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11993111 No.11993111 [Reply] [Original]

What did Poos, East Asians and Africans eat before chilis were introduced to their diets by Europeans in the 16th and 17th centuries? Capsicum are indigenous to the Americas and were spread by Western trade/travel.

>> No.11993112

each other

>> No.11993151

There's evidence both in historical documents and genetic research that the seeds were spread to asia millions of years ago by birds.

>> No.11993161

africans eat chillies?

>> No.11993182

People were eating chili peppers a long time before the Americas were discovered.

>> No.11993253

Same things the Europeans ate before the Atecs and Incans introduced them to chilis, I'd wager.

>> No.11993281

I can't speak for everywhere, but according to Fuschia Dunlop (pretty much the only westerner to graduate formal cooking school in China), they used lots of normal pepper (black pepper, white pepper) before the introduction of capsicums.

>> No.11993312
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Call it bell peppers ffs

>> No.11993338

But we aren't talking about bell peppers you mong, we're talking about the whole fucking genus, spicy ones included. All of the Capsicum genus came from the new world.

>> No.11993348

Yeah, I was going to post this. They ate each other the fucking cannibal savages!

>> No.11993391



>Capsicum (/ˈkæpsJkəm/[3]), the pepper, is a genus of flowering plants in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Its species are native to the Americas, where they have been cultivated for thousands of years. Following the Columbian Exchange, it has become cultivated worldwide, and it has also become a key element in many cuisines. In addition to use as spices and food vegetables, Capsicum species have also been used as medicines and lachrymatory agents.

>> No.11993420

Of course he would state that, otherwise he'd get hanged by the commie government there.
Look into real history, all capsicums that includes chile peppers originate from the Americas. That's a simple fact, and has nothing to do with communism, socialism, or democracy.

>> No.11993431

Originally they were using them not as a spice or for flavoring but to cover up the stench of their rotting meat and food. That's a fact.

>> No.11993434

Fuschia Dunlop is a woman.

>> all capsicums that includes chile peppers originate from the Americas.
Yes, that's what I just said. Did you even read the post you replied to?

>>That's a simple fact, and has nothing to do with communism, socialism, or democracy.
Agreed. I'm not sure why you're bringing up politics here, I certainly didn't.

>> No.11993442

So what, he/she is a moron.
Who the fuck names thier kid Fuschia or is that one of those types that need to consult a gender dictionary every 20 minutes?

>> No.11993449

Look into things written by Dave DeWitt. He'll blow the shit out of some idiot named "Fuschia."

>> No.11993458

>>he doesn't recognize a common female name
really bro?

what does that bullshit have to do with anything here? it sounds like you're being stupid on purpose.

>> No.11993463

I'm confused. Did chili peppers exist in Asia before the Columbian era or not?

>> No.11993479

Pepper did, but not capsicums. I think it was Spaniards who first found chile peppers and named them peppers, so it's a naming thing. They thought that it was pepper and mixed it up with capsicums.

>> No.11993485

No the stupid thing would be parents that would name their kid "Fuschia."
They must be hippy morons to name their kid that.

>> No.11993496

If you're going to name your kid "Fuschia" then you've consigned it to being a hippy moron for the rest of it's life.

>> No.11993509

"Fuschia" almost sounds like some kind of nigger name. Yo Yo Yo Fuscia, where be at my money you ho?

>> No.11993584

Wrong. Genetic evidence and historical documents prove otherwise.

>We can refer to a research paper in the magazine “Nature” that Korea's gochu arrived at the Korean peninsula millions of years ago, having been spread by birds. It states that gochu has evolved for millions of years, therefore, we can infer that Korean gochu existed as a completely different variety. In addition, gochujang and kimchi can be made using gochu only, which proves that people in Korea cultivated gochu thousands of years ago and have been eating it since then. Furthermore, many old Korean documents support the fact that Koreans have been planting and harvesting gochu for the last 1,500 years.



Open your mind and stop being brainwashed by eurocentrism.

>> No.11993592

>common female name
You tell em, Bort

>> No.11993908


>described the chodo is the land where gochu cultivated in detail (1808).

Wow that one document from the 17th century sure proved me wrong.

>> No.11994152

I bet this fag doesn't even know what a fuchsia is

>> No.11994421
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>Fuschia Dunlop is a woman.
The real question is why does her name sound like something out of a Thomas Pynchon novel

>> No.11994429

Why do you call him a genius? He clearly isn't.

>> No.11994464
File: 450 KB, 581x437, 1269382729251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bird eats chili pepper in Mexico
>embarks on a 6000 mile transoceanic flight
>holding in his shit the whole time
That would have to have been the most epic poop in the history of the world.

>> No.11994509

well depending on how many of millions of years ago they might not have had to cross water at all.

>> No.11994515

That's somewhat similar to how it works, it's also as simple as birds just shitting and it being eaten by some other animal who passes it down and so on

>> No.11994676

>autist upset that the rest of the world doesn’t adhere to American nomenclature
Get fucked m8

>> No.11994688

To be fair, he kinda has a point. Why use the genus name to refer to just one species in the genus? That doesn't make logical sense.