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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11999827 No.11999827 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like brownies pure or with add-ons?
>Chopped Nuts
>Crushed candy pieces
>Chocolate Chunks
>Cream-cheese marbling
>Peanut Butter

How do you doctor up boxed brownie mixes?
>Sub melted butter for oil
>Add extra eggs
>Sub coffee/stout for liquid

>> No.11999830

I make mine from scratch, and I add crushed peanuts, extra chocolate, or peanut butter cups, depending on my mood.

>> No.11999837

I always think I'm going to make scratch brownies but I end deciding to bake a cake instead. Good dutch cocoa is fucking expensive.

>> No.12000164

I like mine with daddy's /k/ummies

>> No.12000170

The only thing I don't like on/in brownies is toffee, not a fan of the stuff in general though

Peanut butter brownies or pecan topping are my favorites

>> No.12000171
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off my fucking board, you sick fuck

it really is. probably why so many recipes start with melting chocolate, which isn't really cheaper, but that's due to the whole slash and burn situation.

>> No.12000398

I put a raspberry jam swirl in mine

>> No.12000402 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.12000426

mm, that sounds tasty.

>> No.12000431

Shot of espresso or two for boxed brownies, huge fan of walnuts in my brownies.

Pecans sound nice too, haven't baked in a long time

>> No.12000433

Ghirardelli triple fudge mix, double batch, add butter cream frosting. I welcome the diabeetus.

>> No.12000479
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>> No.12000618

A just slightly underdone fudgy brownie with walnuts, the darker the better... unbeatable

>> No.12000864

This board is blondies only. No brown desserts allowed. Nigger.

>> No.12000873
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Have you EVER tried making brownies with this?


>> No.12001045

Preferably with a non-crunchy filling like chocolate chips and a frosting (or glaze?) topping, like on sugar cookies.

>> No.12001060

Get out and take your trash with you

>> No.12001079

>melting chocolate
wut? I make boxed brownies
can you teach me how to make real brownies?

>> No.12001087
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Spring-time treat!

>> No.12001117

ATK developed a triple-chocolate cupcake recipe several years ago that creates an almost truffle-like filling using chilled (but not completely set) ganache that is rolled into a loose ball set in between a bottom and top layer of batter which doesn't absorb into the desert and remains distinct throughout baking.
You could probably apply the same technique in between two layers of brownie batter for an almost molten lava-like dessert.

>> No.12001127
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get that neon marshmallow bullshit off those brownies you fuck

>> No.12001150

This is my favorite recipe: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/ultimate-fudge-brownies-with-peanut-butter-chips-2/

it's low maintenance, chocolatey and dense. you can switch the peanut butter chips out for other stuff if you want.

I'm not as big a fan of melted chocolate brownies, but a lot of ppl swear by them, and you have a higher chance of getting a crackly top with those kinds. Here's another recipe for comparison: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/25080/mmmmm-brownies/

>> No.12001426


>> No.12001528
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a lot of people don't realize you can put your weed in there

>> No.12001553

You know people say that, but wouldn't it actually compromise the brownie's texture and ruin the taste?

>> No.12001559

Making weed brownies seems like it has a LOT of complicated steps. I'd rather just smoke it.

>> No.12001585

wa la

>> No.12001606

It's honestly pretty simple.

dry out weed in oven
melt butter
add dried weed to melted butter
simmer for a while
strain weed out
make brownies as normal.

Only catch is your home will reek of weed. It's pretty simple all in all.

>> No.12001666

You have to saute the weed in the butter then strain in. So it might affect the taste, but the texture should be fine.

>> No.12001733

Satan I am disappoint. I always make edibles with my vaped weed. I use the remains from a half oz per pound (4 sticks) of butter. Bring a pot of water to boil and add your butter. As soon as it's melted turn to simmer and add your weed. Simmer and stir occasionally for 2 hours. Let cool just enough to handle and then strain through cheesecloth (in a pinch panty hose or thin t-shirt works) into a mixing bowl. Let refrigerate overnight. In the morning you'll have a bright green disk of butter on the top. Take that disk out and then discard the remaining water. Cut the disk into quarters. Substitute one quarter into any recipe that calls for a stick of butter or half cup of oil. Then cook per package instructions. Put the remaining quarters into freezer bags and freeze until you're ready to use again. I've made everything from the standard brownies and cookies to Halloween popcorn balls and rice crispy treats with this butter and it works like a charm and is strong as fuck.

>> No.12001745

That sounds like the true way to do it. I've made edible chocolate a few times by my method, and it was still incredibly strong. To be fair though, I, and my siblings, have horrible tolerances to weed. At this point I will not smoke anything that isn't almost purely CBD, because anything else fucks me up.

>> No.12001763

Try this method and use a quarter of regular bud ground into near powder. Then when you make your brownies use a 8x8 pan so it's easy to estimate size measurements. Start with half inch squares. Eat one and wait an hour. You'll be starting to feel it if your tolerance is that low. If it's not enough you can always eat another square. You can always eat more but you can't undo eating too much.

>> No.12001810

It's not just me tolerance. It's the way it affects my siblings and me. Regardless of the strain (it's legal here so I've tried lots of different strains and a bunch of the stuff that the store consultants claim will be sedating, calming, nice, etc.), it always make my heart pound out of my chest, gives me shortness of breath, feels generally uncomfortable, and keeps me awake all night long until the high finally fades far away. I meet a lot of people here who claim that I just haven't had the correct strain, but I've tried plenty. It's just never a pleasant experience for me. Ironically I actually enjoyed a bag of spice my friend bought in Connecticut, but he lost his fucking mind on it.

>> No.12001816

Dude stay the fuck away from spice. You have no idea what research chem is sprayed onto it. Google spice psychosis. That shit is literally crazy

>> No.12001818

what have you tried?

>> No.12001841

Thanks for the tip, Satan.

>> No.12001848

Yeah I don't plan on ever having it again.
Blueberry Indica, Fire Angel CBD, Diamond Dust OG Sativa, medical indica, medical hybrid, random weed from at least 10 different sources before it was legal, and more that I don't remember/have records of.

>> No.12001853

Can I just grind the weed and cook it in vegetable oil?

>> No.12001858

For best results

>> No.12001859

stop talking about drugs you fucking idiots
this thread is for normal brownies

>> No.12001872

It has to be cooked in some kind of fat. This anon describes a more elevated way of doing it >>12001733, but in the end, if you want a quick fix, all you need to do is lightly cook the weed oil, lard, butter, or some other fat. You can pretty much just cook/sautee it in the oil for 15 minutes, strain the oil, then put the oil in a recipe (or drink it? if you're a masochist). People who have much higher tolerances to weed probably prefer the more professional way of doing it that anonbro described.

>> No.12001888

If it makes you feel better youre not alone. I took 3 small tokes off a preroll from a legal state last night and was fucking bombed for 2 hours. Wish I could find some reggie around here

>> No.12001921

Sativa and hybrids do that to me if I've had coffee the same day. It just makes me paranoid and anxious until it wears off. Usually the best thing to do is just dim the lights, lay in bed, and listen to music, or go the complete opposite route and do something really active like explore nature.

Indica on the other hand usually just relaxes me, but I can't focus on anything for shit. I had some purple-something strain that was REALLY good, just made me giggle for hours, but it's hit or miss with them, with the misses just sort of zoning me out. If I smoke sativa or a hybrid I have to not have any caffeine and usually I just hyperfocus on something if it doesn't make me anxious, like on a game or on a wikipedia article, or a project. Definitely don't feel pressured to keep trying strains, but if you don't know whether what you tried was sativa, indica, or a hybrid, I'd try getting an indica and seeing how that is.

>> No.12001923

If you're looking for quick and dirty you can make firecrackers. Take a bit of shake or a half gram bud, grind fine, mix with a couple tablespoons peanut butter, microwave ten seconds at a time stirring between, until the peanut butter is loose and liquidy. Let cool and then spread this mixture on crackers or toast. Also works well over ice cream or a grilled pb and banana or jelly sandwich

>> No.12001932

Does this actually release the THC? Could I mix some with melted chocolate or something and put that in hot chocolate?

>> No.12001934

It all depends on the fat content. The peanut butter has plenty of oil to absorb the thc and yeah it works very well. Tastes like shit but works. As far as using chocolate goes I think you'd be better off with Nutella

>> No.12001975

I remember some interview with the girls from Broad City talking about doing this and getting fucked up as all hell (though they also said it tastes terrible).

>> No.12002245

I make them from scratch. Since I bake a lot anyway for parties, gifts, etc., I have a bunch of toppings around like mint chips, mini chocolate chips, white chocolate chips, peppermint bits, several kinds of nuts, coconut, a few jams/curds, dulce de leche...
This weekend I'm making butter pecan blondies with a brown sugar crumble on top. Should be good.