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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 900x600, 1beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12006498 No.12006498 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a bit of a woman if you dont enjoy beer?
Especially IPA
The meme with IPA is that nu males drink it, when it is in fact a lot more bitter than regular beer. It takes a man to enjoy IPA

>> No.12006512

The real problem is that this place is full of boomers. Like all boomers they fear change and perfer to stick to the old coors milllers and budweisers. They are so bluepilled that they can't see that the greedy jews opted to sacrifice quality in the beer to increase profits.

>> No.12006688

Careing what people think of you based on your drink is a meme, saying that you would look like a fag drinking a pink drink with a straw on the first sight, but as long as you're a confident person with an actual personality No one will give a fuck anon. Just dont act like a pussy and you will be just fine drinking anything from ipas to fucking cosmos.

>> No.12006691

Hops are feminizing. IPAs are the hoppiest beers. Enjoy your tits, OP, they’re the only ones you’ll ever get to grope.

>> No.12006695

this pic just reminds me of those "are you dehydrated" charts that doctors love

>> No.12006725
File: 24 KB, 143x400, 23462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 pack of Ipa is $10
>when I can get drunk off 2-3 tall boys for under $3
If anyone is being jewed, it's you fags. Beer shouldn't be bitter. It should be crisp and light with a hint of grain.

>> No.12006741

Boomers like Papapazian created the craft beer resurgence in the late 70's early 80's, retard.

>> No.12006748

>when it is in fact a lot more bitter than regular beer
what? it's literally sweet, are you taste-deaf?

>> No.12006769

I love ipas. But to associate masculinity from the beer you drink is the most immature rhetoric I've ever heard. The amount of insecurity that is felt to make this claim is on par with all the other consumer masculinity products we see being sold.
>"Be a man, grow a beard then buy all my beard products"
>"be a man, buy this truck"
>"be a man, eat this obnoxious, unhealthy meal that costs 3x normal price because marketing"

The only argument would be linked to age. The bitter taste is scientifically proven to have less effect as one gets older. That's why old people can eat bitter melon soup and the like, it tastes less bitter than it would to a young person.

>> No.12006771

ipa is literally made with more hops
hops make the drink bitter
you are dumb

>> No.12006774

>"be a man, buy this truck"
Considering manual labor is comprised of like 97% men, it makes sense for men to be the primary consumers of a truck. My job pretty much requires us to have trucks because of all the tools and machinery we have to haul from house to house.

>> No.12006775

Pretty much all alcohol was ruined for me early on. I'm sure it tastes fine, but I can't bring myself to drink

>> No.12006781

>tfw most of my family is alcoholics constantly doing stupid shit and getting arrested/duis
>tfw I always thought I wouldn't drink
>tfw I realized that stupid people will do stupid shit regardless of alcohol and if you aren't yourself stupid alcohol won't make you do stupid shit
I only drink in my own house and play vidya/cook/watch movies while I'm drunk. Have never done anything stupid while under the influence except watch bad movies

>> No.12006785

Sweet substances and bitter substances interact to mutually suppress each other.

>> No.12006797

The problem is that you know those fags are drinking IPA to compensate and to conform at the same time. Most of those fucking people don't even drink to get drunk, so why would you be choosing an IPA.

>> No.12006804

>drink beer a couple degrees above freezing
>have to be retard strong porter, or ipa to taste anything

>> No.12006854
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>not enjoying IPA

>> No.12006864

Before the story trailer hit it never crossed my mind that two Raidens could be present.

>> No.12006873
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>Before the story trailer hit it never crossed my mind that two Raidens could be present.

>> No.12006889

Like in my head I assumed a major part of the story would be universe B trying to stop Raiden because he's such a dick

>> No.12006900
File: 181 KB, 640x640, 1523543617517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12 pack of IPA is $14
>actually get drunk off good tasting beer
>don't have to buy 30 more piss beers to try to get as drunk
If anyone is being jew'd, its you retards that will pay for piss. Beer shouldn't be light and crisp like a kid's sodi-pop drink. Fag.

>> No.12006907

I just want a fucking rpg setting like Deception, while having the beat em up fun of Shalom Monks.

>> No.12006925

Cope harder goy. Your "12 pack" is a 12 pack of 12 ouncers. I can get 288 ounces of 6% beer for that same price. It also doesn't taste like piss. Light beer tastes like piss. Not ice beer. I bet you have never had a non-ipa or craft beer in your life and get all your info from fags you follow on twitter

>> No.12006959
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>err I drink bitter beer becuz I'm a MAYUN

Holy shit, fuck off. Do you not see how trying to conform with pre-determined 'masculine' activities is actually beta as fuck?
What's manly is doing whatever the fuck you want and drinking whatever the fuck you want, stop it with this 'errr I'm such a man because I drink ipa' retarded horseshit. Honestly, the most alpha dude in the bar is the burly ass dude sipping on white wine knowing full well that no one is going to say shit. Confidence is what makes a man, latching onto masculine activities in hopes of gaining your 'man card' in the eyes of your peers bleeds insecurity


>> No.12006976

>Honestly, the most alpha dude in the bar is the burly ass dude sipping on white wine knowing full well that no one is going to say shit
We're all just talking about what a massive fag he is, because let's be honest. A big hairy guy in a bar drinking wine is a bearfag and should go back to his gay bar. Appearances are everything. You might know this if you had a successful career. You don't get buyers by driving your "just as good" honda civic and drinking your "I drink whatever I was sour appletini." Drink what you want in the privacy of your own home unless you want people to think you're a massive fag or betaboy

>> No.12007001

>caring what other people think of you
Go back r*ddit

>> No.12007007

This post reeks of beta

>> No.12007023

IPAs aren't sweet you dumb fuck, do you think they add sugar? It's just malt and hops

>> No.12007031

t.betaboys who think they're seen as alpha while sipping a strawberry daiquiri at the bar. Even women are laughing at you. SAD!

>> No.12007048

Imagine actually being this insecure

cringe desu

>> No.12007055

>we're all talking about what a massive fag he is
>hey dude look how gay that big muscular man is over there
>what is he drinking? A daiquiri? What a fag!
>haha I bet if I walked over there and asked to suck his dick he would let me
>maybe we should go ask if he wants to fuck us, like wouldnt that be so gay of him?
>I bet his lips are soft

>> No.12007060

Only people I know irl who drink IPA’s are insecure boys worried about appearing manly.... maybe IPA’s are for insecure man children

>> No.12007072

You realize this is what gay parades where the fags come out waving dildos around is based around, right? "who cares what people think." Nigger the entire world revolves around appearance. What if the president went to a UN meeting in sweatpants and a t-shirt?
I bet this is your thought process for those situation you fucking homo.

>> No.12007076
File: 119 KB, 1200x630, B82CB494-A634-4AE1-A8D8-D71BC8702C28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only drink IPA that’s for real men!
>What? Vodka? Ew! That’s so disgusting and not to mention way more toxic for your liver!
>Ha! Dumb betas can’t handle a real mans drink like an IPA keep drinking your Miller lites you plebs!

>> No.12007080

>N-no you're gay! Not me! I'm not gay because I make fun of other men based on appearance with my boyfriends!

>> No.12007084
File: 887 KB, 1592x880, BC65E376-450A-4F99-812D-3C603EF6D80B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a reason this exists

>> No.12007090

>gays have been lynched/sterilized/tortured/persecuted for thousands of years by straight men
>implying doing the same makes you not a man
Fags aren't human. If you look like a fag, even in this age, people will make fun of you. You sipping a fruity colored drink is the same as you taking it up the ass. Because straight men don't drink fruity drinks. Only fags

>> No.12007092

You seem really fixated on other mens' sexuality and appearance for someone who isn't gay

>> No.12007095

this. there is a reason the jocks in high school got pussy and the kids wearing pokemon shirts were bullied by both men and women and grew up to be angry incels posting about Ipas on 4chan

>> No.12007097

I do enjoy an ice cold Blue Moon now and again

>> No.12007105

Found the election refugee

>> No.12007106

Taken right out of the liberal non-argument book. Word for word too. I remember hearing this for months from liberals on goybook when gay marriage was being fought for by you fags. It can't possibly be that your lifestyles sicken normal people with rational minds. How you fags constantly try to push young people to be queers like you.

>> No.12007110
File: 446 KB, 1122x629, 39667232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been here since 2005 when /k/ became a board. Nice try though, discord trannie.

>> No.12007115

It must bother you seeing people freely expressing their sexuality when you have to repress it so hard, it's okay anon it's current year! Emerge from your chrysalis and be the beautiful gay butterfly you know you are.

>> No.12007120
File: 1.06 MB, 1254x1424, Screenshot_20190309-013255_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole world is about appearance

Have you ever actually seen a successful person? Very successful people pretty much all share the trait of not giving a fuck of what others think

E.g record label exec Michael blakey (pic related)
He has a face like a German lesbian, I'm fairly sure he wears makeup (he's straight), he dresses like a gay teenager from the 80s
and is just overall fucking odd.

Despite this he's worth $60m+

>> No.12007126
File: 1.93 MB, 2200x1800, 1540254233825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shoo now, discord trannie. Being gay will never be seen as normal. You will always disgust everyone around you except other fags

>> No.12007134

Nigger he looks like he came from a 1970's porno. Given his age that is acceptable attire because that was fashionable in the 70's. If a 28 year old was wearing that he would be a faggot

>> No.12007138

Taken straight from the overcompensating beta male non-argument book. Anon. It's okay, you are safe and loved. No one will judge you for liking cock anymore.

>> No.12007142
File: 268 KB, 841x806, 1542252998335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no arguments left so I'll just keep projecting my fagness!
back to /r9k/ you massive pedo fag

>> No.12007144

>been here since 200x
>posts easily obtainable screenshot from fuck anywhere on the internet
>claims I’m a tranny on discord
Wew we got a big boy on our hands

>> No.12007146


First off, yes.

Second off, IPA is for neckbearded soiboys.

Stout, lagers and ports are what men drink.

>> No.12007149


>> No.12007154


>> No.12007155

You can easily find any screencap of any 4chan thread pretty much anywhere if you look hard enough. Only way to prove it is to screenshot when you downloaded the image. But to have the same Hd/flashdrive from over a decade ago is pretty uncommon.

>> No.12007158

>ahem my good sir that is an ad hominem logical fallacy! I have won this verbal bout!
Retreat you closet queer!

>> No.12007160

Depressingly underrated

>> No.12007162

IPAs suck. Stop drinking dish soap.

Basing your identity over which grain juice you prefer is some bitch boi shit

>> No.12007171
File: 527 KB, 1610x964, 1548042478579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the type of people in this image are the only ones who defend gay rights. They sure seem mentally sane. The good thing is that fags don't reproduce, so your genes won't spread.

>> No.12007187

Nice strawman generalization Mr logical arguments

>> No.12007363

The most masculine drink is water. Enjoy your increased estrogen, fags!

>> No.12008283

Be a man and drink Belgians and Barleywines

>> No.12008352

>drinking beer just to get drunk
>being poorfag and regular fag

>> No.12008407

The boomers who have taken the craft beer pill loves it more than anyone else.

>> No.12008453

why do they taste literally sweet if they aren't sweet?

>> No.12008532

They are very sweet, that retard doesn't know what he's talking about. More sugar equals potentially more alcohol, depending on the yeast etc.

>> No.12008539

>make a beer that is intensely bitter so you can give it a hipster name
>load it with sugar so hipsters can actually swallow it without gagging

>> No.12008600
File: 334 KB, 758x758, 1527603199253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who treat 'manly' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be manly themselves. To be concerned about being manly, to admire the manly because it is manly, to blush at the suspicion of being girly; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young boys ought to want to become men. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being manly is a mark of a lack of security in one's sexuality, as well as latent homosexuality. When I was seven, I drank peach schnapps in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am 36 I drink wine coolers openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of girliness and the desire to be manly.

>> No.12008623

>I like IPA
Congratulations, your palate is ill-equipped to detect toxins. You'd probably poison yourself if left to survive alone in the wild.

>> No.12008625

>In a thread about poison

>> No.12008648

>When I became a man
if you watch anime or post on imageboards after 20, you are not a man

>> No.12008728

The only right answer is that it’s retarded and unfeasible to judge anyone’s character by their beer preference, but if you’re to go by stupid stereotypes then yeah this is true.

I don’t get people’s problems with IPA’s. Whether you like them or not, it is objectively true that they have the most complex flavor profile of any beer. The good one’s anyway

>> No.12009267

>Your "12 pack" is a 12 pack of 12 ouncers
>I can get 288 ounces of 6% piss lager for that price
Well you see, dipshit. I prefer ale over piss lager.
But besides the fact you can't do simple math, or understand how autistic you sound.
>I bet you have never had a non-ipa or craft beer in your life
Wow, you sound very insecure.
Imagine being so insecure about alcohol that you have to try this hard.
Thats right kiddo, anybody that likes IPA is immediately a hipster faggot that has never had any other beer before
Holy shit, son, I'm sorry you're autistic.

>> No.12009373

I bet at least half the people in this thread couldn't pick up 100+ pounds over their shoulder and carry it. I do this kinda shit at work on a regular basis, and I own a fuckload of pink panties and thousands of dollars worth of huge dildos. You guys are all less manly than an admitted total faggot.

My personal drink of choice is whisky, rye, bourbon or scotch are all cool with me. Beer is something I want cold when I'm thirsty after work, when I want to get drunk I want something harder.

>> No.12009399

>100 lbs
Are you talking about carrying the potato bags at five guys?

>> No.12009410

fucking not really. IPA. I Prefer a Different Ale. Fuck these crazy white boy extra hopped super bitter beer. I don't understand the crazy. Has absolutely nothing to do with being a bitch. That shit is simply not for everyone senpai.

>> No.12009568

Come back to me when you've slugged around 1/2 inch thick tempered glass and steel I-beams, bitch boy.

>> No.12009576

Oh boy 100 pounds! You're so strong!

>> No.12009595

Boomers olive IPAs since their tastebuds are shot and that's the only beer they can taste

>> No.12009603

IPAs are pretty shit. Drinking one right now. Stop reminding me of my bad decisions

>> No.12009618

>if you _ you aren't a man

Not that guy but your insecurity is showing.
Being many is just taking care of your business, you can do that and still enjoy any hobby you please.

>> No.12009660


Drinking isn’t always about getting drunk. If I am drinking to get drunk, I will reach for something cheap and light, but if I just want a drink after work, IPAs are ideal because they have a high enough alcohol content that one glass is sufficient to get me where I want to be.

>> No.12009665

I dont know how I feel about IPAs. they can taste ok, but they make me feel kind of sick and heavy

>> No.12009754

>yummy nummy liquid carbs!!!1! Le epic moustache bacon masculinity my good gentlesir!
I bet you wear a flannel over a too-tight Atari T-shirt, you disgusting numale

>> No.12009760

stop drinking West coastie style IPA

>> No.12009786

IPA is the boba tea of white people

>> No.12009801
File: 157 KB, 960x720, HopePoliceDontSeeMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. In fact women drink harder alcoholic beverages, like wine, and if you ever had any triple IPA's. They pretty much taste like shitty wine.
The only meme I've ever heard is people saying that anybody who likes IPA is a hipster soyboy.
Have literally never once seen a meme akin to "You don't like IPA or beer? You're not a man.".

So... are fags still trying to shill and make people who drink IPA seem like big gays by naturally being their faggotiy self?

This "meme" you speak of sounds like you're a faggot trying to force a "meme" or you're literally so insecure that you think your friends telling you you're a faggot for complaining about beer is a "meme". When in reality you're just a complaining little bitch, and that is the real meme.

>> No.12009814

Wine is technically harder, but it has way more calories per ounce because women need to essentially be drinking juice to like alcohol

>> No.12009832

what does calories have to do with taste of alcohol? ive literally never met anybody who actually likes taste of it, its just a burning fucking liquid that turns into ethanol and shit to get you high.
women like to get drunk, and like alcohol, and most i know like any type of alcoholic beverage, but love to complain about the taste of anything.

>> No.12009835

Lmao @ all the people in this thread claiming macro lager is for boomers and IPAs are somehow new. Boomers who drink craft beer love IPAs and there's a sizable amount of boomers who drink craft.

>> No.12009844

Well duh, straight ethanol doesn't taste of much but burn. People exclusively drink it to get drunk.

>> No.12009848

macro lager is definitely dominated by boomers. Of curse not all of them drink it but its way the fuck more popular amongst boomers than it is for millennial. Bud Light is basically the quintessential boomer mom beer

>> No.12009858

This is the worst beer you can get drunker on $3 worth of vodka and it's not subjecting yourself to drinking the vilest tasting beer on the market. Stop being poor or get smarter about getting drunk.

>> No.12009995

can the normies PLEASE fuck off?

>> No.12010150

You carry that shit around for 40+ hours a week and tell me how your back/shoulders/knees feel after it. Almost everybody I work with who's done it for years has something wrong with them from doing it. If you don't, then you're a better man than me and I want to know what you do for a living so I can switch careers

>> No.12010155

lager is for cucks, ale is the only true beer

>> No.12010168

a: No IPA is 12 for 14
b: What happened to the "you've got to take your time and sip it, bro" meme that IPA apologists always use?
c: Even if you can stomach the taste of concentrated lawn trimmings, why would you want to choke down twelve cans of it instead of something milder?

>> No.12010175

Every damn time

>> No.12010264
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>> No.12010276
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>> No.12010291


>> No.12010336
File: 21 KB, 400x400, qtptj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dudes getting seriously ass blasted about how masculine a drink is

>Laughs in femanon

>> No.12010379

Oh cool a beer thr-
>shitposting about which drink is more manly

>> No.12010421

>ale vs lager slap fight

>stout bois living in enlightened peace

>> No.12010467
File: 1.39 MB, 1400x1001, Gowans-0010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the sweeter, fruity IPAs myself
though these days I'm much more into cider

>> No.12010502

The general consensus is that they're not sweet. Either you had some shitty IPA or your taste buds are wired differently.

>> No.12010508

Real men drink normal beer instead of Moonshine Stale Ale(tm).

>> No.12010615
File: 199 KB, 1256x500, Insecurity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step aside, you fucking brainlets, time to drop a truth bomb on this thread:

>> No.12010619

a: Actually yes, there are plenty. Maybe you live in a shithole city where they have to import it?
b: What the fuck meme are you talking about, do you literally have autism?
>c: cans
you're without doubt autistic, my bad.
d: why would you want to drink piss instead of lawn trimmings or gasoline?
e: you have a weak stomach if you can't even handle grass trimmings, this has nothing to do with gender

>> No.12010626

just don't understand why you would go with a 5.9% beer if you're going the tallboy route... just get steel reserve

>> No.12010763

>100+ pounds

>> No.12010764

>Not that guy but your insecurity is showing.
having standards is not insecurity, wtf kind of wonderland do you live in? have you been raised by women?

>> No.12010773

not sure, i associate IPAs with fruity, sweet taste. but i'm not an expert, just have ordered them randomly at times at some bars and that's always been the taste

not the sweetest though, i'd probably rate the sweetest i've tried the german Dunkles beer, then IPAs, and then a bit less sweet german Hefeweizen

but i would certainly not rate any lager or pilsner i've tried as anywhere as sweet as an IPA

>> No.12010777

>just be yourself xD
it's not the 90s anymore kid, nobody believes in that shit, if you want to cut your cock off go ahead, but don't expect me to pander to you

>> No.12010781

judgemental trips are judgmental

>> No.12010803


>> No.12010805

It's not a crime to avoid shitty IPAs.

>> No.12010818

Because the post-2016 zoomer immigrants from r/The_Donald know absolutely nothing about memes or creating OC, so they lightly tweak and recycle stale, existing content (typically pepe and wojak) to fit the latest "people we don't like" mold that they've derived from either twitter or youtube e-celebs that no self-respecting oldfag would give a micro-fraction of a shit about.

>> No.12010886


>> No.12010902

I work at a liquor store and I have a lot to say so I'll number them.

1. Literally everyone talking shit in this thread has no idea what they're taking about.

2. IPA's are high in hops, and hops are female plants and raise estrogen levels

3. Hipsters and gays love IPAs and their "girlfriends" usually get wine or cider.

>> No.12010927

I'm a bartender, so you're a faggot.

1. Literally you're a dipshit faggot that can't even call people out, because you know you'll get destroyed, like the stupid faggot you are

2. All IPA is not high in hops, and hops are female plants that contain phytoestrogen and doesn't break down into estrogen in humans. You're literally autistic

3. I'm not a hipster or faggot and love IPA, and my girlfriend, who was born with a vagina loves whiskey and vodka, as well as wine and cider.

4. You're insecure that you have no gf, no taste in beer or liquor, and are literally gay and autistic. Congrats.

>> No.12010946

>thinking eating female plants increases estrogen in humans

Imagine being this retarded. Do you not eat beef either because cows are females?

>> No.12010969


Oh you're a bartender? Do you drink on the job? Thought so. Sit down kid and let the sober adults talk about beer.

>> No.12010975

why do you trannies care so much about proving theyre the opposite gender when gender is on a spectrum.

>> No.12010994


Oh you're a liquor store lackee? Do you drink on the job? Thought so. Sit down kiddo and let the sober adults talk about beer.

>> No.12011017


Aside from all the insecure accusations that I'm a faggot or autistic or have no gf or any taste in beer/liquor, or the absurd statement that you both love IPA and aren't a faggot;

I'll grant you I don't have a gf (male) but I soon hope to have one, thanks to the hops in the IPAs most of the boys around town are drinking.

>> No.12011051

The only people I've met who like IPA are men who like to be sodomized by their wives. It's the kind of men that prep the bull if you know what I mean. Cucks drink Ipa m8. Porters and stouts are for real men. Now take off your mother's underwear and buy a real beer

>> No.12011076

How can you say you love a woman if you won’t even let her plunder your boipucci?

>> No.12011095

Literally mirroring my insults is the most faggoty thing you can do. Hilarious, glad you're so offended that I copy pasta'd your whole comment. Sorry you're so insecure, kiddo.
Have fun trying to have sex with trannys, you wierd little faggot.

hahahaahahaha hahahahaha hahahahahaha

holy shit, get fucking rekt'd newfag.

>> No.12011141

You sound like a massive pussy

>> No.12011156
File: 109 KB, 340x264, 379193FC-B992-444C-BC53-5EBA3AF8BC56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too faggoty for a channer
Too edgy for a redditor

Must be a 9gagger

>> No.12011165

199% fresh content.

>> No.12011207
File: 40 KB, 500x500, LmfaoGetRektd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally a newfag
Glad to see my superiority has upset you.

>> No.12011248
File: 1020 KB, 1167x800, C26EDC3412D249A7BED8708FD4CA93A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate hoppy beers. Pretty gross stuff imho. I prefer sours

>> No.12011359

Most girls I know generally prefer IPAs, especially when compared to stouts, strong ales, and sour/wild ales. Although that's also the case with people who are just generally inexperienced with beer and haven't developed much of a palette. It would make sense that girls are pushed away from craft beer culture in general, because this thread contains the exact type of crazy that inhabits it.

This is probably the worst thread I've seen on /ck/ in a long time.

>> No.12011370

I drink IPAs to get fucked up

>> No.12011387

It's called hard of tasting.

>> No.12011417

What if I like IPA, stouts and ports?

>> No.12011736

>3. I'm not a hipster or faggot and love IPA
anon, if you you have to explicitly say your aren't, i have bad news for you

>> No.12011743

more like fucked in the ass