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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 540 KB, 670x1004, Garlic-Butter-Ribeye-Steak-and-Potatoes-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11990277 No.11990277 [Reply] [Original]


Name a more Chad meal, go ahead and try.

>> No.11990287



>> No.11990289
File: 56 KB, 720x540, 1529238446531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11990294

Crushed cement

>> No.11990297

swap the assburgers for green beans perhaps?

>> No.11990300

Hot cheetos and melted cheese that is ate with your hands

>> No.11990305

Needs more greens. In particular something with fiber or else you'll get constipation.
I would go with wilted spinach.

>> No.11990317

An entire gallon of milk but poured up your ass.

>> No.11990321

needs broccoli for that sweet testosterone

>> No.11990495

Yes, except a baked potato. Also add red wine.

>> No.11990504

That’s clearly not a ribeye

>> No.11990534

I'll allow it, as long as they're French-cut

>> No.11990561

Whisky and cigars

>> No.11990574

A McChicken

>> No.11990582

Clearly you have absolutely nothing of actual substance to respond with, which I take as an unconditional admission of defeat. So thank you for the bumps

>> No.11990613

>That FINEX skillet
What the FUCK is the purpose of this.

>> No.11990620

Simple: earning massive amounts of $$$ from hipsters.

>> No.11990661

ur moms cunt juice.

>> No.11990727
File: 409 KB, 640x800, 1528815050191.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Clearly you have absolutely nothing of actual substance to respond with, which I take as an unconditional admission of defeat

>> No.11990734

Oh wow, she's cute! Bet she loves black dudes though

>> No.11990750
File: 686 KB, 600x578, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the true Chad, there is no Chad meal.
The Chad determines for themself what they desire from moment to moment. A Chad may choose to eat anything. The meal becomes a Chad meal as a result of being chosen by the Chad, not the other way around.
The OP is, I'm sorry to say, a virgin, or they would have known this.
t. TurboChad

>> No.11991144

Cant deal with it

>> No.11991172

Brown beans with picalilli and pork belly.

>> No.11991236

This is the only correct answer
Chad is a state of mind

>> No.11991260

Gamer spotted. Chad knows the importance of eating his veggies to become a strong boy.

>> No.11991276

looks like a NY Strip
would nosh though

>> No.11993202

What the fuck are brown beans, do you mean pinto beans?

>> No.11993206

>Meat and two veg

How blasé.

>> No.11993210

>doesn't suggest an alternative

>> No.11993214

Meat and one veg

>> No.11993228

I'm not a ketofag, give me a complex carb in there

>> No.11993246

I think what annoys me about this most is that it's swimming in what I think is garlic butter going off the image title? the whole things gonna be a soggy mess in about 2 minutes.

>> No.11993257
File: 520 KB, 1718x1718, CwmyaBGVQAADD6s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surf n' Turf.
Shows man's dominance over land and sea.

>> No.11993266

Your mom's penis milk

>> No.11993493
File: 1.26 MB, 1067x1897, IMG_20190112_194524-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More ribeye and green vegetables, no potato

>> No.11993541

based man of culture

>> No.11993663

You're right

>> No.11994032

Sometimes I cheap out and have this with sausage or chicken, but this is literally me 80% of a week. OSRS included.

>> No.11994094

fishing lvl?

>> No.11994213

I’ve seen that pan at kitchen and company. I needs it

>> No.11994245

do people actually enjoy the huge fatty bits which are basically uneatable

>> No.11994317

The fat is the best part you fucking soy sucking cunt.
Fucking outlanders being unable to eat beef fat I swear.

>> No.11994362

lmao, beef fat is fucking god awful