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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.23 MB, 800x3000, yummy potato sausage eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11999265 No.11999265 [Reply] [Original]

Recipe thread

>> No.11999267
File: 74 KB, 791x381, poor chicken recipes (teriyaki chicken!).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11999291
File: 64 KB, 548x601, seared lambs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11999297
File: 643 KB, 985x700, week food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11999306
File: 212 KB, 720x1280, slow cooker pulled pork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11999394
File: 1.30 MB, 900x4505, norwegian omlette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11999470

I know recipe threads aren't exactly popular, but can we get some new ones? aside from the lamb, I've seen all these before.

>> No.11999739


>> No.11999763

thaitable.com has my favorite pad thai recipe and many more authentic gems. if you have an Asian market by you check it out

>> No.11999854
File: 888 KB, 476x9300, 2 AM Chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for chili recipe cause this one is shit

>> No.11999866

How fucking braindead do you have to be to scramble your eggs 15-20 minutes before you cook the sausage and potato?

>> No.11999869

yea that was strange. i assumed author just did it at the same time, but even then the eggs would be done before. I just switched around the steps.

>> No.11999883

Why so many Sandwiches...?
Do americans really...not have a Cafeteria?

>> No.11999893

they're cheap and easy. same reason ppl eat ramen or hotdogs.

>> No.11999916

Don't measure when making mine, need to definitely use a wider variety of peppers though. Main thing that made it excellent was my butcher did a coarse/chili grind and mixed sirloin and chuck.
>Had one bowl, came back and family had demolished the rest of the pot
>Both joy and sadness

>> No.11999918

Please full recipe! Really wanna make chili tonight but im a new cook and have no idea what im doing.

>> No.11999935
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>> No.11999936

Standard for chili would be ancho and guajillo peppers for your background flavor, then add spicier peppers such as arbol if you want the chili hot. Adjust the heat with the type and amount of hotter chilies you put in.

>> No.11999940
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>> No.11999953

Been depressed for a while so I haven't made any in a long minute but I remember it for the most part but don't expect anything super detailed.

>2 yellow onions diced
>few cloves garlic, also diced
>2 jalapenos (would have gotten hotter, but family member Is very sensitive to spice)
>2-3 cans crushed tomato (I use marzano but they're a bit pricier)
>3 pounds course ground beef (sirloin chuck mix, really nice bite to it)
>1-2 cans red beans
>Dried cayenne pepper
>Chili powder
>Dry fennel
>Dry parsley

I'm positive I'm missing a few things, medication has screwed my memory a bit.

Was damn good for a first attempt, heat was almost non existent though. You'd get a warth on the back of your tongue and throat and that's it.

>> No.11999954
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>> No.11999982

Was there actually a time when there was cooking and OC on /ck/?

>> No.11999990

where the fuck do you buy 1/3lb of pork sausage? our cheapest sausage here is breakfast sausage and it's $3.50 for 1 lb. The more expensive regular sausage stuff is $5.98 for 1lb.

>> No.12000005
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>> No.12000007

Butcher. Ask for 1/3 of a pound. They weigh it, you pay.

Or, you buy a pound of sausage, use some of it for this recipe, and save the rest for another recipe. Sausage meat is easy as fuck to use up.

>> No.12000015
File: 892 KB, 1700x3800, 1491011185125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12000024

lost me at fennel, parsley, and not spicy. rest of it seems good tho

>> No.12000029

>looks like pieces of really coarse ground meat
i'm a slav, somebody please explain

>> No.12000036

Just fucking pour the eggs over the fried potatoes and scramble them together. Frying them separately is unnecessary. Also add some diced onions half way through the potato frying.

>> No.12000038

Again, first try and have people who cannot intestine-ly handle any sort of spice. Literally just glanced at 4-5 recipes and took some guidelines

Fennel goes in when browning the beef just a dusting, everything else takes over essentially

>> No.12000066
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This is good but use low sodium chicken broth

>> No.12000072

In The US we often use "sausage" as slang for "Sausage meat", the same way a brit might say "mince" when he means "minced meat". "sausage" in this case just means the filling of a sausage without the casing.

>> No.12000075

no. make your own chicken stock you stupid assclown.

>> No.12000076

missed the sensitive to spice part. I would've used cumin and cilantro instead, but that's just me.

>> No.12000078
File: 376 KB, 512x3899, 1367446352507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12000079
File: 857 KB, 1588x2367, 1403069344134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12000081

great recipe, anon.

>> No.12000089

evrything itt makes mustard gas

>> No.12000096

Cumin, that's definitely one of the things I added as well.

Toasted some seeds and then ground them in my pestle.

But yeah, definitely need to try hotter shit and maybe make a second smaller pot of unspicy chili

>> No.12000108

I usually add jalapenos to my chili. Made black bean soup last week and just used cayenne, and it had a slower building heat that was quite pleasant. a bite would taste mildly spicy, and then build up to a sharp, hot taste. definitely gonna do that again. also kudos for toasting your spices

>> No.12000145

fuck off you weapon, some of us work

>> No.12000154

Jarred alfredo is fucking awful, it's not even hard to make from scratch, and you can even go really cheap and make an alfredo-like sauce with milk instead of cream that still tastes infinitely better than the jarred Ragu shit

>> No.12001439


>> No.12002307
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>> No.12002314

why this image again?

>> No.12002317
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>> No.12002322

Fuck's sake, man

>> No.12002324
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>> No.12002329

follow the recipe but
1. no corn
2. no green beans (what the fuck)
3. don't saute in coconut oil
4. add some actual chilis
5. no sugar except maybe a little bit of the brown sugar

>> No.12002330
File: 45 KB, 512x397, gpLS3aT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12002335
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>> No.12002337

if it's not a big deal then you make it for me, bitch boy

>> No.12002342

also add a little bit of beef or chicken stock
not too much cause you dont want it to get runny
if it does you can add flour or corn starch

>> No.12002344

make it yourself, pussy. all you do is chuck a bunch of shit in a pot and cook it down.

>> No.12002400

Right, id cook the sausage, then potatoes, then eggs.
Throws away the seasoning pack thats 99c to spend $20 on seasoning and making the seasoning pack. Dumb, if ya aint got all the spices in bulk already get the pack its fine.

>> No.12002405

Just follow the instructions on the seasoning pack, then add whatever you like, chili has no rules despite what /ck/ might say ie beans, i like to grill a tri tip one nigbt, then use the leftovers for chili next day, or from the freezer if i dont expect to use the meat right away. Just google chili and find a video you like and copy that, welcome to cooking its a great relaxing and delicious hobby, dont be afraid to make mistakes.

>> No.12002408
File: 110 KB, 800x583, 1443831797105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12002416

He says he freezes portions so just do his recipe x3 which would use 6 eggs and a lb of sausage and 3 potatoes, id prob add a jalapeño as well, dice up.

>> No.12002463

Really simple and cheap but delicious spaghetti
1lb ground beef
1 onion
1 can ragu traditional
1lb angel hair
Brown beef, drain amd set aside
Dice onion and garlic and saute
Add meat and ragu and most of parm to pot, let simmer.
Boil angel hair and drain
Pour sauce etc over angel hair and mix it all together
Let sit for 10 minutes to absord sauce
Serve with sprinkle of remaining parm.
Use salt and pepper during cooking to taste too btw

Wala its a go to quick meal and used to serve this for staff meal once a week, amd they would destoy it, so good and can make it for like $10-12 lasts me longer then i can eat it all.

>> No.12002467
File: 82 KB, 588x720, 1443832280616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12002472
File: 72 KB, 700x468, nzxi36p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12002511

this is a recipe thread. why are you posting this.

>> No.12002519
File: 1.24 MB, 900x2455, 1443841618387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12002523

that doesn't answer my question.

>> No.12002534

they're just doing it to fuck with you, anon.

>> No.12002536
File: 91 KB, 600x769, 1356994560055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it me just me

>> No.12002538

/b/ is so unfunny. Reddit-tier humor.

>> No.12002542

posting off topic images for upwards of an hour is trolling me? haven't even been in the thread as long as he has.

>> No.12002548

not just you, the entire thread. some ppl aren't very creative.

>> No.12002550

/b/ is what keeped 4chan alive before now its nothing but but gay faggots

>> No.12002556
File: 6 KB, 200x211, ULlMVId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> gay faggots
as opposed to straight ones?

>> No.12002571
File: 73 KB, 600x509, A1dELfsCEAEMnHe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12002583

oh, makes sense.

>> No.12002730

Todd's a fucking madman.

>> No.12002987

Why are you suppouse to build up a spice collection if you keep buying food-specific blends?
Pic is still gay af tho

>> No.12002990

What a fucking nightmare

>> No.12003002

You're not supposed to buy food-specific blends.

That recipe is one giant troll. Notice how he throws away the shitty packet, but then uses the EXACT SAME shitty brand of spices instead.

>> No.12003056
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>> No.12003060
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>> No.12003133

that's just a ... cordon bleu

>> No.12003141


>> No.12003143

>Coconut oil.
This, I will never understand it.
>Hur it doesn't add a flavor or anything!
A load of horse shit.

>> No.12004241

At this point I do not know what is ironic and what is not

>> No.12004248

>>Hur it doesn't add a flavor or anything!
>A load of horse shit.

Are you aware that you can buy both refined coconut oil--which has no taste--and you can buy cold-pressed or virgin, both of which do have a strong taste? I think you're not aware of that, and you're confusing the two. Moron.

>> No.12004277

4chan only allows users over the age of 18

>> No.12004346
File: 32 KB, 457x640, pesto-chicken4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that Ive made recently is creamy pesto ranch chicken breasts, usually paired with home made mashed potatoes and black eyed peas. Super easy to make.

You will need:
>Ken's steakhouse ranch dressing
>Prego basil pesto
>salt and pepper
>Chopped basil leaves (this one is optional. I just like the extra herbs)

>Heat the oven to 400 F
>Mix about three big spoonfuls of the sauce into about half a bottle of the ranch (double for whole bottle if you're making more than 4 chicken breasts)
>Taste the sauce as you add the basil pesto so see if it suits your liking
>Tenderize, salt and pepper the chicken. I like to add just a pinch of each, along with the basil leaves if you like.
>Put in a casserole dish and smother the chicken in the ranch pesto sauce. Make sure both sides are nice and covered.
>Stick in the oven for about an hour. You will absolutely need a meat thermometer to check every 20 minutes.
>Make sure chicken is at 165F or slightly more for perfectly tender, moist chicken
>Serve with whatever sides you like.

Also, it even better if you take a spoon and scoop up the melted sauce in the dish onto your chicken. That sauce is fucking delicious.

Hope someone likes it!

(Wont exactly look like the pic, but I don't have a pic of my own recipe.)

>> No.12004562

This isn't 4chan, and people who aren't newfags know that the rule about age doesn't apply to blue boards.

>> No.12005355

A thread survived because of this post.

>> No.12005358

did you mean to reply to someone?

>> No.12005369

>using prego and bottled ranch

i just gagged

>> No.12005377

I have an aunt who does this with the clear kind of italian dressing.