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File: 201 KB, 700x525, UnoSandcrabProfile[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11968026 No.11968026 [Reply] [Original]

What is the proper way to go from catch to cook preparing for sand crabs? Only thing I'm really finding is this site:
Is there a different or better way to go about it?

>> No.11968287

you can't

>> No.11968299

That thing will not taste good

>> No.11968304

they're basically all guts..... if you cleaned them a bit i think you could make a stock out of em

>> No.11968309


>Eating ocean insects

You must live in a 3rd world shit hole.

>> No.11968352

this dude just fried them
he said they’re not bad but his face doesn’t look like it agrees


>> No.11968394

>Restricting what you eat in order to make yourself feel superior to others, making you miss out on a lot of good food

stay seething

>> No.11968408

>”It tastes like a shrimp mixed with crap”
What a glowing review

>> No.11968531


In my country, I have a near endless supply of food. I'll never have to dig through sand to find insects to eat like you have to. Stay poor, faggot lmfao

>> No.11968559

The way I was shown to catch sand crabs (or whatever we had in the Pacific) was to bury a bucket so that the top was flesh with the top of the sand and then throw a chicken wing or two in after you were done eating it. Next morning the bucket would be completely overflowing with crabs.

>> No.11968729

I'm totally trying that

>> No.11968742

is this where crab cakes come from?

>> No.11968785

It's infinitely easier (and probably better) to just trap crawfish. Even if you have to drive a little, the fuckers are everywhere once you're done with freezing weather.

>> No.11968808

Maybe cut it in half, rince in water to get the sand and guts out, then boil them and simmer in a garlic butter lemon sauce. Stuff it with fresh ricotta cheese and serve with pasta

>> No.11968985
File: 297 KB, 677x510, 1522501473453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ewww icky fish things yuuuuuuuck

>> No.11969038

I imagine if you purge them for a day like snails and then let them sit in clean water to get rid of anything else, they'd be okay to cook

>> No.11969044

fuck that looks gross op just get yourself to a food bank

>> No.11969050


>> No.11969080

You don’t.

You use them as bait to catch Corbina off the California coast.


>> No.11969299

>How to catch
I'd get a small bucket, cut out the bottom and add some kind of fine mesh. Or poke nail sized holes on the bucket bottom and scoop them out of the sand. They're easy to find. When you see a wave receed on the beach you'll see a bunch of V shape trail in the sand. They are at the tip of the v.

>> No.11969373

These aren’t for eating. You should catch them and use them as bait for larger, more edible game.

>> No.11969748

This. Stick to fish lads.

>> No.11969757

Both wrong.
land and freshwater- expect the worst parasites and diseases
seawater- fish or mammal or crustacean, have much more fun

>> No.11969935

My ex girlfriend has a four year old daughter. I taught the girl how to find sand crabs. One day my ex and her daughter went to the beach and the girl caught a shit ton of sand crabs and brought them to her mother. She ended up letting the critters go after posting photos on Facebook.

About a week later my ex ate a few shrimp and had an anaphylactic reaction to them and nearly died, she was in the ICU for about a week. I'm not sure if the events were related, it could be a coincidence. She's deathly allergic to all seafood now. The relationship didn't last much beyond that.

Anyway that's my sand crab story

>> No.11969946

Keep them in a container er for 3 days so they can shit out all the nasty stuff they ate.
Change the water frequently.
Once their systems are all clean they will taste good after you eat them.

>> No.11969951
File: 222 KB, 674x506, 1hzgyg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In my country, I have a near endless supply of food

>> No.11970090

what an argument!

>> No.11970180
File: 317 KB, 1200x1504, 5a7a8b700f895.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sea bugs are delicious. Name a single first world country that doesn't eat them

>> No.11970187

Crustaceans are always kind of bland, they just absorb seasoning pretty well. Lobster used to be called poor man's food.

>> No.11970236

Is that Jazz?

>> No.11970638

ahh, yes, the old polish christmas carp method