! I google "farmer's market" just to find out if it's what I think it was or if it's only a chain of crappy hippy stores. (Such as Weight & Save.) Well, it also gave me the map view and turns out there's one like less than 2 km from me. Must go and check at least. Who knows, maybe they have some bargains.

>> No.12016948

>all white couple with children eating locally produced food is now bad

I guess the SJWs really did won

>> No.12016957

7th Day Adventists?

>> No.12016959

If not for the hippie-tier mantail he's got going on, he'd look like a 1920's young son of an immigrant, probably named Vincent or Nikos

Amazing what modern "individuality" style does to normal looking people

>> No.12017015

The Russians and the Chinese won, by turning the west against itself.
Against such external threats you should even consider a wary truce with your local niggers because at least they consider themselves American, divided you certainly are going to fall.

>> No.12017072

You're obviously female because that woman is gorgeous, especially for having 2 kids.

Post feet

>> No.12017074
File: 24 KB, 620x413, 960a5e51-59e1-4a7b-9629-7ad0e1be5ffa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically the anti-globalism campaign is largely backed by the global 1% which is terrified that the west was trying to organize itself against international cooperation - currently EU cooperation, but the fight is global - in the fight against offshore money laundering. As Piketty pointed out, in the long run democracy is fucked everywhere in the world unless all countries can agree on a mechanism to tax wealth, wherever it may be, at a rate that slows or halts its concentration in the hands of a few hundred, and then a few dozen families worldwide.

Imagine if these people actually paid their taxes, then we wouldn't have to blame everything on brown people and university professors.


Pic related, busted in the Panama Papers, ran the Brexit movement from the shadows. For the working man, of course ;)

>> No.12017078

>(((Russians and Chinese)))
Ftfy dumb boomer

>> No.12017283

Yeah OP, when will w**** people stop procreating

>> No.12017292

Chill out faggot

>> No.12017681

When will the le epic mustache fad end?

>> No.12017689

When the west collapses

>> No.12017748

Since when have handlebar mustaches not been soi.

>> No.12017755

Breeding? Not soon enough if you ask me.

>> No.12017926

How do these transperency intl niggas figure out what properties are bought with laundered money?

>> No.12017943
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, 1528186847117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the agricultural revolution was about 20,000 years ago dude

its not going away

>> No.12017949

fuck for a second i thought that was some new iteration of gallagher.

>> No.12017966

I find them overpriced. I know which shops stock local stuff.
There's some meme foods that you can't really find in shops without paying the whole foods tax, like local honey. Sometimes I'll go downtown on farmers for that. But it's more a larp and a place to hangout than to buy anything.
Real open air markets still exist in the states, but they're open every day.

>> No.12018093

Smelly, dumb, boomer scum

>> No.12018107

What’s obvious to an impartial observer and what will stand up in court are not always the same

That’s one reason why the unexplained wealth laws were passed

>> No.12019702

If your girl isn't knocked up after, you haven't fucked her right.

>> No.12019708

That's why morning after pills exist.

>> No.12019749

I was wondering how you could be so dumb and now see you are another indebted brainwashed college retard

>> No.12019786

>having thoughts


>> No.12019835

Life is so complicated now, let's ban school and it will get simpler

>> No.12019837

who can eat this many radishes

>> No.12019840

We need schools that make people smarter not dumber. Sorry to millennials who went to government schools who can't understand this

>> No.12019841

>The fight against offshore money laundering.

Wow, the brave noble fight, of government elites to tax every last penny on Earth? Wow I'm glad I have these worthy champagne sipping warriors "fighting" for me NOT.

>> No.12019843

What fad? Buying produce?

>> No.12019848

Why do you want billionaire elites hide away billions in tax havens?

>> No.12019853
File: 135 KB, 1024x640, 42785250_10211788060126557_8753955355764981760_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah every story has a both sides, they should teach the controversy and let the kids learn to think independently, maaan!

He thinks he'll be one some day if he just eats more McDonalds

>> No.12019854

but sweety then there'd be no funding for your anti-rich-people anti-freedom brainwashing so that you can be used as a bolshevik little pawn to murder and destroy all the evil "business owners" who are just competition for your mindmasters

>> No.12019862

>buzzwords: the post
Can't even answer a simple question.

>> No.12019880

>I make $55k a year which means I'm going to be paying 70% of my total income to the socialists
t. another temporarily embarrassed millionaire who can't grasp the meaning of the phrase "marginal tax rate"

>> No.12019931

What would possess a man to want to look like that?

>> No.12019959

I think OP was referring to the man's comical appearance

>> No.12019963

How did the farmers get their produce to the market? In a fucking horse and cart?

>> No.12020026

So much this.
All the corporate elites, Soros, major corporations etc etc are the ones funding and supporting Hillary/socialist of the moment, all of them screaming "tax the rich"

The fix is in and it's all fuckery and lies. When the taxes hit the pavement we find out we are "the rich" and our taxes go up, and Hillary/Obama/Harris Perry etc etc friends all get billions dollar deals and contracts. Solyndra comes to mind.

>> No.12020058

>i'm too stupid to understand marginal tax rates

>> No.12020187

>I think I can snow sane people with adhom and libtard buzzwords.

You are a laughingstock stop wasting your time.

>> No.12020201

>>customer loads up on tons of overpriced (((organic))) gluten-free insert health buzzword here garbage
>>9 out of 10 times, they're fat fucks

Haha yeah Allah forbid they actually want to lose weight and become healthy!! Haha those fat fucks should all go die amirite brother?!

>> No.12020203

Not him but
Nice ad hominem. And it's laughing stock not laughingstock.
Was tax a buzzword? Or marginal? Or rates?
Your stupidity is showing, please stop posting. Or at least learn English first so you can use the English words correctly.

>> No.12020211

You lose weight by eating less calories than you burn not by buying overpriced hippy shit.

>> No.12020215


Yeah but if you buy overpriced hippy shit, you have less money for other food, causing you to lose weight.

>> No.12020219 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12020246

This. The worst part is that your every attempt at managing your weight is ridiculed.

"A DIET coke, trying to lose some weight I see :D"
"You are eating salad now but I wonder what for supper..."
"You are going to die from heart attack at 50 like Atkins."
"That's pointless, it's all going to come back you know."
"Haha, just eat less bro! It's calories in, calories out!"

That makes me sad. Brb, going to eat 16 potatoes with italian salad and ravioli while crying a little.

>> No.12020249

I find better prices at farmers markets because they only sell in season vegetables so the yield is higher and theres less transportation costs

>> No.12020277

You fell for the men dummy, it's all trucked in or flown in from china

>> No.12020282

That's only the asians. It's not hard to spot those vendors

>> No.12020349

The farmers market in my town is tightly controlled and literally inspect each vendor's farm to ensure the food is being produced locally. They don't put up with any of that nonsense.

>> No.12020353

Oops meant for >>12020277

>> No.12020858

This has to be a false flag

>> No.12020871

Damn, we really arent allowed to have anything are we?

>> No.12020931

ITT: Butthurt incels mad that they'll never reproduce
Larping as boomers isn't going to get you laid faggots.

>> No.12020976

Back to Europe

>> No.12021058

>2 kids
>decent looking wife


>> No.12021123

>making handsome white children
Bad goy!

>> No.12022519

By "better" you mean more reflective of the true costs because they're not selling meat by heavily subsidized conglomerates?

Because I agree it would be better if meat prices were more realistic, but I assume you mean lower prices, which is the opposite of that.

>> No.12022590

Take a good look at her face. Shes ugly af and will produce betafag sons

>> No.12022625

Jesus, just come out of the closet you faggot!