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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11979698 No.11979698 [Reply] [Original]

So apparently I have been flagged for abnormally high cholesterol due to losing the genetic lottery. I don't intend to become a walking heart attack by age 40 and that means I'm going to have to reduce my meat consumption. But the truth is I enjoy a good cooking challenge and so I am setting out to learn how to make good meat-free substitutes.

I'm going to start with bean burgers. They don't need to be vegan or any of that bullshit. What are your tips to making great bean burgers?

>> No.11979710

Well you started by Drumph-posting and announcing you are vegan, I think you'll figure it out.

>> No.11979716

I don't understand the need to remake meat meals with other ingredients to eat vegetarian. Just make a fucking vegetarian meal, there's lots of them.
Anyway if you want to fix your cholesterol you should eat more fish, that helped me.

>> No.11979718

the key is to put in enough shitposting bait to keep the thread alive long enough to get a small amount of meaningful replies.

>> No.11979724

Well it's not really a need, I just like burgers and I've had good bean burgers before so I'd like to make them myself. More fish sounds alright, I've never really gotten into it but maybe I never gave it a fair shake.

>> No.11979726


>> No.11979739

Fish is great my man, I eat fish dinners probably three times a week. Try breading cod filets and frying it in the pan, fish soup is of course also a classic. Maybe a bit of a local thing in Norway but so called fish balls are great (not the chinese kind, they're called fiskeboller in Norwegian). Pretty easy to make, just make a farce of white fish and shape it into balls, like when making meatballs.

>> No.11979746

I guess I'll have to give it a try. Unfortunately I live in deeply land-locked Germany. Is frozen fish well-suited to these recipes too?

>> No.11979785

Not for fish balls, but the others work fine with frozen fish.

>> No.11979793

Might as well just off yourself now. Food without adequate salt and fat sucks. Life sucks without good food.

>> No.11979942

Just go vegan. You'll live until 90, guaranteed.

>> No.11980108

>eating a biologically appropriate diet is bullshit
Just eat meat and die then.
>What are your tips to making great bean burgers?
Lookup for foods rich in umami components. Add nutritional yeast if you like the heme-iron flavor.

>> No.11980659

Vegans are bad enough, but could you imagine how cunty and annoying old vegans would be? Thank goodness they don't actually live as long as they say, eh?

>> No.11980668

I know these feels, OP. I'm pretty thin yet because of my genetics got the >insane cholesterol meme speech by my doctor. I found that whatever reason my genes were able to lower my cholesterol when I cut out the Totino pizzas I was chowing down. I had to increase my food budget but am doing better health wise.

>> No.11980831

But lad do you really have to give up all meat? Maybe just cut back on red meat and eat a lot more fish. Fish is good for your heart

>> No.11980889

The secret to making any nob meat thing good is garlic

>> No.11980958

i never said "give up all meat", i said "reduce meat consumption". im not becoming a faggy vegetarian or vegan or anything

>> No.11981105

Try some Cashew burgers, they're gud.
Fun fact, my dad has high as fuck blood pressure due to eating lots of cheese and salt but due to his vegetarian diet he has a excellent cholesterol.

>> No.11981144

Eggs are quite high in cholesterol as well, so if you eat a lot of them, that might have something to do with it.

>> No.11981522

Same OP. Went full vegan because of this literally primary reason. My Dad had a massive heart attack and nearly died at fucking 38, not to mention every male on that side of the family has had bypass or died of heart disease.

Bean burgers are kinda tedious imo. I like to make mushroom burgers.

I also make bean and rice burritos all the time which is my main staple - chipotle mayo, white rice, black or pinto - whatever toppings always jalapenos.

Also learn how to make great broths for everything, miso broth and such for good soup.

>> No.11981533

Dont even bother then. Just keep eating meat and do it only 2-3 times a week. You might delay your heart attack to 50-60 but youre not gonna enjoy retirement. Trust me.

>> No.11981542

Enjoy dying, OP

>> No.11981547

I’d rather die of a heart attack than replace beef with beans and mushrooms in burritos.

>> No.11981555

You dont miss meat after like...week 3 its really not that good. CHEESE it what you miss. Go buy a steak, throw it on the grill, leave it completely unseasoned and you will realize Im right. I dont put mushrooms in burritos nigger I make them into burgers.

>> No.11982541

>7.3 years longer on average

>> No.11982552

There is not yet a good sample base for vegans who have lived a full life on the diet. Maybe you could look at the lifespan of a Jain, but you wouldn't be able to rule out genetic factors.

>> No.11982620

Don't listen to these faggots their brains don't function correctly.

Do cut down on the bullshit you may be eating.

Only eat high quality stuff. Start taking shit loads of good fish oil tablets (Dr tobias or Nordic naturals) and eat at least 2 tins of wild caught smoked sardines in olive oil (drained) per week. Protip: the various studies that allegedly show that fish oil tablets don't work ignore the obvious confounding factor that is fat fucks taking low and low quality doses and saying lol I'm taking fish oil I can eat that donut.

Also start walking at least 5 miles a day and focus on getting below 25 bmi. After a couple months of the above you WILL lower your cholesterol.

Source: me and my pcp at the mayo clinic. Vegans can blow it out their ass.

>> No.11982656

Another point regarding fish oil tablets. There are late breaking cardiology studies that are showing that taking fuck huge doses of fish oil (which is quite expensive for poorfags) is actually really good. But you need to take high doses of high quality oils like to the tune of $75+ a month. At that level there are statistically significant improvements to cardiac outcomes.

Listen to podcasts in particular, this week in cardiology is excellent. The ultimate redpill you will learn from listening actual practicing cardiologists that it's best to live and let live. Selling your soul to Satan and being a complete faggots sucking your own dick as the vegans would have you do WILL NOT improve cardiac outcomes, and in fact, it will harm your mental health and damage your organs while your chasing clean arteries.

>> No.11982663

OP Is a real nigga

>> No.11982696

Me again (I'm drunk can you tell?)

Why is everyone obsessed with little kid food? I mean, disguising everything as something else, a la dinausar chicken tendies.

Not evefything needs to 'seem' like something else.

Just eat some black beans and quit being a faggot.

>> No.11982957

I appreciate your drunk ramblings.

>> No.11982960

Did you not read the study? You don't know loma linda? There are 3rd generation vegans at this point. The sample size would be considered scientific.
Can you not read or do you only have a GED?

>> No.11982963
File: 5 KB, 231x218, fat-arm-flab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to a moron without a point

>> No.11982997

I've been flagged by google for having bad opinions and for disabling most forms of their tracking and data collection.
I get shadow banned, captcha is a bitch, posts get eaten, "random" logouts, filter bubbled into hell, etc.
Tech censorship is real and all I mostly do is tell people to put down the soy, read some history, and cook for themselves.

Fuckheads need to get woken, they've thrown in with the actual "bad guys." I'm a vet with an advanced engineering degree and my wife is a career speech writer. Stop pissing us off.

>> No.11983013

Frozen fish is fine, just get wild caught fish. They pump the farmed fish full of chemicals.

Pollock/Kohler is the cheapest wild caught fish here in the Netherlands, so I assume that's true in Germany too.

>> No.11983491

he cute tho.......

>> No.11983506

You made me open it and it was exactly as I said, you fucking asshole. Don't waste my time like that ever again.

>> No.11984433

cut down the sugar and hfcs
cholesterol is a basic building block your body needs

>> No.11984494

Bro all that shit sucks, if you're going to be a vegan just do it, eat beans out of a bowl with a piece of fresh bread and a salad, don't try this veggie burger shit or other retard shit.

>> No.11984499

dietary cholesterol has no affect on blood cholesterol levels retard

>> No.11984547

>I like to eat huge quantites of fat so I'll ignore the countless peer reviewed studies and settled science that shows it does
Enjoy your heart disease at the age of 40.

>> No.11984559

>poorly-conducted studies from the 40s outweigh modern controlled studies done 2 years ago
yeah ok bud

>> No.11986009
