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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11998524 No.11998524[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hell yeah, /ourguy/ wins again.

>> No.11998536

How is that not discrimination? It's not as if he's begrudgingly following a specific tenet in his religion which precludes him from making gay cakes. He's just taking the Bible's hatred of homosexuality and using it to make a personal judgment against somebody so he can deny them a service. Or maybe I just haven't read the passage he's read, so correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.11998552

Why would you want to give money to a dude who hates you? Why not patronize a baker that supports the community? The whole thing seems like a non-issue.

>> No.11998554
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>I havnt followed the case past the headlines but I feel the judgement is wrong
This is as if you walked into a halal butchers shop and demanded they make you sausage from a hog you slaughtered at home. He didnt refuse to sell them a cake, he offered many cakes that were already made. He just wouldnt design a cake that goes against his religious beliefs.

>> No.11998568 [DELETED] 

We're proud to be against women, fags, nonwhites, kikes, niggers, and liberals on this board. Try the redpill, or fuck off back to plebbit. This board is for real men.
Fags should be discriminated against, as they are abominations to God, unlike us white virtuous conservative men of anime and vidya.

>> No.11998571

I hope he makes a big fat "I hate fags" cake

>> No.11998574

Only the government can't discriminate, legally speaking
At least if you give half a shit about the Constitution

>> No.11998580 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11998581


>> No.11998583

never understood that pedophile argument

>> No.11998584 [DELETED] 
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Total support

>> No.11998586

Gays are pedophiles

>> No.11998592 [DELETED] 
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well, all the evidence points toward a clear connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, i.e. gay men are also pedophile sexual predators, it's that simple

>> No.11998597

Exactly. This is another example of government sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. Go to a different bakery that does want your business and if enough people feel the same then the other guy will go out of business. No government needed.

>> No.11998602

That was convincing. Even if fags are - in general - more often attracted to kids than adults, then it still doesn't follow that they act on it, want to act on it, and much less that they'd advocate it

>> No.11998603

You will in 5 years.

>> No.11998607

le slippery slope fallacy

>> No.11998613

>the overton window is a fallacy

They just legalized abortions after birth in virginia. You can get arrested for misgendering someone in Britain.

>> No.11998614

>abortions after birth

>> No.11998616

>You can get arrested for misgendering someone in Britain

Prove it

>> No.11998618

separate issues, dumb fuck

>> No.11998619

Lol i don't doubt it. You can be arrested for attacking someone who breaks into your house in britain.

>> No.11998621

why shouldnt businesses be allowed to discriminate customers? most businesses already do, this is just a special case because of public outcry

>> No.11998623

>You make cakes, I want a cake.
>No fag, fuck off.
Hardly the same as
>You make beef & lamb products, here's this pig I butchered, go make me some sausages this instant.

>> No.11998624
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Glad to hear it.
It's absolutely no business of the State to force a man to create art against his will or conviction. That this made it to court at all is sickening.

>> No.11998627

To clarify, he didn't refuse them service for any of his regular cakes or wedding cakes, he said he'd gladly sell them one, he refused to make a gay-themed wedding cake because it goes against his beliefs. There's a big difference between refusing someone your regular service and refusing to do something outside of it.

>> No.11998633

So if i go into a bakery and say i want them to make me a KKK cake with a black guy being lynched on it they should have to do it because the can't discriminate against my beliefs and life choices?

>> No.11998638

>You make cakes, make me a cake
>Alright what do you want
>Design a gay wedding cake for me and my husband
>Ill sell you a cake we already made but im not designing a pro-homo cake
Why do people who dont read past the headlines feel like they deserve to say anything about what happened?

>> No.11998639

It is discrimination. He didn't win his case, he "didn't lose" it. It was basically tossed on a technicality because, specificially in his case, the judge felt he'd been fucked with.

The ruling applies exclusively to his one case, and he got off on hairsplitting bullshit.

The SC doesn't want to tip its hand yet that it's a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin, so they're making all these fine thread rulings that don't actually affect all that much.

Nope. They wanted a cake the shop already made. They just wanted "Adam & Steve" or whatever on it and the guy freaked. It's not about not being forced to do things that are "against his religion" (pro tip: Selling gay people a cake is not against his religion), it's about forcing his religion on others.

These people don't feel safe unless others are crushed beneath the same shitty rules they are, so they're playing the victim hardcore and trying to use it to regain the power they lost decades ago when people realized God was allergic to any device that takes video.

>> No.11998641

this would have actually been an interesting test case had the supreme court sided with the queers over the baker

>> No.11998642 [DELETED] 
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Who here also hates gay "people"?

I sure do!

>> No.11998644

The fact that two supreme court justices voted to try to force him to do it is horrifying.

>> No.11998645

That's the opposite of what happened.

The court briefs are public. Go read them.

>> No.11998646

we went from both presidential candidates opposing gay marriage in 2008 to court-ordered hormone regimes for transgender children in less than 10 years

>> No.11998651
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>The SC doesn't want to tip its hand yet that it's a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kremlin

>> No.11998655

We kind of had a big civil rights movement in the 60s to make sure that isn't allowed. I'm not sure how this is different but it must have something to do with religion

>> No.11998657

Personally I'm sick of other people in total and their individual agendas. Yeah, especially YOU!

>> No.11998658

Why don't you move to Saudi Arabia?

>> No.11998661

Are american service personell legally obligated to do anything anyone tells them?
In my business (not food related) I can deny somebody my services if I don't like them or think they are an asshole or some shit. Nobody could sue me for that I think

>> No.11998665

Of course you can deny service to people in the US, except if your gay or black. If you say no to one of them the media will crucify you.

>> No.11998669

Oh well that makes sense considering the times..

>> No.11998672

the discussion belongs on some other board

>> No.11998673

remember when conservative Christians were the most insufferable people we had to deal with instead of rank and file liberals?

>> No.11998678

They actively seek out places like that shop to make a big fuss.

>> No.11998680
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>abortions after birth

>> No.11998688

I wish this weren't true. I forget the name but there's a group that actively tries to organize and manufacture fake police brutality. They got themselves a bunch of wheelchairs at a hospital or something and when the cops told them they had to leave they refused. After a while of the cops being nice and polite they started tipping these perfectly healthy people out of the wheelchairs to get the hospital their property back. The group then edited the video to make it look like cops were throwing cripples out of their wheelchairs.