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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11971992 No.11971992 [Reply] [Original]

hi everyone, it's this time of the day when I have nothing better to do so let me share what I'm cooking with you all since this is a cooking board after all
yeah right
we're gonna prepare vegetables with a curry cream for lack of a better description, I'm not really an experienced cook and I got this idea from a video seen here on /ck/ where this guy was in some SEAn country making curry with eggs in a wok

these pictured here are the main ingredients, the rest is stuff that you supposedly already have
the leaves on the bottom are bok choi, the whiter and harder portions were used for other dishes

boil the eggs and put a bit of oil in a pan, something like 50-70ml, you're going to make a roux

>> No.11972013
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on second thought this is not really a pan, but hopefully you get the idea
if you're wondering how to make a roux look it up anywhere, it's quite easy
so, to the hot oil I added about half weak flour, 1/4 spicy curry mix and 1/4 mild curry mix, but as with everything spices and curry in particular add whatever makes you sleep well at night, whatever your guests or housemates like best, whisk thoroughly and don't let it brown too much, you will want to keep it yellow-ish to light brown-ish for this

in a wok add oil and turn the heat on mid-high, toss the oil around, same old same old way people have used woks for ages

>> No.11972035
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not very finely chop the onions and add them to the wok, cover them and let them cook for a bit, 5 to 10min on mid-high heat, tossing then every once in a while
while you're at it see if the eggs are cooked, they should have a firm yolk so about 7-8min should do, and chop the carrots and pepper into thin chunks about 3cm long

>> No.11972069
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remove the shell from the eggs
my mother taught me that it's better using a fork's handle rather than a teaspoon because the former is more curved and more likely to cut into the actual egg, so if you cut the eggs in half and use the back of a form to remove the shell from the halves you'll be done in no time
also pass the eggs under cold running water rather than waiting for them to cool off, I figure this would be common sense but you never know what kind of people looks for cook alongs on 4ch

>> No.11972085
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>> No.11972119
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once the onions have reached the desired consistency and color, like the one in pic related, add the carrots
actually if you want them to be soft and fluffy at the end you should add them at the beginning, with the onions, but I like them a bit consistent, together with the pepper
same as before with the onion but don't cover the pan anymore, just leave the heat on and toss the content for a couple more minutes

at this point you may as well want to add some meat, I didn't have any at hand but I figure some veal, or maybe possibly some pork, could go well with this, so if you can't imagine eating a lunch without meat this is the time to throw the meat in, your favorite cut chopped to the same shape as the carrots, I'd use tenderloin but anything goes

>> No.11972147
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at this point we'll need to heat up some stock
me being a fan of Marco P White's I used a stock cube for this (some off brand rather than knorr but still), but if you can manage, real stock will most certainly work better
I used about .5l for this, savory but not savory enough that you can't drink it on its own without grimacing
keep it hot as this will be used in a short while to make the so called cream

>> No.11972188
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add the peppers to the wok and toss them, same as the carrots, ezpz

>> No.11972227
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chop the eggs up, I left them bigger than everything else because in that video I mentioned in my first message the eggs were whole, but with everything else in the wok chopped so comparatively finely I couldn't bring myself to just put the egg halves
if you're the kind of person that likes before-lunch cocktails this is the time to have one, or if you want to have wine with this, this is when you should open it
I have a nice enough, cheap enough, light bodied and mid-sweet chardonnay-viognier, something somewhat sweet goes well with curry in my humble opinion, maybe something fuller-bodied than what I have on hand atm but once again, anything goes, try some stuff and decide whatever you like best

>> No.11972233
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between one sip and another throw everything else in the wok, whatever you haven't already, set the heat to high and toss it
as soon as everything's heated up, add most of the broth

>> No.11972276
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slowly add the roux to the broth in the wok and stir
now because I was slow, as I'm a very social person and I was taking pictures along the way, my roux has reached a dark brown color and a nutty, coffee-like smell
it can work surely, but a lighter roux would have most likely been better for these mostly veggies
let everything simmer for a minute or two and taste it for the lack or over-abundance of spice and compensate by either adding water/milk, or adding salt/broth
milk is thicker so it will not make the broth as much lighter as water would, the right consistency for this cream has been in your heart all along, look for it, find it and act accordingly, I made it fairly light, like a thick soup, rather than thick like a very thick sauce, but don't let a stranger on the internet decide the thickness of your creams for you

be sure that you used enough oil in your roux, as using too little will result in the flour not properly dissolve in oil, which will in turn result in a powdery cream

>> No.11972296
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after all that, serve in bowls and eat with either a fork or a spoon depending on how thick the result is

it turned out a bit too thick and a bit too powdery and the roux was a bit too nutty but everything else was good, my family agreed that it was a bit powdery but they liked it and got seconds so you can trust it was at least decent

cheers, be seeing you next time

>> No.11972305

Thanks, man. I love your threads.

>> No.11972390

sure thing, you should try making one yourself sometime, it's nice really