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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11993219 No.11993219 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it taste so good in japan or japanese restaurant ?How do they cook it ?When I buy imported rice from japan and cook it in a rice cooker it doesnt taste even remotely the same as in japan. I need to know... NOW.

>> No.11993237

a hint of sugar, mirin, soya, and rice vinegar usually.

>> No.11993407

Not op, but how do i make soya sauce? Or how do i know i'm not buying fake soya sauce? I heard somewehre real soya sauce takes at least 9 months to make, while grocery shops soya is made in like 3 days.

>> No.11993411

>Or how do i know i'm not buying fake soya sauce?
Easy, just look at the bottle. The real stuff will say "naturally brewed" or similar on it. Also, the real stuff will NOT contain any kind of coloring ingredient.

A couple other things. 1)What water are you using, OP? If your tap water sucks so will your rice.

2) when you talk about rice at a japanese restaurant are you sure you're not talking about sushi rice? sushi rice is a different kind of rice and is prepared differently from standard rice.

>> No.11993416
File: 656 KB, 2365x2057, Ladies-laughing-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the rice cooker meme

>> No.11994010

1) im using tap water, should I tried bottled water ? lol or should I filter my water with coal filter ?

2) Im talking about the bowl of normal rice they serve you sometimes. but im interested in the eay they prepare the sushi rice, is it with rice vinegar ?

>> No.11994014

Cooking with a rice cooker is way more convenient.

>> No.11994084

Asian restaurants use a rice cooker for their rice too.

OP your problem is that you water levels are probably incorrect and you're using tap water. Also know that some rice cookers will under/over cook the rice if there is not a certain amount in the cooker. I always use two cups to be safe.

Your rice should be SLIGHTLY too wet to eat right out of the cooker when it gets done cooking. Unplug the rice cooker and let it sit there for about 5-10 minutes. Now it's fully done.

T. Asian that's been actually using a rice cooker correctly for a decade, lived with a multitude of white people that were like "DUDE HoW U gEt uR riCe sO gOoD" everytime.

>> No.11994092

When you realize rice has a lot of different varieties, even if it's "japanese" rice.

>> No.11994099

1. scrub it real good and rinse

2. let it soak

3. when you hit 'cook' on the rice cooker, make sure theres plenty of water. my mom told me to put your hand down on the rice and see the water come up to your carpal bones, i make the water come up to wrist level

that should be it, just scrub it good and soak it good

>> No.11994114

splash of vinegar

>> No.11994139

A lot of people add rice seasoning called furikake (sp?) to plain rice, which contains msg, roasted sesame seeds, nori, and bonito. It's really delicious, and you should be able to find it in any Asian grocery.
I use mine daily. I use it to steam veggies every day, and to make a large pot of rice about every other day and find that it saves me a good bit of time cooking. The cheaper ones do scorch the rice on the bottom every time though, so I see your point there.

>> No.11994163

I can make perfect rice on the stove, but that's probably because I read the fucking instructions on the bag.

You can use tap water if you are water doesn't suck. I can see rich international students buying VOSS to put in their rice cooker though.

>> No.11994178

>1) im using tap water, should I tried bottled water ? lol or should I filter my water with coal filter ?
Tap water may be ok or it may not, I don't know what your tap water is like so I can't answer for you. I've lived places where the water was A-OK for rice, and other places where the water tasted and smelled bad, so the rice did too. If you water tastes off, or if you just want to try it, use a carbon filter or buy bottled water.

Sushi rice is a different kind of rice and a different preparation. The rice is short-grain and is stickier than normal rice. They steam it, then let it partially dry off, then mix in vinegar and often times sugar too.

>> No.11994253

the problem is not the stickiness, I know the perfect ratio. My problem is the aroma/perfume which is somehow different.

>> No.11994319

idk how they cook it but i can tell you how i cook it (im ok with the result) but i do it pretty vanilla
>wash rice from starch with hot water
>leave it to dry for some 30 mins on a plate
>heat 1-2 tsp of oil in pan
>put rice in, put heat on low
>stirr from time to time
>you should know when it's ready
>have your water boil, put a little salt, pour it in the rice
>put a lid on the pan, leave on low for like 20-30 mins
>turn off heat after that, leave the lid on for another 15mins so the steam does it's thing inside
>eat with tomato and a little pepper
water to rice 2:1 or 2.2:1

>> No.11994394

STFU, gook.

>> No.11994415

At my university about 40% of people were international asian students. Literally all of them used rice cookers. Honestly not really needed but it sure is convenient

>> No.11994432

+1 for the futanari recommendation

>> No.11995715

sushi places use rice cookers. Sushi taste great.

>> No.11995730

Because they're parochial dumbfucks who literally can't stop eating rice and need it available 24/7. If you have a broad palate and eat all sorts of different foods, making rice on a stove as you need it is much more sensible.

>> No.11995754

Asians don't know how to cook rice the machine does all the work.

>> No.11995757

Just buy a japanese rice cooker you dumb fuck

>> No.11995797

wash it

>> No.11995816

>>wash rice from starch with hot water

mistake in the first step not reading the rest

>> No.11995862

if you weren't a retard you'd have known the reason, it's also in there but what do i care, enjoy your shit soggy rice

>> No.11995877

you're one of those faggots who also like scrambled eggs that are raw aren't you

>> No.11995919

I ain't washing rice in hot water. That may be good for you faggots but not me.

>> No.11996004

yes i get it, you're a proud american aspiring to use chopsticks

>> No.11996579

Eat ass, fellow white man.

>> No.11996597

A jap restaurant I worked at used a rice cooker for the kitchen while the sushi chef used a wooden tub (not sure of the name) and just added rice vinegar as far as I know. They’re super fucking careful with their rice and shape it how the rice wants to be shaped.

>> No.11996689

What the fuck are those salty tasty ball things on that rice? I had some while I was in Japan and that shit is addictive as fuuuuuck.

>> No.11996809


>> No.11996848

It's scientifically proven that rice tastes better pressure-cooked. You're just proud of being a tastebudlet.

>> No.11996861

Put half a cup more water than you did rice. Then let it sit 5min after it finishes. Then open it and mix it up.
>t. Jap