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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 313 KB, 757x1200, 1528275975610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11970690 No.11970690 [Reply] [Original]

The king of all drinks, Dr. Foots, has been around since 1996. Meaning unlike other sodas that are clearly stuck in their ways, Dr. Foots provides a refreshing (literally) breath of fresh air. Better than Pepsi, Coke, and RC Cola combined, Dr. Foots owns my taste buds for life. In a recent study, scientists agreed that Dr. Foots is scientifically proven to be 1,000,000,000 times better than any other soft drink. The secret 23 flavors in Dr. Foots are what keep people coming back for more. It goes great with any meal; breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a midnight snack. I like it, personally, because it is much more syrup-y than those other drinks. Pepsi is too bland, and Mountain Dew is too citric acid-y. If it was healthy to bathe in Dr. Foots, I totally would. I would like to thank Bavaria for inventing it, and my mom for letting me drink it.

fuck Dr. Pepper

>> No.11970726

I am very glad to see this post. I always thought I was the only one who knew about Dr Foots, the rightful king of carbonated softdrinks.

Up until now I've never even heard anybody else about Dr. Foots. At one time I even doubted its very existence, almost convinced the docter was a figurement of my own imagination. It's refreshing and tasteful values, how can something so perfect be real?

Brother, I salute you for this post. Let the people know about the docter. The people must know.

>> No.11970734

Only 40 cents for a can of heaven, eat that dr pepper (whom I doubt has even ever sworn hippocrates' oath)

>> No.11970855

Sincerely touched by this post, this drink doesn't get the appreciation it deserves. I have loved this drink for as long as i can remember. The stores always have a very limited amount of these beautiful cans in stock, which results in me going to four or five stores to be able to get the amount of Dr. Foots I need to get through the week.
I really appreciate you posting this because sincerely hope the big company's pick this up, and it becomes the hype it deserves to be.
Just imagine, it's a summer day and you're enjoying the sun, sitting at a cafe terrace, you have a look at the menu and there it Is; no "Coca-Cola", no "Dr Pepper" or some sort of lime drink, no the first drink at the menu is Dr Foots, the true king of the refreshing beverages.

I really hope this drink finally goes viral and it gets the love and fame it deserves

>> No.11970859
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I just took a sip of Dr. Pepper Cherry. It is a 11/9 drink and obviously very high tier indeed. Does Dr. Foots have a cherry version? I think not. It doesn't even have an MD. Dr. Foots is clearly a hack! A low tier 1/19 drink. No better than Freeway cola!

>> No.11970868

Its like Michael Jackson is dancing on my tongue when I take a sip of Dr. Foots. Wait.. isn’t that the reason that they called it Mr Foots? Love it.

>> No.11970883

Reported for racism. Go back to /pol/, and take your image with you.

>> No.11970888
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I just looked up the IP addresses and this is all OP posting. OP what are you trying to do here? I want you to identify yourself.

>> No.11970894

Reported for announcing report.

>> No.11970902

Pot and kettle, nigger.

>> No.11970905
File: 142 KB, 567x437, 1537979182215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey vsauce,

Felix here.

Do you guys know the ingredients of a Dr. Foots can? I'll tell you. It's aluminum and liquified poop.

The outside of the can, looks like paint right? Right, it's poop though. It's different types of poop you see, which explains the different colours.

>> No.11970909

hurr durr look at mister hacker over here. If this was all from the same IP it would only show 1 poster.

>> No.11970910

You cant say nigger on this board you stoopid nigger

>> No.11970927

Do you eat the can? Do you lick the outside of the can like some drooling retard?
Dr. Foots only comes in contact with the aluminum part of the can, not the colored poop. Even if it did, the taste would be more than worth it.

>> No.11970928

In defense of the true doctor, my main man foots, I'm wondering if /pol/boy here can tell me what dr pepper does that is beneficial for the physical health of society.

Foots founded a womens basketballteam that won the dutch national league some
20 years ago.

- supports feminism
- thinks locally
- uses real sugar instead of shit substitutes like fraud plaguedoctor 'pepper'
- modestly priced -> promotes equality
- king of basketball
- loves you

"""Doctor""" pepper
- sugar substitutes that give you cancer
- hates society
- promotes inequality
- literally gives you cancer
- taste like feet, not like foots

>> No.11970944
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Back on topic: does anyone else miss the older, weirder cans they used to come in? Can't just be me.

>> No.11970953

Oh shit my dawg,

You just unlocked memories I didn't even know I had.

Take me back!

>> No.11970957

>do you eat the can
>do you lick the outside of the can

Anon clearly with ingredients I meant the ingredients as in the inside of the can. It's not that hard to understand anon jeez. So you're drinking poop. Drinking poop will kill you. And don't tell me Dr. Foots is worth dying for because that's just a straight up marketing lie.

You're a hack!

Faggot OP

>> No.11970968
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source: my ass

>> No.11970994

I, as a promotor of the dutch colonial legacy (r.i.p. Great leader Westerling, long live Frikandel) approve this. We have to stop drinking liquid American cancer!

>> No.11970999

I have a foot fetish

>> No.11971008

Praise be Bavaria, praise be Westerling and most of all, praise be Dr. Foots!

>> No.11971011
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>> No.11971018

What language is that even? Europoo at it again I see.

>> No.11971019
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>> No.11971022

well fuck me then

>> No.11971023
File: 43 KB, 488x488, virgils lemon lime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try dis bee-yotch

>> No.11971034
File: 1.25 MB, 750x1334, 859EEF7E-D635-470B-9C17-166790FAB285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr pepper used to say theymake the world better. That would be if they would export it to India and Africa, so everybody would die of cancer! But they didnt!

They try to poison us with their liquid cancer. We have to stop this. Who wants to join me in restoring the dutch presence in Indoshittia? We would be a worldpower again and exterminate every dr pepper jew!

>> No.11971036

>zero sugar
So what sweetens it, then? Please don't say stevia.

>> No.11971039

>drinking the liquid jew that is dr. pepper

It's proven to chemically castrate you.

>> No.11971050

I will!

>> No.11971059

lowering testosteron and cucking white men into accepting race mixing even more and having their women raped by niggers and muslims

>> No.11971090
File: 80 KB, 800x538, 80E9F916-B68D-43A9-8D0B-EB37E5063903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you Guys know Kim Jong Un is a fan of dr foots? It makes his people much stronger with its nutritional value!

>> No.11971099

Let me quote Dr. Foots during one of their many press conferences:

'on the issue of the browning of the west: while our drinks may be as brown as sub saharan Africa, the- are you all familiar with the different phenotypes? Yes, over the years we have carefully engineered our drinks to cause harmful effects to those of non European heritage. These include, but are not limited to: loss of hair, soft, brittle bones, and severely lower testosterone. We will personally wipe out the brown menace, trust us.'

They then followed that up by yelling' GEEN GEZEIK, OP NAAR HET VIERDE RIJK' and 'ANDER RAS? AAN HET GAS!' continually for over five minutes straight.

>> No.11971112

checked & kekked

>> No.11971121

I was there, dr Foots held a revolutionary speech. Lenin is a amateur compared to our beloved compatriot dr Foots. In addition to your story, he ended the conference with the most beautiful words: “ liever drinkend dr foots met schijt van 10 meeuwen In je mond, dan 47 dr pepper negerlullen in je kont”

Best day of my life

>> No.11971147
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>> No.11971151
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>> No.11971157
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>> No.11971160
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>> No.11971170

Shoo shoo, go write more scripts you nerd

>> No.11971175
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>> No.11971179
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>> No.11971222
File: 811 KB, 1024x800, Thierry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we see Thierry Baudet drinking a Crystal Dr. Foots, on the rocks I might add. Convinced yet?

>> No.11971286

stop drinking carbonated sugar water

>> No.11971313

Unless it's made from real cane sugar, like Dr. Foots. It's not bad in moderation.

>> No.11971370

>be youthful hella hip 1999 me
>get offered Dr. Foots at a pool party
>notice Dr. Pepper is also in attendance but decide to be adventurous
>take a hefty swig... and recoil
>it's somewhat flat like the many feet seen by the foots doctor I presume and the taste is decidedly unimpressive
>probably some kind of podiatric money laundering scheme... If he's even licensed
>i switch allegiances to Dr. Pepper immediately and after one gulp my agitation is instantly cured

>> No.11971410

fuck your mother if you want sum fuck!

>> No.11971428

I would like to drink her dr foots if you catch my drift

>> No.11971483

Mr. Pibb though.

>> No.11971567


>> No.11971775

Tweede voor kankerwessel

>> No.11971801

haha yeah ;) dude i love feet
i also love cleaning clocks with my mouth
dude give me a smegma riddled dick
i love sucking it clean

>> No.11972023

They sell/sold these at the Jumbo right? They were mighty popular amongst some stoners I used to hang out with.

>> No.11972075

They were! I'm 100% sure they're spld at Albert Heijn and Jumbo, but otjer supermarkets might have them stocked. Those stoners dp habe mighty good taste, though.

>> No.11972102

Yeah Bonomel and Dr Foots were quite popular amongst people who needed sugary drinks but were on a tight budget. I don't miss smoking weed but relaxing in the park with bonomel, taxi, Dr Foots and speculaasplakken was pretty comfy.

>> No.11972325
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Just leaving this here.

>> No.11972437

clocks are the shit

what about pepperidge farm? Pepperidge farm remembers

>> No.11972446

Jesse je moet je kankerbek houden met je hoofd. JESUS

>> No.11973901


>> No.11975025

Dr. Foots marketingteam pls respond

>> No.11975899

I called them, they told me they're gonna quit because pepper is better

>> No.11976052


>> No.11976064
