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File: 219 KB, 1024x683, dreams.metroeve_fish-market-dreams-meaning-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11998125 No.11998125[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love how pescatarians are too weak to go full vegan, but still want to have all the preachy, virtue-signalling bullshit that comes with being a vegan. Even worse is how they try to justify it with bullshit claims about how fish supposedly don't feel pain, as if they aren't still taking another living things life regardless. Pescatarians are fucking cowards.

>> No.11998133

I like how vegans are all sickly losers who have to cling on to the idea of veganism because they have nothing else and can have nothing else going for them because they're malnourished and dying.

>> No.11998135

I'm not a vegan.

>> No.11998138

Who hurt you anon

>> No.11998140

I know a few pescetarians. They're not preachy whiny bitches about others eating meat. They're OK in my book.

>> No.11998153


>Implying people become pescatarians to virtue signal
>>Implying people become pescatarians to virtue signal
Unless you live in India, eating any kind of moral diet will make you an outcast. People hate you from the moment you say "I'm a _ and I can't eat _", unless you have an allergy.

No one becomes a vegan or pescatarian for the prestige. They do it because it's what they think is right. Be gone with your gatekeeping.

Also, are you telling me you wouldn't swat a mosquito, Mr. All life is precious? Bugs and shit arent any less on the menu then plants (which are also alive).

>> No.11998155

vegans are exactly the same, murderers who think they are better.

>> No.11998170

I've only ever met one pescatarian before and she never said a single thing about animal rights or virtues or shit like that. Pescatarians are pretty based from my experience.

>> No.11998171

it doesn't sound like you love it

>> No.11998388

My girlfriend is a pescatarian who still eats eggs, what is she?

>> No.11998399

You're just complaining just to complain, aren't you?

>> No.11998615

Someone who likes having a label

>> No.11998649

>as if they aren't still taking another living things life regardless

Everything takes other living things lives, even posting on social media. Do you think the internet runs on unicorn farts and rainbows?

>> No.11998686

This is what happens when vegan bait threads don't get as much attention as they used to.

>> No.11998714

Fish is not a mammel. It's not warm-blooded. I got no way to see if a fish is happy, sad or otherwise, so i emphatize less with it. Of course i still eat meat untill a suitable and affordable and tasty substitute arrives.

I'm not a vegan.
I don't plan on becoming one in the near future.

But i do get the sentiment we need to care for our animals. But if an animal on a farm has adequite space to roam, lots of food, and is treated with love, i don't mind it being eventually eaten.

>> No.11998741

People go pescatarian almost entirely due to health reasons. There’s probably a few dummies who think it’s environmental superior and or moral but that’s a minority of a minority

>> No.11999036
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Exactly this

Also hating on dietary choices to the point of making a thread about it is virtue signalling just as hard, if not harder than what you claim they do

>> No.11999186

>No one becomes a vegan or pescatarian for the prestige
Nice strawman faggot. Vegans absolutely do it for the moralizing and preachiness and misguided sense of superiority, same as any other religious fanatic.

>> No.11999216
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>another vegan thread

>> No.11999911
File: 89 KB, 1000x667, E47B5EC1-079F-46BD-BE97-0B946EA8762F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been pescatarian for the past six months and it’s been really good. Still eat eggs occasionally but I’ve cut out dairy. Lost weight, have more energy, but most importantly I just cum buckets now. I don’t know if it’s the omega-3s or what but my orgasms have been more intense and I’m just spewing 4-5 huge contractions of hot cum every time. My gf has been loving it

>> No.11999959

>No one becomes part of a universally hated group for prestige
I guess nobody becomes feminist, /pol/tard, furry, goobergator, MAGApede, antifanigger or discord tranny for the prestige either?
Or maybe they just enjoy having their little internet hugboxes while the rest of the world hates them, just like vegans?

>> No.11999969

Thinking about going pescatarian in an on/off basis because I do love my red meat but need to eat healthier.

So is mackerel just a shitty fish to eat? A lot of my family don't like it, when caught we just use them as bait.

Would like to catch all my fish off the pier as I have nothing but free time.

>> No.12000087

Was your girlfriend born with a penis?

>> No.12000194
File: 139 KB, 640x789, 1542923814755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.12000223

im 90% vegetarian but i eat fish. If Jesus ate fish so can I. Jesus is a good guy.

>> No.12000229

Jesus at lamb

>> No.12000231

Jesus IS the Lamb

>> No.12000234

God said that all the creatures of the earth are good, if eaten with thanks given to the Lord.

1 Timothy 4.

>> No.12000239

>I love how pescatarians are too weak to go full vegan, but still want to have all the preachy, virtue-signalling bullshit

Not one single person on the face of God's green earth has ever said "I'm a pescatarian." Not once in all time.
Every single one of them just says vegetarian.

Fake outrage to shitstart a gay thread.