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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11989072 No.11989072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Another obvious aspect of American primitivism concerns the concept of “bigness.” Werner Sombart has successfully put his finger on it in saying that “they mistake bigness for greatness.” Now, this trait is not found in all non-European peoples or peoples of color. For example, an authentic Arab of the old race, a redskin, an East Asian are not overly impressed by merely material, quantitative, ostentatious size, including that related to machinery, technology and the economy (apart, of course, from already Europeanized individuals). It is a trait found only in truly primitive and childish races like the Negro. It is no exaggeration to assert that the foolish pride of Americans in spectacular “bigness,” in the “achievements” of their civilization, reek of the Negro psyche.
-Julius Evola

Has anyone else noticed this at the store and one encounters American food products? Usually the quality is off; the portion sizes are humongous and the taste itself is very bland or bad

Is there any other explanation for such a thing except the above quote? Americans themselves probably do not notice this and consider their products superior, while in essence Quantity has replaced Quality.

>> No.11989077

The U.S. is the best country in the world. The rest of the world is pretty much just swaths of 3rd world countries.

>> No.11989081

>Usually the quality is off; the portion sizes are humongous and the taste itself is very bland or bad
I'd agree with that 100%.

>>Is there any other explanation for such a thing except the above quote?
The US was colonized mainly by Europeans. When the Euros got here they had an amazing surplus of food, far more than they were used to back in Europe, and so portions became very large as a result. That tradition continues to this day.

The low quality of food here was because the US was the first to industrialize food production on a large scale. The rest of the world ought to take note, they're not far behind these days. In fact, the US is now rapidly dropping on lists of the most obese countries. Turns out that human nature favors laziness over all else.

>> No.11989121

These are observations of C.G Jung from the 50s:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

>> No.11989132

>This is my son, fat fuck

>> No.11989155

>portions became very large as a result. That tradition continues to this day.
One thing I see foreigners talk about is portion sizes in the States, especially when they go to a restaurant. "Do Americans really eat all that?" and other nonsense.

The thing is...no. We really don't eat all that, not in one sitting at least. Restaurant portions are huge because of two attitudes: the expectation to take leftovers home, and the cultural notion of letting a guest eat their fill.

>> No.11989180

Eroupe and i think Japan have socialist health Care. The USA doesn't. Nuff said.


>> No.11989183

Who the hell goes to McDonald's anyway and gets anything except a small?

>> No.11989191

Yes, that's what I meant.

Originally the idea was "wow, we're not used to having much, but suddenly we have a ton of food that we can easily afford, so let's enjoy it". Over time that has changed to the notion of letting your guest eat as much as they want. The reasoning behind it has changed, but the huge portion concept certainly still exists.

>> No.11989204

>When the Euros got here they had an amazing surplus of food

I thought it was the opposite. Hard working of the land, constant raids by the Indians, bad winters - wasn't this why Thanksgiving came about?

The large trait that we see in American foods is inexplicably tied to its culture of capitalism and the explosion that occurred late 19th century and into the 20th as a major economic power.

>> No.11989210

I just Googled it.
UK Large = 17.5 Fl oz
US Large = 32 Fl oz

>> No.11989216

talk about american value
how do yuropoors even compete?

>> No.11989218

>I thought it was the opposite. Hard working of the land, constant raids by the Indians, bad winters - wasn't this why Thanksgiving came about?

You're right, I wasn't clear. I wasn't talking about the instant the European colonists set foot on American soil. I meant a bit later, once they got their farms up and running.

>>The large trait that we see in American foods is inexplicably tied to its culture of capitalism
I don't think that's inexplicable at all. When food is very inexpensive (or otherwise abundant) then people can splurge on what they want rather than being forced into "budgeting" their food.

>> No.11989219
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>The thing is...no. We really don't eat all that, not in one sitting at least.

Maybe in your shallow worldview which filters out reality. Over a third of your adult population is obese and this is taken from data at least a decade behind the current reality.


>b-but it's all black and hispanics

Who are also nominal citizens of your country who partake in all its economic activity including ordering food and eating it.

>> No.11989225

there actually more or less the same size because uk uses metric system

>> No.11989273

Nobody is denying that many americans are obese, anon.

You just misunderstand the reason. We generally don't eat single huge portions at once. Instead, fatties eat constantly throughout the day. Serving size at restaurants isn't the problem, it's the frequency of eating, snacking, etc.

>> No.11989293

that's literally a goddamn litre of cola. jesus christ.

>> No.11989349

Y u gonna have two sizes when they are both pretty much the smash size?

>> No.11989384

My old office's secretary who every day got two Big Macs and a large Diet Coke (because she had to watch her sugar intake).

>> No.11989842

Written by a man with a small peepee

>> No.11991592

>Americans don't eat huge portions
Bullshit. I moved to the US years ago. My American friends, neighbours, coworkers and even my in-laws routinely commented on my 'tiny' portion sizes. I've seen them order gigantic sandwiches at take away windows and eat it all in one go. I've seen them consume whole family-size bags of crisps at once. I've seen them unhinge their jaws to swallow plate after plate after plate after plate of food at buffets. As a matter of fact, my brother in-law was here recently, and he commented that the 24-pack box of Newtons I'd bought out with him back in mid-December 'was still on the table,' surprised that I hadn't devoured it by New Year's.
So yeah. Don't claim that you guys don't eat a metric fucktonne more than we do. I love you guys, but your eating habits are atrocious.

>> No.11991602
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>flooded with niggers and spics
>best country in the world


>> No.11991612

You buy 24 fig cookies at a time, allowing them to sit for 2 weeks to stale?

Even if he is a fatass, he's right. The fuck man. You can't eat less than 2 small cookies a day to prevent them from going nasty before the new year?

>> No.11991619

>americans eat large portions
he's right you know.

I'm only about 130 pounds but I can still demolish a foot long sub or a huge burger and a large fries. I've started ordering kids drinks because fuck it, I don't need 32 oz of soda rotting my teeth.

>> No.11991632


>> No.11991647

we also get free refills

>> No.11991673

Too bad your mom enjoyed my American bigness last night.

>> No.11991687

>quoting Evola like he's some kind of respected intellectual source
lol,hi /pol/

>> No.11991727

Thailand did american tier sizes on their sodas when i was there last time. Yurop sizes go 0,25L/0,3L, 0,4 and half litre for large. Burgers are truly getting the best deal on sodas but at the same time cucked by HFCS.

>> No.11991959

I said a 24-pack box, not a pack of 24 cookies. The box has 24 packs. Each pack has two bars. Each bar is equal to two cookies. That's 2 x 2 x 24 = 96 cookies. idk about you, but I'd rather not eat 6-7ish cookies per day, every day for two weeks, thanks.

>> No.11991968

Because no cup can hold all that freedom in one go. 'murica!

>> No.11991973
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>> No.11991982

I am a real American
Fight for the rights of every man

>> No.11992114

>talking shit about American Primitivism

>> No.11992123

this. europoors can only complain about how much food we have, how pathetic

>> No.11992155

>priding yourself over your starvation communist diet
it's like malnutrition is a disease that disables the ability for critical thought and independence.

>> No.11992168

Why do Americans caffeinate all their soft drinks?

>> No.11992367

>Restaurant portions are huge because of two attitudes: the expectation to take leftovers home, and the cultural notion of letting a guest eat their fill.
Not just that anon. Food costs are so low (for shit grade food) that it's very cheap to increase portion size, at very low cost, to make the customer feel that they "got their moneys worth". Hence, the giganto portions at such places as Cheesecake Factory.

>> No.11992380

Murikuns are brainwashed to consume mass quantities from the day of birth. The more you consume the more you win. Bigly.

>> No.11992410

>Has anyone else noticed this at the store and one encounters American food products? Usually the quality is off; the portion sizes are humongous and the taste itself is very bland or bad.
I live in America but I am not from the US. I can offer, perhaps, a different perspective on how this entire thing works.

Those humongous sizes only appear when I go to places where it's mass produced. Local shops, for example, taste way better. Of course Olive Garden is gonna be shit, for example, because it's genuinely mass-produced rubbish. But if I go to a nearby place for dinner with my friends, it's gonna be way better for a variety of reasons.

The same applies to the food you eat at home. I cook my own food 95% of the time. I don't pay a lot, I don't make humongous portions. It tastes considerably better than anything else and I live on 50 dollars a month on food, eating good stuff, not suffering my life through.

>Is there any other explanation for such a thing except the above quote? Americans themselves probably do not notice this and consider their products superior, while in essence Quantity has replaced Quality.
Oh, there's plenty of explanations that don't rely on an insane fascist who believed in the occult. Industrialization of food, for one. Another one is that the US has sort of entered a bit of a spiral where it hasn't realized it has a genuine culture of food that is positively delicious. The US doesn't realize how far ahead it is of just about everyone else, really.

There's also the issue that a lot of people have not been taught how to cook, or the impact that cooking can have in your life. Or, if they do know how to cook properly, they think every recipe has to be something grand, and not, y'know, sauteed onions, rice and lentils.

>> No.11992680

Starving yuropoors tremble before American feasts


>> No.11992744

>you quote someone who is not widely regarded as an authority
>this act is incomprehensible to my feeble brain
the value of a quote depends only on its content. he could be quoting a homeless junkie whore and it would not make any difference in regards to its validity. the mere act of quoting someone also does not imply they are a "respected intellectual source" (not that this category is epistemically relevant even if it were implied).
back2reddit, braindead scum.

>> No.11992802

I've never been to the US but asian portion sizes are pretty ridiculous too.

>> No.11992819

>I can get a massive large soft drink for $1
>a europoor has to pay 3 of their fucking weird currency for a drink half the size
How can you be so cucked?

>> No.11992823

By not being obese pieces of shit.

>> No.11992827

Enjoy your diabetes, tubby.

>> No.11992834


>> No.11992843