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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11967445 No.11967445 [Reply] [Original]

Are these the biggest scam ever?
>Lol let's just halve the cookie size then couple the cost
>why won't you buy our scam cookies anon
>what do you mean you can get the same cookies cheaper year round from other companies
>but muh girl scouts of america

>> No.11967449

You seem upset. Do you need a hug, cupcake?

>> No.11967451

I want coconut cookies

>> No.11967457

Samoans are GOAT though

>> No.11967458

Coupling the cost with a reduced size would mean reducing the cost in proportion to the reduced save.

>> No.11967459

better than that shit ass popcorn that the boyscouts sell.

>> No.11967478

You definitely have your priorities in order. Keep complaining on a Babylonian window washing forum.

>> No.11967491

Caramel Delites are literally manufactured by Keebler and you can buy the Keebler brand cookies for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.11967534

Not to mention they're bigger and you get more in a package.

>> No.11967554

That's what xhe said.

>> No.11967859
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>not supporting an organization that prostitutes children and forces them to act like beggars on street corners for your dirty money
It's like you don't even enjoy the finer things in life or something anon.

>> No.11967888

You are paying for the happiness of the girl scout selling cookies at the foldable counter

>> No.11968081

selling cookies allowed my daughter and her troop to go to summer camp, go to a horse ranch for 2 days, and take a weekend camping course where they learned how to make fires, put out fires, fish and clean fish and other outdoorys beginner stuff.

you dont buy girlscout cookies because you want cookies, you buy them because you are donating money to a cause, and yes im aware the girlscouts only get like 1/19423th of the proceeds, but its that or nothing, its not like people are just going to donate money to them

>> No.11968103

So they robbed you of the opportunity to teach your daughter about fires and fishing? I'm kind of mad at the Girl Scouts now.

>> No.11968111

i only teach my daughter about x-men and star wars stuff

>> No.11968116

Cmon now anon, he's so busy at work making other people more money that he didn't have time to spend a weekend with his child. So he gave some of his meager wages to some random fuck to be a father for him.

>> No.11968122

i love watching neets try to explain how real life works

>> No.11968133

Honestly it was me explaining how my childhood was, not that im a girl but its the same idea. I work a 7-3 and make good money doing it. I don't have kids but thats mainly because I don't have the time or energy which I think is just fucking sad.
And yes how I described it really is how most childhoods shape up. Kids spend almost no time with adults let alone their parents. Which is why you have parents like that other anon who send their kids off to have their childhood memories with complete fucking strangers for insane amounts of cash.

>> No.11968159

My girl's parents did spend time at the meetings and trips. You're projecting and assuming a lot.

>> No.11968171

>my girls parents
Come again?

>> No.11968173

They’ve got you clocked now too outside the grocery store.

>sorry I don’t have any cash on me
That’s okay we take cards now!

>sorry I don’t eat cookies/sweets
That’s okay you can buy some for the troops!

I usually just pull my dick out now

>> No.11968191


>> No.11968194
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It is just the best ain't it? Sometimes I stop and listen to them ask just to stare for a moment so they know I heard them before walking off to my car. So glad parents willingly put their children up like beggars. Really helps hammer home how little they matter.

>> No.11968199

It's not your girl then pal.

>> No.11968209

This. Being a boyscout must be suffering. Watching a bunch of girls sell out of cookies in an hour while everyone tells you no since they don't want a 15 dollar box of popcorn.

>> No.11968214

Sure is. Stay mad.

>> No.11968218

I am not mad, i'm just saying if she has her own parents she's not your girl. It's pretty basic. Now if you are saying she is your woman, that's a bit different but maybe you're a pedophile or something. Its hard to tell with how stupid you are.

>> No.11968235
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>being a boy must suck because you dont get to sell cookies
I mean if you say so pal.

>> No.11968341

fuck off cuck

>> No.11968389
File: 61 KB, 680x522, 1547436040981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s okay we take cards now!
sorry I only carry bitcoin
or if you don't want to be a jerk about it
sorry I pay with NFC, do you take NFC?

>> No.11968403
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>being autistic enough to tell a 9 year old girl who is standing out in the freezing cold in a wallmart parking lot about bitcoin and why you cannot buy her cookies which she needs to sell to go home
I would pay 10 dollars to witness such a thing live and in person. Perhaps even 12.50.

>> No.11968417

Just dont buy them, retard

>> No.11968422

>Just dont make the thread, retard

>> No.11968442
File: 106 KB, 768x1024, cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people have empathy and support girl scout endeavors by buying all their cookies.
>stormdrumpfers btfo!


>> No.11968458

>the nervous half crouch from the girl on the left, barely able to smile as she calculates the best way to escape, hand withdrawn into her coat to protect as much of herself as possible
>the girl on the right giving the thousand yard stare, already too far gone to even notice what is around her, barely holding onto the cup handed to her for some picture she cannot even comprehend, this is simply another day for a child working for free to make adults money

>> No.11968468

If that's such a great thing to do, doesn't it follow that the Girl Scouts are abusive for making them sit there in the first place?

>> No.11968472
File: 113 KB, 634x593, 449EAFC400000578-4912896-image-m-110_1506180748842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How else are we going to pay for the ponies and ponie lessons?

>> No.11968475

>why is child labor a bad thing
I dunno anon, I dunno.

>> No.11968479

Desparate cope to disparage kindness. Sad!

>> No.11968484


Massive drug dealer piece of shit.


>> No.11968485
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>> No.11968521


>> No.11968667

I didn't say that. But boyscouts and girlscouts are both little kids sitting out in the cold trying to sell shit, at least the girl scouts actually get to sell their shit. Everyone just tells the boys to go fuck themselves, you can see the sadness on their faces.
It's a decent life lesson honestly.

>> No.11968674

Still not seeing how the girls have it better even by your own observations. The girls get tricked into thinking its that easy, the boys don't and grow from it.

>> No.11968692

The girls get shown that people will be nice and give them things because they're cute girls.
The boys get shown that even if you have the better product you don't get free sales since you're not a cute little girl.
I don't actually think being a boyscout sucks outside of this one situation. It was just joke.

>> No.11968701

>girls get taught their worth is on a timer before they've even hit puberty
Sounds down right dazzling.

>> No.11968712

I feel like most of the ppl that buy GS cookies arent buying them because theyre looking for a great fucking deal on cookies. Whats youre fat-to-stupid ratio? I cant figure out if youre more retarded or more obese

>> No.11968717

Yeah, I pay with NFC


>> No.11968725

How long does Girl Scout Cookies season last anyway?

>> No.11968763

I buy Girl Scout cookies when I want to support the Girl Scouts. I buy the cookies from other companies when I just want some shitty cookies for cheap. Who the fuck cares about storebought cookies this much anyway? Do you guys have the 'tism?

>> No.11968766

Yes anon, everyone in this thread besides you and the people who share your opinion have Autism. What a shocking coincidence.

>> No.11968779

Good thing I got out before they let girls in

>> No.11969543

>getting asked to buy fundraiser shit
You need to work on your scowl. Once you get it right, you'll never have to worry about high school fundraisers again.

>> No.11969562
File: 41 KB, 1024x584, 1550175189803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say "no thank you"

It's not hard

>> No.11969581

Be a gentleman!

>> No.11969691

i just get the keebler ones sometimes, fuck girl scouts, its child labor for big cookie

>> No.11969695

>fuck girl scouts
Reported to FBI.

>> No.11969717

Yeah but then Keebler started selling them and they weren't special anymore. Now I never eat them because I know I can get them whenever I want.

>> No.11969936

Nigger I thought you said you were selling popcorn? Since when is popcorn considered better than cookies?

>> No.11969980

Can I have both the girl and the cookies...?

>> No.11970003

not a word, why would you capitalize it like one?
fucking zoomers

>> No.11970035

Some boy scouts came to my door the other day for bottles. Was happy to unload some bags on em, girlscouts could learn a thing from them. Should be considered child abuse to use your child to peddle goods on the street. I saw some outside the liquor store the other day, what the fuck is that? I don't want to be guilted into that shit when I'm trying to get drunk

>> No.11970209

The popcorn the boy scouts sell is actually pretty good. Where as girl scout cookie are the human equivalent to dog treats.