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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11965706 No.11965706 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11965716
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inb4 delet

I missed you guys

any threads in other places these days? I remember we were tolerated on /adv/ for a little while

>> No.11965721

What happened to /R9K/? Pretty sure the robots there won't mind a few more depressed anons there.

>> No.11965722

I threw away my liquor last night

>> No.11965724

i think it sometimes gets moved to /r9k/
i'm not aven al/ck/y but it's too bad the /ck/ mods are no fun allowed ass lickers
some threads i used to like are banned too
only cat blogging and mchickens are good enough for nu/ck/ i guess

>> No.11965725

Daily reminder that these threads kept getting deleted because anons kept posting music links.
>t.former mod

>> No.11965726

Yeah, I've done that a lot of times.

I wish you the best, though.

>> No.11965731

Agreed, nu/ck/ sucks

>> No.11965734

>i'm not aven al/ck/y but it's too bad the /ck/ mods are no fun allowed ass lickers
It's too bad, al/ck/ generals were unironically the most interesting threads on 4chan.

that was literally one (1) fucking thread

>> No.11965735
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beverages that contain alcohol

>> No.11965741

what's wrong with music links? the reddit cat blogger always posts music links

>> No.11965750

This post just proves how autistic 4chan is now. There is no reason for al/ck/ to belong anywhere other than /ck/ and any mod that thinks otherwise may as well perma-ban my ass because I will never think otherwise.

>> No.11965761

>that was literally one (1) fucking thread
not true

>> No.11965770

How many then, two? I only saw the one and I followed the threads pretty closely back then.

>> No.11965777

Fuck off, degenerate.

>> No.11965784

Enjoy your ban for announcing a ban, jackass autistic spazztoid.

>> No.11965786

Are you saying you spend 24 hours a day (for years) refreshing al/ck/ threads? Because that's the only way you would know for sure.
Seek help.

>> No.11965790

But it's nothing to do with food or cooking. There's drink, but it's in the context of substance abuse, not the drinks themselves. You could all be heroin addicts and the thread would be similar.
It's a thread for addicts to blog about their miserable lives. Seems right up r9ks alley.

>> No.11965791

>Enjoy your ban for announcing a ban
>announcing a ban
Are you fucking stupid as well as weak?

>> No.11965799

>doing better
>only one or two drinks during the week
>Friday comes
>get blackout drunk and start a fight in the club

God damn it

>> No.11965809

>Pretty sure the robots there won't mind a few more depressed anons there.
They did. Over the summer when you guys got 86'd they tried movie to /r9k/ but the threads just got spammed to oblivion.

>> No.11965811

I'm just going to stop arguing with autistic retards because, much like arguing with a wall yields no results, this endeavor is fruitless. Enjoy your fast food, BA Shill, and utter trash threads /ck/, I'm going back to /r9k/

I'm the anon from >>11965784
and >>11965750
so yes I am trying to get banned so I can have a reason to leave this shit board.

>> No.11965813

>I'm going back to /r9k/
I'll be waiting with my anime folder.

>> No.11965820

>all these grown fucking /r9k/ incel alcoholic losers
pmsl at the state of you

>> No.11965826

i don't know if you've been gone for a while or what, but al/ck/ is banned on sight because /pol/tards bitched and moaned

>> No.11965828

Wrong, these threads are banned on sight because they are completely off topic and irrelevant to this board.

>> No.11965829

i stopped drinking beer everyday
my shits are usually solid now and i'm losing weight
i also haven't pissed myself since 2018 :)

>> No.11965833

Must be fucking shit when even /r9k/ won't put up with you.
Will these drowned souls ever find a home, a place of solace, a refuge?

>> No.11965840

but muh fweefwees :( only animu girls understand me :(( i am big boy, i redpill and alcoholism, praise kek, im so sad boi to drunk

>> No.11965845


>> No.11965847

Even >>>/r9k/ thinks you're a waste of life.
Now let that sink in.....

>> No.11965848

at least I have my fellow white brothers support and the daily nigger/women hate threads to make me feel good about myself

>> No.11965849

At least you stupid fucking people end up with the retarded rules you deserve. Fucking children.

>> No.11965850

Its been cu/ck/ in here for years.

>> No.11965868

Don't tell me the fucking teenagers running this fucked up shitbox got told to lay off a legal format of expression? Did the kids get spanked?

>> No.11965878

Mods have given up deleting the threads constantly

>> No.11965884

>Are you saying you spend 24 hours a day (for years) refreshing al/ck/ threads? Because that's the only way you would know for sure.
>Seek help.
Stop projecting. OP used to have links to previous threads making it easy to catch up after work.

>> No.11965887


So /ck/ has become less oppressive than china? What a fucking world.

>> No.11965895

Grats anon, been a week off the sauce myself.

>> No.11965910


Piss your self, piss your self! That shouldn't be a chant. All in all, good for you. I stopped drinking in August of last year and just for the past 2 days since my birthday I've taken to boozing just to know the garbage I was missing. Keep it up. Booze is bad Newz! lol.

>> No.11965911

I can't remember the lat time I went longer than a few days without drinking

>> No.11965921
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>quit drinking
>have horrible anxiety constantly
>start drinking again to makes it go away
>it only gets worse

>> No.11965928


You know what lowers anxiety 1000%? A light back scratch. Not kidding. If you can find someone to give you a gentle massage, do it.

>> No.11965929
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Day 3 of gastritis from drinking heavily on the weekend. I woke up from stomach cramps last night. This shit is worse than a hangover desu. I probably will quit drinking from that sooner than I would from the mental repercussions of alcoholism. Kek.

>> No.11965930

waaah waaah muh anime women tho :D
so sad but i have anime girls hee they express me i am very sad compared to women and normals but love anime like a grown man!!

>> No.11965940

Sure let me just pick a girl from my harem that I keep right here in the house to do that for me

>> No.11965948

>been alcoholic for the last ~7 years but I got a late start (was probably about 24 or so before I really started preferring booze to weed)
>still managed to finish school, nursing school, get married
>have 2 year old child. another one on the way
>work as an RN at a big hospital and make pretty good money
>wife and I were pretty decent alcoholics until she got pregnant this time.
>her not drinking has really highlighted how much I've been drinking and now it's kind of obvious that I need to slow it down a lot

You'd think working at a hospital and seeing the long term effects of alcoholism would stop me. Wife and I were going through a handle of rum every 3-5 days. She got pregnant and I was going through the same handle in the same amount of time so we "banned the rum". I switched to wine. I was then going through about 5 or so 1.5L bottles of wine a week.

Finally my wife started getting upset because of how much I was spending each week on wine and how much damage I'm doing to my liver. So I've agreed to stop drinking at night (or getting drunk by myself every night).

Now I'm trying to embrace just 1 or 2 glasses of wine per night and no more drinking after she goes to bed.

That alcoholism will creep up on you, bros. Once it gets to the point that you're drinking instead of doing things you know you're supposed to do...yeah.....that's when you know you have a problem.

My name is anon and I'm an alcoholic.

>> No.11965949
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>> No.11965953


Ask your entirely not latently homosexual father to do it. If he start breathing heavy just walk away.

>> No.11965956

>going to the club to drink
>going to the club ever

well, here's your problem....

>> No.11965963

>thinking the disappointed dad of an /r9k/-tier anime-watching alcholic ressentiment-fueled self-pitying loser would want to touch him

>> No.11965968


I'm a giant fan of anyone who works in nursing so I fucking hope you get your shit together. I never could go half way. I recommend cutting yourself off if you can considering the insidious nature of booze. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


>> No.11965970

Anyone else drink like....a LOT......yet never have hangovers, never had a DUI, don't get into fights, aren't divorced or incels, never been to hospital for GI bleeds or anything? Like....what stops you from drinking if anything? It's like I have this extra special enzyme that super-breaks-down alcohol and I wake up feeling fine. Even day drink often. I feel like the only thing that's gonna stop me from being a highly functioning alcoholic is either getting pulled over for "buzzed driving", getting into a wreck while "buzzed driving", or one day in my 40's just going the way that Kerouac went and my liver refusing to clot my blood and then vomit blood until I die.

>> No.11965979

Thanks, anon. The only thing I worry about as far as just trying to go "cold turkey" are the DTs and the associated seizures that can be deadly. I know this first hand because we'll get a patient admitted after a car wreck or something and by day 2-3 we're watching him to make sure he doesn't seize out and die from alcohol withdrawal syndrome. AWS is a deathly serious thing and that's why I feel like I have to wean myself off.

Part of my no-more-getting-drunk-at-night thing also included no more day drinking. So far, I'm 4 nights without drinking a drop, but here I am at 10:07am and I'm already two 9% IPAs in. My mind is telling me this is part of the "weaning to avoid DT's" strategy but I find my self-rationalization dubious.

>> No.11965980

I'm into /pol/, /r9k/, and hatred of women and nonwhites. Taking the redpill plunged me deep, seeing how my peoples are being genocided and I am being villified for my masculinity. At least I have my vidya and anime girls

>> No.11965982



>> No.11965999


I had the shakes pretty good, but they weren't life threatening and I was a hard core boozer. No high functioning about it. Just keep sugar on hand and drink a LOT of thin liquid or water. You know the drill, but don't be scared of the tremens it's not as horrible as you think.

>> No.11966006


I watched a netflix about you damaged fuck ups. He's doing 31 years in lompoc for a failed bombing attempt.

>> No.11966010

I'm not sure how your response has anything with what I was posting, but I'm glad you think you're "redpilled" or whatever.

I will never get that 1:31 back. Fuck you.

Checked. The tremens can be life-threatening, although they usually aren't.
>no high functioning about it
Except that's my curse...there definitely is. I am a trauma/ICU nurse at a major hospital in the US. I work full time and I have saved people's lives the next morning after a heavy night of binge drinking. On the way home from the same shift, I'll stop by the liquor store and get nearly blackout drunk before waking up the next day, downing some black coffee, and showing up to work. I'm a badass nurse and I'm about to start school to get my NP. Alcohol doesn't impede my functioning at all and I'm doing very well in life....QED....highly functioning alcoholism exists for some.

Also I've never had the shakes. Am I just not drinking enough grain liquor or something or do I have a stronger body for dealing with alcohol than most al/ck/oholics?

>> No.11966018

fuck off nerd

>> No.11966020


You'll be fine. I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.11966030

>badass nurse
Come on dude.

If you binge drink you likely don't drink enough to get bad withdrawals. It's when you start drinking all day everyday to maintain a constant buzz, that's when you're fucking yourself over

>> No.11966034


leave him be, he's a dies on duty idiot with full denial in place. no helping people like that.

>> No.11966045

I do binge drink but I also day drink to keep the buzz....that is until recently when I've scaled back the day drinking and night drinking....or at least am trying to.

Care to elaborate on your assessment, fellow al/ck/? I'm genuinely interested in your perspective and how you came to that conclusion about me. (honestly not being sarcastic).

>> No.11966066

>don't be scared of the tremens it's not as horrible as you think.
there were mutating glass rats crawling out of my vents and every time i closed my eyes i saw bloody gore and demons
then the cracks in the wall were rearranging themselves to spell out messages to me in several different languages
the phantom phonecalls are the most disorienting, and hearing imagined voices of people calling my name and threatening me were the worst part
the psychosis is by far the worst part of alcohol wd, benzos and barbs can treat most symptoms but do little for the hallucinations

>> No.11966070

Ya I had an employee that I really liked but he was in full denial about how functional he was. He was a good worker but he would show up feeling like booze and refuse to believe it when we told him. he wouldn’t get any sleep so he would start crashing mid day. Once in a while he would pass out in a chair and no one could wake him up because his brain shut his body down by force to rest. When he would REALLY go off the deep end he would sleep through all his alarms and miss work. He would constantly try and tell us he quit drinking but would show up with cuts and bruises on him where he had drunkenly fallen down his stairs. His own brother who worked for our sister company would always rat him out. He just tried to tell me last week he’d been clean for 7 months and then came stumbling into work yesterday barely able to walk and tried to tell me the smell of alcohol on him was his mouth wash.

Alcoholics have some of the most powerful denial I’ve ever seen and I seriously hope OP resigns from his job and gets help before he hurts someone in that hospital.

>> No.11966073

So is this getting deleted or is this back to stay. If not can someone give me the alternative I just want a comfy place to talk about alcohol/drinking. Before these threads got attacked/deleted it used to have semi decent alcohol discussion without the snobbery of the individual alcohol type threads.

>> No.11966081

>Care to elaborate on your assessment, fellow al/ck/?

You're bragging about getting wasted and still being good at your job. There are no 'badass' nurses, specially not male ones faggit

>> No.11966091
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Waiting for NEETbux day

2 more sleeps

I can almost taste the liquor

>> No.11966093

This....people don't realize that patients who are in for something and begin undergoing acute alcohol withdrawals are in for a terrible time.
>the hard sweats
>urinary and bowel incontinence while nurses and care techs constantly roll your hallucinating, detoxing ass around to clean you up and change your sheets
>2 to 4 point restraints if you start trying to rip out your IVs during your confusion
>constantly having to change your gown because of your incontinence
>usually people in their late 20s to early 40s. almost always divorced and alone...except for their elderly parents who come to visit them in the afternoons and cry softly while they look at the monster there on the hospital bed compared to the memories they have of their little boy/girl they remember from happier times

Alcoholism is a terrible disease but goddamn is booze so good. Such is the life of an al/ck/

>> No.11966096


I was a full on just below poisoning myself every night alcoholic and I never got those hallucinations. I did get about a week of no sleep levels of hyperactivity. It was nearly chaos of what I think meth addicts experience. But regardless, it's worth either cutting yourself off or tapering.

>> No.11966100

try reddit

t. redditor

>> No.11966101

Don't go to the club.

What helps me is not drinking at home and having a decent bar where they know me and know when to cut me off, water down my shit, etc. A good bartender can manage his clientele.

Obvs you should handle your own shit and not rely on someone else, but it's good to have that safety net

>> No.11966106

>bragging about being wasted and still being good at your job
Because it's true. And I wouldn't call it bragging...I'd call it making my case for being a functioning alcoholic, which is something I'm ashamed of and alarmed by. Hence why I'm even commenting in this thread you fucking cunt
>there are no 'badass' nurses, specially not male ones faggit
Now I know you're trolling. Hopefully one day if you or a loved on is admitted to a hospital in an emergency you'll be forced to witness someone who really doesn't give a shit about you saving your pathetic life even though you were rude, combative, etc. When you go to the hospital it's not the doctor who deals with you.

>> No.11966120

You're probably young. Give it time.

>> No.11966129


You're never as 'functioning' as you think you are. People around you feel sorry for you. Trust me. You're a cautionary tale/soon to be fired.

>> No.11966132

That's how I was for a long time. Eventually I'd end the work day feeling just a little anxious and knowing that a quick drink will fix that right up. Eventually I realized that the anxiety was my body craving liquor. It got just a tiny, tiny bit worse each day. Extrapolate over years to the point where going a day without alcohol fills me with dread. Watch yourself, man.

>> No.11966134

I'm 33 :(

>> No.11966141

> Extrapolate over years to the point where going a day without alcohol fills me with dread.

That's where I am, anon. What did you do next? Are you still drinking? Did you just cold-turkey stop? How did that go?

I'm scared, bros.

>> No.11966151

>Alcoholism is a terrible disease but goddamn is booze so good

>> No.11966159

Definitly this. If you think the people you work with can’t tell then you are delusional and pro is you that you aren’t nearly as good at your job as you think you are because that is the lie you tell yourself to justify your drinking problem.

>> No.11966161

Goddamn my stomach is fucking killing me will tapering help

>> No.11966162

Not that anon but I went cold turkey a week ago. Lasted 3 days. If I can't stay occupied I get antsy. I started seeing things. There's a black monster with yellow eyes just outside my field of vision and it doesn't go away.

>> No.11966165

Heading off to rehab tomorrow bros, I'm really scared but I don't really have a choice at this point, I'm homeless, my savings is pretty much drained and I'm going to have to be miserable for a few months in order to be happy in the future. I'm worried I will die during detox because I've been drinking a case a day for a long time but apparently they give you meds that help

>> No.11966166

Right now my goal has been to not drink before 8 and catch myself after I've had a few. I'm so used to drinking until I go to bed that it's hard to teach myself otherwise. I succeed more often than not and I can tell you I feel a lot better during the daytime. Some days are still hell and I fuck up, but it's a lot better than even a month ago. Guess I'll either keep doing that system if it works or cut back more if it doesn't. I still keep a cup in the fridge to sneak a sip if I'm really feeling out of it.

>> No.11966173

8pm, btw. I wouldn't let myself day drink and would start at 5 for a while but that obviously still fucked with me.

>> No.11966179


He'll put 10x the amount of heparin in a patient and either get caught or he won't. These people spin out in life eventually. Someone might have to die first, though.

>> No.11966183

That's why I can't go cold turkey. I have to start out weaning myself off from what was a completely compulsive amount of drinking, including day drinking, and eventually end up to the "maybe I'll have a glass or two of wine with dinner" kind of drinking. It has to happen this way. Otherwise there are DTs to worry about and I can't deal with that.

>> No.11966191


I was scared of thawing out, but it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be. I hope its the same for you. The only problem is when you're awake, you're really fucking awake.

>> No.11966194

You need to taper. Legit taper, not bullshit alck taper. If you're daily, lower your drinks to two a day. Then two every other day. Then one every other day. Etc etc. Create a plan and stick to it. Take it one day at a time and create new routines for yourself. You may have to stop going to places or hanging with certain people.

>> No.11966202

that makes me feel better, thanks man. I drank to suppress my emotions so I'm probably going to be a wreck until my brain starts to sort itself out

>> No.11966204

>legit taper vs. bullshit alck taper
Please please explain this to me in detail. My drinking has nothing to do with certain places or certain people. I drink at home by myself. Of course I have buddies that, when we get together, we tend to push the envelope. But most of my drinking problems come from just the man in the mirror.

>> No.11966207

This thread was moved to >>>/r9k/51194523