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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11973062 No.11973062 [Reply] [Original]

Has /ck/ ever had gout?

>> No.11973102

My grandmother has it. Apparently she has to try to avoid eating red meat and some other foods.

>> No.11973107


>> No.11973124

Eat lobster and drink champagne

>> No.11973134


I was developing it due to my drinking. It was one of the main reasons i finally stopped drinking alltogether.

I would get these awful random pains all over my body and in my joints. Just not worth it.

>> No.11973138

Gout is related to your diet

>> No.11973166

So is fatness and diabetes, dumbshit, and (brace yourself) coincidentally have a significant correlation.

>> No.11973496

I'm not saying that I have gout, nor am I fat or diabetic, in fact I'm borderline underweight. I was just curious if anyone here has ever had gout.

>> No.11973541
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I like that episode of King of the Hill where Bobby gets gout hahaha

>> No.11973552

I can't get past the 6 fingered hand
muck this threat

>> No.11973580
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glad I'm not the only one who thought of that
any time I hear about gout, I either think of that KotH episode, or the episode of Everybody Hates Chris where Terry Crews gets gout from eating like a nigger

>> No.11973593
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it's hilarious that you probably think this garbage post made any discernible point

>> No.11973616

>awful random pains all over my body and in my joints
How bad were they, and where would they happen? I thought the typical onset of gout was a single, severe attack in one joint, typically the toe, at which point you go, "Welp, guess I'm dealing with that for the rest of my life."
>solved 10 fucking captchas to post, fuck you google

>> No.11973650


all over...arms hips and legs mostly. I did notice my big toe got red and irritated looking. Went into the doctor she confirmed my like kidney readings for the gout shit were pretty high and confirmed i probably was experiencing it.

Its something you can get rid off just gotta lay off the booze and in my case the helped me lose weight.

Dont really experience any symptoms anymore. Toe looks normal

>> No.11973658


Also me. I think what might have triggered it was trying to go keto. I ended up eating alot more fat than I was used to and thats what kicked it off but definitely booze was the biggest factor id say. That and being an all around fat fuck.

>> No.11973674

My roommate had it. He was living on a diet of shellfish, steak, and beer. One day he said he woke up and his foot hurt like crazy, he could barely get himself to the doctor. Vary your diet folks, don't eat too much rich food.

>> No.11973688

i work in an office with a bunch of old people.

there's one guy - he must be like 70 - who had some gout problems a few months ago. he eats lunch every single day at the same white table cloth place - i'm sure it is 3000 calories of meat, butter, and salt. he drinks sweet tea all day. he's completely useless as an employee, but he spends most of the day yelling at call center people to speak english better.

>> No.11975013

yea thatll do it
its the shell in shell fish that really gets ya
goes straight to the bone and forms calcium rich microscopic shellfish depositories in youre joints
you can avoid it by taking omega-3 supplements

>> No.11975036

my fat fuck roommate has it, no surprise considering I've never seen a vegetable on his side of the fridge.

>> No.11975062


>living with fat people

>> No.11975084

Gout has nothing to do with dietary deficiencies. Rather it has to do with over-consumption of purines. If your fat roommate ate loads of veggies it would not get rid of or prevent his gout.