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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 169 KB, 1024x768, diet-nutrition_food-safety_is-carrageenan-safe_592683642-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12000582 No.12000582 [Reply] [Original]

i just bought a pint of expensive ass hipster "small batch local" ice cream without looking at the ingredient label and it's got fucking guar gum and carrageenan in it
i'm so pissed off
should have just bought haagen dazs

>> No.12000651

is that beach saffron?

>> No.12000661

all of the big name brand ice creams use it too

seaweed is literally an ingredient in ice cream, get used to it sweatie

>> No.12000674
File: 16 KB, 400x176, haagen-dazs-strawberry-ice-cream2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12000681
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>> No.12000708
File: 544 KB, 735x571, Call HateOneOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seaweed is literally an ingredient in ice cream
That's like saying corn syrup is literally an ingredient in sausages. Your poor choices don't redefine a word.

>> No.12000729

man so what just taste it and see if it is good for fucks sake you /pol/ guys are such snowflakes

>> No.12001071

Seaweed is a great emulsifier tho

>> No.12003044

someone redpill me on seaweed

>> No.12003048

They’re both natural products, stop being afraid of shit just because you don’t use it at home.

>> No.12003051

Some people claim it upsets their tummie.

It prevents the icecream from recrystallizing.

>> No.12003055

They give ice cream a gummy texture, and are usually used so they can skimp on cream which makes it feel thin as it melts. You don't need anything to thicken or emulsify other than egg.

>> No.12003075


you don't need "great emulsifier" if they are "small batch" and "expensive"

Seaweed extra, aka glyco, is used ad THICKENER, so the producer can use less ACTUAL cream (which is hella more expensive.)

You are not buying "small batch local", that's false advertising, they are in reality mass production and just selling a hipster name.

>> No.12003078
File: 138 KB, 500x700, 1548110148313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seaweed is literally an ingredient in ice cream

>> No.12003080


>> No.12003126

can't wait until the boomers die off so we can stop having these threads. shouldn't be long now

>> No.12003127

It's used as a thickener, because glyco's water holding properties.Thickening allows more air to be mixed into the icecream giving it the a "fluffy" but airy texture. It's literally the definition of cheap ass ice cream. But they are selling it as a much better product.

It's a very cheap substitute to actual milk cream.

>> No.12004702

Someone's been watching those documentaries about seaweed and how it's "our future". Along with the same people who will force vegan diet and eating cockroaches daily.

>> No.12004724

Was it actually a local product or did you just fall for the marketing?
If they're local, go to their storefront and demand your money back

>> No.12004733
File: 23 KB, 497x277, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12004744


>> No.12004795

that's seaweed, hoss.

>> No.12004811

>Doesn't know that HFCS is in burgerland sausage

>> No.12004895

is this the one board that bongs come to for trolling because no one cares enough about them here to call them on their retarded fucking practices regarding literally every part of their useless existence?
go eat your halal bullshit and pay your TV loicense while we in the US still benefit from the freedom to choose what we eat, good or bad.
also andouille is fucking amazing. we also make better sausage than the inventors of them, queer.

>> No.12004976

it's definitely local
i'm bitched because they have some interesting flavors
i don't mind spending money and supporting a local business but not for cheap filler garbage
reminds me of a local coffee roaster who puts today's date on whatever bag of old beans they have
it's double the price and visibly less fresh than costco so fuck you i'm not buying this bullshit