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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12001399 No.12001399[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there actually people who deny global warming as how they relate to food?

>> No.12001408

Lets just kill all farm animals and live off plants and pills.

>> No.12001419

Pretty sure global warming is like #15 on the list of reasons why the vast majority of vegans are vegans, and it's usually just an afterthought as a way to pile on more and more reasons why their irrational ideology is something everyone should apparently buy into. People who deny global warming are either lying but making money to continue the lie, and the other 99% are just stupid Fox news drones.

>> No.12001473

I mean, yeah

>> No.12001499
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Fortified food exists so you don't "need" pills. In the US beef providers are required to have a certain amount of b12 and vitamin C added, as modern agriculture is devoid of B12 and VC due 99% of animals killed for animal agriculture living in factory farm conditions, or inside.
Denying that supplements are bad for you means you are a either already suoolementing... or a liar.

>> No.12001508
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>global warming
This just makes me want steak

>> No.12001520

Destroying the world that your children may have enjoyed was very worth being a cuck. Well done. Oh right, incels don't have children.

>> No.12001537
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>muh global warming cuck calling anyone else a cuck
You enjoy your beta tier veganism and little electric cuck mobiles while I ride around in a fucking pickup and eat steak for breakfast.

Be the good cuckold you are and cover for me and my carbon footprint will ya?

>> No.12001540

cockroaches produce 10x more CO2 than all other CO2 sources combined

>> No.12001547
File: 237 KB, 464x352, 346463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steak for breakfast

>> No.12001598

I also agree with slaughtering the gooks

>> No.12001607

i also agree with stepping on cock

>> No.12001636

does "all transportation" include boats? I heard some crazy fact like the 5 biggest boats pollute more than every car on the planet

>> No.12001643

This reminds me that when massive passenger jet planes have to land early they weigh too much and have to dump thousands of gallons of jet fuel into the ocean. THAT probably does more harm to the environment. That shits so toxic.

>> No.12001651

Most pollution comes from the waste of like 70 global companies, so no matter if you ride a bike or eat a veggie burger, the earth would get polluted.

>> No.12001658

Unless those 70 majors companies are factory beef farms and automotive companies, then ironically you COULD stop the world from being polluted by going vegan and riding a bike. It’s a joke but we the people can stop a minority of people from destroying the planet by not patronizing them.

>> No.12001659

I hope that we try to reduce the emissions from animal agriculture, rather than all turning into malnourished grass-fed soyboy cucks.

>> No.12002628
File: 417 KB, 640x480, templeflube.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or you could just stop eating meat.

>> No.12002720

I don't want to become a malnourished vegan though.

>> No.12002727

still beliving what (they) want you to know.

>> No.12002731


destroying blacks future? why not?

>> No.12002752

>I hope that we try to reduce the emissions from animal agriculture
Yeah, this is a better solution than telling people to lower their quality of life for the environment. Lab-grown meat will probably be able to provide meat without as much pollution at some point for most people. It doesn't mean you should be wasteful in the mean time though, not overeating and not wasting anything can still help.

>> No.12002795

Those companies do what they do to meet demand generated by you the consumer.

So? Popularity doesn’t make it more or less correct.

>> No.12002827
File: 682 KB, 800x821, 1549040025890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global warming is a complete hoax, and Al Gore and Leonardo diFaglio flying around the world in multi-million dollar private jets are not going to "save the environment" but keep your delusions and long busted fake mémes going op.

What a fucking idiot.

>> No.12002829
File: 448 KB, 644x413, 1550717385349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? You stopped eating meat right? That means there is twice as much for me now, thanks!

>> No.12002833

you are retarded

>> No.12002835

That is actually a very normal breakfast food and it is very very good. They are also both part of a "low residue diet" and its what the apollo astronauts ate prior to launch.

>> No.12002868

>Tfw braphog farmer
>Tfw my braphogs efficiency is massive
>tfw normies haven’t found out and instead blame cows

>> No.12002882

>Global warming
The 1980’s want you back, retardo.

>> No.12002887

>That means there is twice as much for me now, thanks!
>twice as much
Your math is as poor as your post, retard.

>> No.12003004

>√egan tears.
