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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 300x300, jackson_alan_headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11998160 No.11998160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

where I come from
it's cornbread and chicken
where I come from a lotta front porch pickin
where I come from, tryin' to make a livin
and workin hard to get to heaven
Where I come from.

>> No.11998169


>> No.11998180

faggot out

>> No.11998324



>> No.11998427

9/11 was a goldmine.

>> No.11998430

Based Southern OP

>> No.11999482

back when country singers were actually country.

>> No.11999487
File: 45 KB, 512x397, gpLS3aT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your taste in music sickens me

>> No.11999493

Based and countrypilled

>> No.11999496

And they didn't just say fuck it all and start making country rap

>> No.11999555

>still thinking all country music is bad
zoomer spotted

>> No.11999568

Very little of it is good, especially the newer shit.

>> No.11999592

Country Rap, or CRap as we like to call it. That and Stadium country seem to be the only things being produced these days outside of Kacey Musgraves or Chris Stapleton.

>> No.11999646
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>> No.11999656

Tried modern country and holy shit is it terrible.

Now some Hank Locklin and Tennessee Ford, that's a different story.
>I guess a zoomer? I don't pay attention to memes

>> No.11999667

milf. I'm a zoomer, I guess? and aside from her, garth brooks, and trisha yearwood, the whole genre can die.

>> No.11999672

>Hank Locklin and Tennessee Ford, that's a different story.
>aside from her, garth brooks, and trisha yearwood,

what part of ALL did you not understand?

>> No.11999677

fite me you boomer bitch

>> No.12000204
File: 322 KB, 2048x1152, c5f87b46-51d7-4819-b9d3-36f78d5ac358_70671_TABLET_LANDSCAPE_LARGE_16_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Alan Coe would tag team your mother and grandma while doing lines off your sister's back and making you call him by his name anon, that is a fact.

>> No.12000214

he looks like if gandalf was a biker. also was that meant to be intimidating? bc half the dudes on here would probably jerk it to that.

>> No.12000218 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12000235

Not this fucker again. Don't you have something european to do, like smelling cheese and being sad?

>> No.12000246 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really get buttblasted about this?

>> No.12000258

After Willie Nelson, Cash, and Hank Williams, country went to shit. Young country is as much an abomination as rap.

>> No.12000261

Are europeans really that uncreative with their comebacks?

>> No.12000278 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really ask this?

>> No.12000280

>Young country is as much an abomination as rap.

I agree with you there, old man.

>> No.12000292

He took it up the ass in prison

>> No.12000307

Yeah prison sucks, what's your point?

>> No.12000309

There still is good country music. It just gets no airplay.

>> No.12000369

fun fact: Alan jackson was allegedly fucking a married and in-her-prime faith hill; thus cucking tim mcgraw

>> No.12000372

you don't have to call me mister, mister

>> No.12000375

Johnny Cash was in prison and never stooped to being a twink.

Young country fags btfo!

>> No.12000386

you have to be attractive to be a twink

>> No.12000391

Anyone here tried corn pone?

>> No.12000437

True fact: I was in the walmart in Branson, MO buying trout fishing supplies in January and the Man in Black (yep he was dressed that way) walked past me and said in that gravelly voice, "How you do'in, son? Go'in fish'in?" He had no entourage, just himself unlike today's overinflated pompous asses with crowds of security. I fell in love with him instantly, no homo!
>Love is a burning thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell in to a ring of fire

>> No.12000447


Cornbread and Chilli

Hushpuppies and fried things.

Dumplings for soups

Biscuit everything else

>> No.12000450

johnny cash died in 2003 you dumb fuck

>> No.12000489

Your point?

>> No.12000680

It didn't suck for Coe, he enjoyed it.

>> No.12000827

This was in the 90's you absolute waste of breath. You will not take away that experience I had just by being retarded.

>I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire
The ring of fire

[Verse 2]
The taste of love is sweet
When hearts like ours meet
I fell for you like a child
Oh, but the fire went wild

>> No.12001084
File: 49 KB, 575x429, simplethings1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got The Simple Things;
I've got the rain in spring,
Got spicy chicken wings,
and French-fried onion rings

>> No.12001112
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>> No.12001139

my grandfather worked with his brother. apparently his family was super embarrassed of him and wouldn't talk about him but his mom still kept pictures of him in her house from him on the road.
also johnny cash mom apparently made the best sandwiches and would sometimes pack an extra one for my grandfather. this was as a lineman for aep swepco.

>> No.12001171
File: 32 KB, 907x529, stuffyoushouldknow-podcasts-wp-content-uploads-sites-16-2015-08-alcoholism600x350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rumors flew but nobody knew how much she blamed herself
For years and years she tried to hide the whiskey on her breath
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time
But she never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind
Until the night

She put that bottle to her head and pulled the trigger
And finally drank away his memory
Life is short, but this time it was bigger
Than the strength she had to get up off her knees
We found her with her face down in the pillow
Clinging to his picture for dear life
We laid her next to him beneath the willow
While the angels sang a whiskey lullaby

>> No.12001179 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really shoot themselves?

>> No.12001187


i actually kinda like that song

>> No.12001192

le epic boomer larp

>> No.12001202


lighten up faggot its a simple catchy song youd here once every 8 months by chance on the radio

>> No.12001205
File: 348 KB, 469x760, 7A10CB56-B9FB-4059-A926-E9B0B0DFA790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiskey's supposed to drown the memory
I've gone from one to one too many
And the thing that really gets me
Is how your memory drowns the whiskey

>> No.12001208

I am older and wiser than you boy.

>> No.12001216

Cornbread and chicken are alright. Alan Jackson is not... but he doesn't need to TRY to make a living, he just has to do a quick run of the festival circuit.

Country cooking thread? Country cooking thread. I've got some belated pancake nonsense happening right now, but give me your best grits.

>> No.12001244


>> No.12001250



One of the few parts of Southern cooking I haven't ever been able to get into. I've tried just about everything from salt to cheese to butter and onions and I can't get into grits. Same goes for okra, fried or otherwise

>> No.12001273

Or, I grew up hearing it and realized most of it was garbage.

>> No.12001281

I've always wanted to try grits. Everyone around me says they're nasty tho.

>> No.12001293

they're a vehicle, not a destination. I've found they need reasonably heavy seasoning, and even a polenta-like fry.

As for okra, it's better at thickening things than it is at being a vegetable, but sliced, tempura'd, fried, and served with tzatziki or some soya-based monstrosity, it's pretty good.

>> No.12001340

The virgin country singer vs THE WESTERN GOLD RUSH GUITAR MASTER


>> No.12001355

No, I get that. Same thing with potatoes. But I'm far enough north that everyone goes "they taste okay, but the texture.... blehh" But then, I like cornbread and that's kinda gritty.

>> No.12001367

that is fedora meme garbage

>> No.12001459

If I think of it as corn porridge/congee, then I'm ok with it. I originally went in expecting something other than heavy, al dente cream of wheat and I nearly hurled.

>> No.12001476

lol based marty
unironically kill yourself

>> No.12001533

nah brah, kill yourself ironically. Like, off your shit, but like, do it for a god you don't believe in, then come back and haunt that synagogue or whatever, and be all like "Yo Jews. I just trolled your god. Jesus died, so I could die, and prove your entire religion false. What you think about them kosher-for-passover appelles?"

>> No.12001574


>> No.12001578

Lol what do you listen to that's so great?

>> No.12001620

Is that the man who sang the perfect country and western song?

>> No.12001621
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>> No.12001637

Try butter and jam/preserves. It's the only way I'll eat the stuff.

>> No.12001714

I followed a recipe for grits. called for stuffing enough white cheddar into it to equal half the volume. it was obviously delicious.
>they're a vehicle, not a destination

>> No.12003633 [DELETED] 


>> No.12003707

Nah, it was a good song but if I remember it didn't touch on the most important aspects of country music, like trains, pickup trucks, the rain, going to prison, or a single verse about his momma or getting drunk.

>> No.12003711

based and coepilled

>> No.12003750

But he got his friend to write an additional verse that included all those vital elements.

>> No.12003753

>>they're a vehicle, not a destination
Stop buying shitty grits.

>> No.12004937
File: 27 KB, 395x397, 1480002180932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i played fallout too this song is epic

>> No.12004993

It’s normies’ fault that it went to shit.
Everything normies consume is political propaganda and with the rise of faux nerd culture they've been conditioned to revolve their entire lives around the consumption of said propaganda. Their whole lives consist of "omg did you see the new capeshit movie? have you heard the latest nigger music? did you see the season premiere of walking racemixers?" It's all they think about and they don't realize it is all propaganda but that doesn't keep it from affecting them on a subconscious level. They've been conditioned to view EVERYTHING as political. If you think WE live in clown world imagine seeing things from a brainwashed normies perspective. Imagine buying into every bullshit lie that propaganda machine pushes out and really believing that's how the world works. There's literally Nazis running the government. Every 10 out of 7 women are raped and the rapists are regarded as heros. Millions of innocent black people are being gunned down in the streets just because of their skin color. So on and so forth. It's fucking madness.

>> No.12005007

>Every 10 out of 7 women are raped
What's that figure when expressed as a fraction?

>> No.12005064

no, he fucked dudes in prison and stabbed a nigger that tried to fuck him. Theres a difference.

>> No.12005115

is this /ck/?
why with all the faggoty off-topic threads?

>> No.12005121

Alan jackson threads have been here for years

>> No.12005910

Still gay and homosexual

>> No.12006610

You know the last honky tonks in my area closed when I was still a kid. What kind of bar food did they serve? Was it just truck stop fare or something a little more traditional?