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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12005111 No.12005111 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with having an electric stove/oven? Any special considerations when cooking? I'm moving soon and going to this from gas.

>> No.12005120

Its a little little slower, a little hotter and you need to pull the pan from the coil to take it off heat even if you turn the boiler off. Simmering is a little more difficult, Otherwise its fine.

>> No.12005312

>a little hotter

They're garbage. Less heat control, take longer to heat up the pan, harder to clean, a fucking safety hazard, etc.

>> No.12005805

Im looking into putting a large cutting board over my electric stove to increase my work space then buying one of those japanese tabletop gas stoves. Electric stove tops are fucking garbage.

>> No.12005870

what could go wrong?

>> No.12005878

remove the coils then, mine all pop out. also make it a wood cutting board, plastic might melt when the oven is used

>> No.12005906

> remove the coils
Good idea. I have a large wooden cutting board i made from a cutout of a different project. Forgot about the oven exhaust tho, even with wood its probably not a good idea to cover

>> No.12005933

>, a little hotter
Hohoho, you are wrong.

>> No.12005944


>> No.12006161

They're pretty cool. Less dangerous than gas stoves. I had to use these all throughout college, living in a dorm, and they were just so much more useable than the stoves back home.

>> No.12006301

>safety hazard

>> No.12006310


They just take longer to heat up, once you get used to it it's no big deal.

>> No.12007986

What do you mean what? You have glowing red hot coils after the heat is off?

>> No.12008019

Making do with one for years and years because living in apartments where these are the norm.
Basically, the biggest thing is what Anon already said. Less control over heat. You pretty much have to turn heat up or down way in advance and potentially remove from the surface to have proper control, because they take time to heat up and cool down.
It's not great, but it's manageable once you get the hang of how your stove works.

>> No.12008028

>imagine being a europoor and having to use this shit by EU law

>> No.12008035

And you still have a hot oven after the gas is off.

>> No.12008055

The oven has a door.

>> No.12008064

For the jews, yes.

>> No.12008075

The number one thing to remember is the heat doesn't change as quickly or dramatically as with gas. If you need to rapidly turn the heat down or up, you must move to a different burner. You need to plan things out a little more and make sure you always have a burner free.

>> No.12008077

>Less dangerous than gas stoves.
In what fucking way?

>> No.12008093

Shills detected.

>> No.12008118

Not him, but the fact you dont have an open flame may have something to do with it...

That said, apart from being environmentally friendly, electric stoves don't have many advantages on gas ones.

>> No.12008119

Get used to managing heat but taking the pot or pan off the stove instead of turning down the hob. The heat lingers in these things in a way it doesn't with gas, so physically removing, so to speak, the pan is much more effective.

>> No.12008130

I've had a grease fire once in my life, and it was on an electric stove. The fact that it gives an appearance of supposed safety actually makes it less safe.

>> No.12008143

>Because gas burners provide instant heat, and cooks have greater control over the temperatures, they're generally more energy efficient than their electric competitors

Why are eco-terrorists always doing things to make lives harder while still being counter-productive to their causes?

>> No.12008172

I guess that depends a lot on where your electricity is coming from.
If you're getting at least some of it from wind, solar, and nuclear the electric stove might still be more environmentally friendly even if it actually wastes more joules.

>> No.12008184

Yep. Energy efficiency is only one part of the problem. Electric stoves at least have the capacity to be environmentally friendly, on the other hand, burning butane or whatever directly is never going to be.

>> No.12008186

potential for gas leaks leading to CO poisoning or explosions. years ago my gf's friend was heating something up on our stove and didn't turn it off properly. somehow the flame went out but the knob was still on low. woke up the next morning feeling woozy and realized the whole house was full of gas. thank god it was summer and we had some windows open.

>> No.12008213

you literally didn't even read what you posted lmao
the article makes a vague unsourced claim ("source" listed but if you click the link the source has been deleted) that a gas stove MAY use less "energy" because people theoretically need to spend less time preheating, which is funny because the article goes on to make another SOURCED claim that electric ranges are 70% heat efficient compared to gas being 35 to 40% efficient, and induction burners are 90% efficient, which speaks against the vague unsourced claim that maybe instant heat is more efficient, since you see far less of it in the actual pan

then there's the fact that electric stoves are much higher btu in general for cheaper, same with induction, the only bad thing about electric coil is that it can warp cheap pans if you set the heat too high, but even the highest gas temps. are usually comparable to a medium high on an electric range unless you're using a heavy duty outdoor propane burner

>> No.12008217

Methane doesn't give you CO poisoning

>> No.12008251

well, it can still kill you by suffocation if you house is full of it.

>> No.12008274

>have to reach over hot coils to turn off stove
Yikes! Also there's really no difference except you can't use them if your power goes out

>> No.12008295

That's why they add a smell artificially

>> No.12008310

Be prepared to wait while the element heats up. its fucking shit.

>> No.12008379

yes, which is why i knew what it was when i woke up, but the gas was slowly filling up the house while we were asleep. it wasn't turned up high enough that we noticed the smell before we went to bed.

>> No.12008393

You realize heat and fire are both ignition sources? Put cloth on a hot stovetop and it'll light on fire, as well. I'd argue it's actually more dangerous because of ignorance like yours being all-too-common. Most people are aware to respect fire.

>> No.12008419

>muh potential
Gas stoves are hooked up to natural gas pipelines. That's a green alternative. Just stop.

>The heat we feel from electric stoves traces back to coal-burning power plants [source: TreeHugger]. According to the Rocky Mountain Institute, this process spends three or four units of fuel in exchange for one unit of electricity [source: Cureton and Reed]. At the same time, gas stovetops are not environmentally perfect either, since they hook up to natural gas pipelines.

>> No.12008425

If you left an electric stove on overnight while you slept you'd cause a lot more damage than "feeling woozy".

>> No.12008573

not turning on your stove doesn't prevent them burning coal you absolute brainlet
coal power is also not the only way to generate electricity, stop trying to move the goalposts and just accept you're retarded and don't actually care about what you're posturing as

>> No.12008586

Induction rules supreme

>> No.12008594

coal is the primary way to generate electricity you mong

>> No.12008613

They suck ass because the bottom of the pan rarely makes good contact with the coil. Using a heavy pan helps with this somewhat. As others pointed out if you want something off the heat you have to move it off the coil because the heat lingers.

>> No.12008622

>not using electricity doesn't prevent electricity from being used
I get that one person not using their stove barely does anything, but if everyone stopped using electric stoves the demand for coal-powered electricity would go down.

>coal power is also not the only way to generate electricity
It is the primary way. The only person moving goal-posts. If you compare the carbon impact between the two, gas ranges are less.

If you really want to be obnoxious, shill for induction.

>> No.12008629
File: 273 KB, 636x402, portable gas stove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do like Jun's kitchen

>> No.12008643

don't jump into this without having bothered to fucking read it
this entire stupid thing started because some hippie retard posted a link he didn't even fucking read, he claimed that gas was more energy efficient than electric cooking methods, his own link disagreed with him and suggested that electric cooking methods, INCLUDING induction, were more efficient than gas

holy fuck stop posting on this board you absolutely subhuman SCUM fuck OFF

>> No.12008661

No shit. Pass a cloth past a flame and it'll set alight. Put a cloth on an electric hob, press down, and nothing will happen, you will burn yourself before the cloth sets alight. Terrible example

>> No.12008675

>being this mad
It's okay to admit you were wrong no reason to chimp out. I don't care what other Anon said. Currently, electric stoves (not induction) are less environmentally-friendly than gas stoves in general. Exceptions and potentials are irrelevant to contemporary reality.

>> No.12008697

you've already been proven wrong by the only source posted in the thread, and this discussion was ONLY about the poster not even reading the source they posted, whether or not one is actually more efficient than the other is completely irrelevant to why this discussion is taking place, it's just about fucking subhumans like the both of you being completely incapable of FUCKING READING

>> No.12008700

Why do I need to press the cloth into the coil? I don't do that with the fire? It's not a terrible example, it's an accurate one. Kitchen fires, almost always, happen due to negligence or accidents, not willful arson. In fact, I'd argue it's more likely to accidentally burn yourself on a col than a fire since more surface area is exposed. And it's definitely more dangerous to be left unattended with children in the household.

The only reason to ever use electric stovetops (not induction) is economically.

>> No.12008704

What exactly did I say was "proven wrong"? I'm pretty confident you were proven wrong than strawmanned his argument.

>> No.12008718

My point is that you wouldn't have sufficient induction of heat unless its actually making contact, which is relatively unlikely to occur compared to the immediate heat transfer put out by the gas flame.

You're right though, negligence is possible with either stove type and you can fuck shit up.

>> No.12008736

maybe you should go acquire an 8th grade reading level instead of asking me how to follow basic sentences over and over dude, you would not even have replied in the first place if you understood what I was fucking saying because there'd be zero to disagree with everything I said was fucking factual and indisputable, but I can't wait for you to misinterpret these basic words for the 5th time so have at it, keep being a piece of shit

>> No.12008740

>I can't explain why you're wrong
Good chat. Go back to /tv/ or something.

>> No.12008836
File: 87 KB, 375x500, rape stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't even look at buying a new oven unless it has a comprehensive rape feature.

>> No.12008867

Dude it sucks. I moved to a place with this and it just plain sucks. It takes a thousand years to heat up and a thousand years to cool down

>> No.12010307

This, varying by recipe. If I'm boiling or simmering the coil is fine, if I have the chip pan or wok out the hotpot burner comes out with it.

>> No.12010416

They're not that great. They take a while to heat up, and once they do, they stay hot for ages so its hard to adjust temps mid cooking- Induction cooktops on the other hand are god tier.

>> No.12010801

why is this oven in a constant state of terror?