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File: 166 KB, 1200x893, 1200px-McDonald's_Filet-O-Fish_sandwich_(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12010452 No.12010452 [Reply] [Original]

So it's pretty much agreed by now that the Filet O' Fish is the best item on the McDonalds menu. There's just something about the succulent fish with a rich sauce on a warm steamed bun that people can't get enough of. Which got me thinking, why don't they use the fish patty on their breakfast menu? It would be such an incredible option. Even just a Filet O' Fish with an egg and maybe some bacon would have me coming back for a McDonald's breakfast whenever possible and loving it every time. How can we make this dream a reality?

>> No.12010458

Its a menu filler item for Catholics and an embarrassment to everyone else who knows what actual good fish can be.

>> No.12010461

I'm drunk so I'll make this brief
>Filet O' Fish is garbage
>I still love it like a favorite whore
>Nothing on McDonald's menu is improved by adding eggs.
>My favorite paring of Filet O' Fish is with mcnuggies cause it's lighter than a burger but still more substantial than shoveling chicken morsels down your throat.

>> No.12010463

The steamed bun is the best part.

Has anyone here requested the steamed bun for other burgers at McDonalds? Did they do it?

>> No.12010505

Steamed buns give me the shits

McDonalds should be banned from the planet

>> No.12010567

>Steamed buns give me the shits
God imagine being so weak this happens to you.

>> No.12010627
File: 5 KB, 70x95, filet o fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me

>> No.12010631

filet of fish isn't bad, but americans (and western europeans) don't eat fish for breakfast.

>> No.12011594
File: 151 KB, 480x360, egg_fish_delish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even just a Filet O' Fish with an egg

>> No.12011603

i used to like it a lot when i was a kid because i hated burgers and stil like the one form BK but ordered a filet o fish on a whim a few weeks back. 3 fucking dollars for a pathetically small fish burger with no toppings. fuck that

>> No.12011613

Tartar sauce kind of is the topping.

>> No.12011618

Do you think they'll ever remove it from their menu? I'll be very sad if that day comes, it's my favorite sandwich from that shithole.

>> No.12011775
File: 13 KB, 400x237, underwear-50s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I had leftover tilapia on a hard roll for breakfast this morning and I'm USA

checkmate atheists

>> No.12012763

As long as Catholics and Asians exist its gonna be on the menu.

>> No.12013169


Brits eat kippers for breakfast.

>> No.12013791

It's only expensive if you're always going to McDonalds, which nobody should do. If you just happen to be at McDonalds because there aren't any better options around, you might as well spring the extra couple of dollars for the only menu item that tastes any good, apart from fries.