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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 274 KB, 800x1101, locusts snacks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11964125 No.11964125 [Reply] [Original]

Pic related is actually one of the healthiest, and ecological snack ever. But first of all it's crispy and very cheap! Please explain to me why it hasn't replaced french fries into McDonalds menus yet?!

>> No.11964136

I hope it was cooked in the freshest gutter oil

>> No.11964140

This made me chuckle.

>> No.11964141

What do cooked insects taste like any way? Anyone had the opportunity or misfortune to try them?

>> No.11964143


>> No.11964239
File: 727 KB, 1740x2320, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to Beijing 2 years ago and visited this very touristy street vendor place. They had all kinds of shit from bugs to starfish to straight up lizards.

I tried their scorpion. It straight up tasted like a "saltier" Lays chip. Not bad but I probably wouldn't try it again.

>> No.11964269 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 600x600, jew_basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Goldstein.

>> No.11964282

not enough demand

>> No.11964289
File: 21 KB, 750x702, geometry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off schlomo

>> No.11964355

But them trough a grinder first, and make it have the texture of meat, and i'll eat it no problem.

>> No.11964375

What about the stinger?

>> No.11964397
File: 421 KB, 870x1160, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vendor said it's poison free. (even after it's cooked.) But considering I'm dealing with the chinese (t. chink here) I just bit it off first and didn't take any chances.

>> No.11964413

honestly this stuff is good

>> No.11964506
File: 235 KB, 778x763, BE7808BE-717C-42BE-BBB3-98244BF031E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did you kill all these grasshoppers/crickets Mr. Ching Chong?
>oh I ruse raid to kill bug bug befough I fry dem!
>wow so culturally enriching, can’t wait to eat this raid covered bug that’s been fried in raid soaked oil. I bet these foreign bitches get so wet at the site of me eating these ;D
Don’t get me wrong when they are done by an honest person they are fine but the method I described above is what 99.99% of the street vendors who sell these things do.

>> No.11964637

made me laugh hard but ima need some proof to believe that

>> No.11964643

Chocolate covered ants are actually good, believe it or not. The formic acid makes them taste like citrus fruit.

>> No.11964830 [DELETED] 

It's the wave of the future goy. Gotta make way for all of these 3rd worlders breeding like rats aimright. No more beef for you, sacrifices must be made for Tyrone.

>> No.11964837

I've had bee larvae and it just tastes like popcorn

all in all not even worth eating

>> No.11964941

We have a critter called a ‘Bogong Moth’ in Australia. You twist off one wing so they can’t fly then toss them onto a bank of low coals. They flop around, burning off their irritant body hair and limbs, then you spear them with a twig and tuck in.
They taste like smoked oysters, by the way.

>> No.11965883

>"taste like chips & popcorn" AKA good snacks that everyone one earth like for decades
>"meh not worth it"
fuck off with your contrarian elite taste

>> No.11967174

venom, you mongo. not poison.

>> No.11967180

wtf is wrong with those guys?

>> No.11967182

Had Crickets during a Culture and Cuisine class in college a year ago. Tasted like dirt with an annoying flakyness.

>> No.11967195

/fit/ told me crickets/grasshoppers/locusts are high in protein and got ecdysterone which is a natural steroid

>> No.11967466

The active ingredient in raid is harmless to humans. I still wouldn't eat anything that's been touched by it though.

>> No.11967476

Really? That makes sense. The spray does burn the throat, but I didn't even get sick.

>> No.11967501

Poison and venom are different
Venom can be consumed it's just like any other kind of protein

>> No.11967512

John the Babtist ate only locust and wild honey AND he got to babtize Jesus’s Christ himself.

And that’s a fact.

>> No.11967774

I've had roasted mealworms and they kind of taste like peanuts

>> No.11967780

>do non americans really eat this?

>> No.11968036
File: 99 KB, 1060x597, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Mexican place in Seattle that does toasted grasshoppers. They make them with a ton of chili, lime and salt, so that is pretty much all you taste. The texture is mostly crispy. They're a nice little snack to go along with a few beers.

>> No.11968058

They were telling the truth though, 100% poison free! Now venom on the other hand...

>> No.11968064

How is a dead and cooked scorpion going to inject venom?

>> No.11968099

>t. chink here
If you were a chink you'd know better than to go to some tacky tourist trap designed for liberals wanting to experience some superficial cultural enrichment, or are you one of those self hating ABC cucks?

>> No.11968332

Literally warned by Thai friends while I was visiting Thailand not to eat at the fried bug booths because this is so common. And if the Thais are doing it that means the Chinese and every other Asian ethnicity is doing it as well.