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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11963058 No.11963058[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is fuckin retarded. Chinks are fucking retarded. Just use a fork nigga

>> No.11963072

>fork nigga

Why are african niggers always Appropriating & stealing from other cultures? Fucking utensil using, pants wearing, english speaking racist cultural thieves.

>> No.11963085

Chopsticks are pretty stupid in this day and age.
Everything has to be cut into bite sized pieces before serving and that's fucking limiting. Also a waste of Gambia or whatever shit it's made off.

>> No.11963095

I don't like eating with them but I do find it really good for cooking certain dishes with, notably pan pastas.

>> No.11963099

Bamboo, you dumb fuck

>> No.11963105

Autocorrect strikes again.
Tablets suck for typing.

>> No.11963112

How the fuck do you even get "bamboo" autocorrected to "Gambia"

>> No.11963116

Apparently I typed Gamboo

>> No.11963119

I don't have autism so I am fine using either.

>> No.11963136

Typical american wanting weapon at table (knife and trident) eating meal is for peace not fight.

>> No.11963146

Tell that to the Einherjar.

>> No.11963177

Are you stupid

>> No.11963185

>disposable chopsticks do not create waste

>> No.11963194
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>Fork and knife
Purpose-built for fatfuck butterscum Am*ricans to shovel food into their faces at the highest possible speed for maximum caloric intake
>Hashi (chopsticks)
Takes skill and finesse and slows the eating process so the meal and company can be enjoyed

>> No.11963200

>disposable cutlery does not create waste
weak point

>> No.11963209

>Disposable plastic cutlery
Yes America that does create waste.
>Metal cutlery
Yep America that creates waste too, you're not helping.
>Wooden cutlery
Go look up the word "biodegradable", you probably didn't learn it in American school.

>> No.11963220
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>Waba waba dub dub !

>> No.11963343

>literally eating with sticks
fuckin cavemen

>> No.11963352
File: 55 KB, 680x860, b3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally eating with a trident and sword
Unga bunga why me tribe no make good art? You want war? Me good at stab things.

>> No.11963360

Cavemen were pretty based desu

>> No.11963393

>fork and knife
literally created as a means for the aristocracy to differentiate eating habits of theirs from the peasantry
simple design that allows anyone to make them, useful due to the fact that the staple food of nations that use chopsticks is tiny in comparison to nations that use forks and knives (rice vs bread)

>> No.11963395

Chopsticks are more precise.

>> No.11963419

>Not using chopsticks and knife

>> No.11963421

Chopsticks are just little staves and the staff is the most powerful weapon because it's underappreciated.

>> No.11963458

install gentoo

>> No.11963561

wrong bitch it's cool actually

>> No.11963564

okay I'm listening

>> No.11963585

Based OP working the braindead weebtrash ITT into a shoot

>> No.11963596

You are aware that just because plastic cutlery also makes waste it doesn't mean chopsticks magically stop right?

>> No.11963605

go look up the word "deforestation"

>> No.11963607

If you squint really hard then chopsticks kinda look like forks so I kinda get it... you've just got to get in character to understand.
It's always just a mistake and that's dishonorabru.

>> No.11963611


Anyone who cant use chopstix proficiently has sub 100iq

>> No.11963616

>Not using knives as chopsticks

>> No.11963628
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What if we developed a miniature grabber to pick up food and deliver it to mouth? Since it has more than one piece we can have attachable joints to add in things like spoons or knives.

>> No.11963630


You can make chopsticks from bamboo, you knucklehead.

>> No.11963650
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they are bad for eating
but good for cooking

>> No.11963680

They don't make chopsticks out of pine and spruce, numbnuts.

>> No.11963694
File: 385 KB, 1233x686, Screenshot_2019-02-26 8 25 Disposable Pine Chopsticks (100 pairs pack).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11963699

Bamboo grows retaderdly fast.

>> No.11963711

Yes, and retarded people will make silverware out of gallium and tin you moron. You can make anything out of anything. Chopsticks for normal, non-retarded people are bamboo you dumb shit.

>> No.11963725

All the responses are missing the most valuable point: chopstick production is not the fucking cause of deforestation. Deforestation is caused by moneygrubbing big oil/energy companies doing everything they can to harness Earth's natural resources for profit. Chopsticks have likely less than 3% the effect that other woodwork products do on deforestation.

>> No.11963727

>get proven wrong
>instantly resort to name calling because you have no comeback

>> No.11963740


On the other hand, pine and spruce are softwoods that grow faster. On the other other hand, don't fucking waste spruce if you have pine. Sitka and Englemann spruce are soundboard woods.

>> No.11963755

Just make sure you use bamboo chopsticks and all is fine. Bamboo grows like a weed in hot wet climates. They're like dandelions.

>> No.11963766

I don't mind using chopsticks if I go to an asian restaurant, but they're just worst than fork+knife in most ways.

>> No.11963789

>often see chopsticks used as shovels to chug a bowl of food at light speed
Yeah, nah, dude. It's even a trope.

>> No.11963825


Don't say trope. That's a word assholes use.

>> No.11963831

You know what else assholes do? Tell people which words to use.

>> No.11963836

You could say that there's a trop that only assholes use the word trop, huh...

>> No.11963840

>Takes skills
Retards thinking moving sticks around is skill.

>> No.11963846

you know why chopsticks are better? because you take smaller bites. When you take smaller bites you chew more thoroughly and the more your food is chewed the better it digests. Meanwhile you have folks with forks who just shovel down their food without a care.

Short form; Nibbling is better then shoveling

>> No.11963853

get out of here you fucking weeb

>> No.11963875


I was actually riffing on The League talking about soccer,


but trope is a terrible word that dullards have latched onto. Say Zeitgeist or notion of the time. Trope just makes you look simple. It's exactly like meme. Dipshits have commandeered words.

>> No.11963932
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>emperor bans utensils out of fear
>becomes polite to use sticks like a monkey
As fond of destroying heritage as you guys are it surprises me chopsticks survived. Probably because they're cheap to make.
>When you take smaller bites you chew more thoroughly
Nothing stops a person with a fork from taking a small bite. It's not a shovel. Nothing stops a person with chopsticks from picking up several pieces at once either.

>> No.11964011

>Nothing stops a person with chopsticks from picking up several pieces at once
Not everyone is a dumb fatass americunt, tyrone

>> No.11964070

I can shovel huge volumes of foods into my mouth with chopsticks, get on my level.

>> No.11964081

Its good for some things. Udon noodles get destroyed if you eat them with a fork, for instance.

>> No.11964088

Why is this annoying shit not a bannable offense?

>> No.11964111

He wasn't proven wrong.
Just because some are made from pine does not mean they are not made from bamboo if the manufacturer isn't retarded.

>> No.11964154

Stop eating weeb food, dork

>> No.11964162

They aren't hard to use if you do it regularly.

>> No.11964181

Chopsticks have way higher accuracy than forks once you get really good with them. It's useful to use them if you're plating something and want the garnish on a very particular spot. I still eat my instant noodle with a fork though. Always have always will

>> No.11964197

They work as long as the dish is designed around eating small chunks like most Asian cuisines are.
But honestly i find that limiting for the chefs. Can't serve bigger pieces or mushy stuff that doesn't hold together well.

>> No.11964229

Quality roast , ignore the haters

>> No.11964242

>Say Zeitgeist or notion of the time. Trope just makes you look simple.
And saying Zeitgeist makes you look pretentious, and a pretentious retard at that for misusing the term. Just call it a habit or custom you sperg.

>> No.11964247

>needing specialist equipment to eat peasant food
Udon noodles are worst noodles anyway

>> No.11964254


No, it's caused by third world farmers with dark skin

>> No.11964275

So basically what you're saying is the utensil is irrelevant to being able to take an overly large portion size but you're frothing at the mouth attacking foreigners anytime logic fails. Are you Asian, or a weeb?

>> No.11964276

Trope is a literary cliche. Zeitgeist is essentially the trend in pop culture or society. Notion is a presupposed idea

>> No.11964277

The word you're looking for is "cliche", you projecting autismo.

>> No.11964406

Lol wtf I am so glad I am not you two

>> No.11964414

I use them if I'm eating at the buffet or some shit

>> No.11964426

Weak argument bro. There's nothing environmentally unsustainable about bamboo chopsticks. I used to have a yard full of bamboo, the shit grew like weeds. You could chop it all down and in a few weeks have a full 7 foot tall hedge again.

>> No.11964433

imagine being so stupid and uncoordinated that you can't use chopsticks comfortably

>> No.11964449

Chopsticks are the ultimate unitasker. /ck/ fucking loves them.

>> No.11964510

I'm decent with them and I still think it's a silly design in the modern age. They're like caveman tongs.

>> No.11964514


>> No.11964516

there's also spoons, anon. It's hard to eat congee with chopsticks desu

>> No.11964527

They'd go well with my tiny penis if you catch my drift

>> No.11964530



hot oil

>>not gunna make it

>> No.11964597

>go to ramen restaurant
>wait till food soup arrives before asking for fork
>gay asian liberal couple scoffs at you
>eat the food in the most retarded way to piss of chinks

>> No.11964625

this but swap bad for okay

>> No.11964649

>>eat the food in the most retarded way to piss of chinks
>"look im retarded...lol jokes on you im pretenting XDDDD"
Retarded at day in public, pretentious at night on 4channel. What a true, based, redpilled 4chan retard.

>> No.11964657

Honestly, it you were scarfing the shit out of it with complete disregard for everything and everyone around you, the chink owners may have taken it as a compliment.

>> No.11965431

bow down to your beta cuck intellectual machines, tyrone

>> No.11965435

I legitimately find it more convenient to eat some dishes with chopsticks than western implements. They don't pierce pelmeni skin so the juice stays in and also it's bizzarely comfy eating sauerkraut using them.

>> No.11965449

>these weeb delusions

>> No.11965475
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>be too retarded to use chopsticks
>call chopstick users retarded

>> No.11965490

I like using them, they are surprisingly flexible. >>11963085
>Everything has to be cut into bite sized pieces before serving and that's fucking limiting
You eat alone most of the time anyway or with your SO.
Dont cut it up pick it up with them and take a fucking bite out of them. Your mouth has evolved to have a set of knives in it for exact purpose.

>> No.11965505

>being proud of useless skills

>> No.11965520

they're only useless if you can't use them

>> No.11965536

Explain metal ones

>> No.11965537

Go fuck yourself, you uncultured swine.

>> No.11965539

They are useless if you live in the first world in the 21st century. Do you sit on a floor mat instead of a chair too at home because you saw someone do it in your animes?

>> No.11965544

>Not using chopsticks as knives

>> No.11965549

Chopsticks belong in anthropology exhibits along with bushman loincloths and tomahawks. Being cultured is knowing about them, not using them as if you actually were a primitive savage yourself.

>> No.11965552

Use tongs retard

>> No.11965557

Smaller pieces are easier and faster to cook with desu

>> No.11965561

>Assumes that only Japanese food is eaten with chopsticks

>> No.11965576
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>> No.11965611


>> No.11965681
File: 1.49 MB, 640x360, how to use chopsticks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the weekly narcissistic injury cope thread because some dexteritylet had to use a spoon for babies

>> No.11966355


>> No.11966396

I mean it’s probably because asian cooking has adapted around chopsticks.

>> No.11966416

>eating fried-riced with chopsticks

>> No.11966430

Yes let's force several Asian cultures to change everything about how they eat to accommodate the fork.

>> No.11966439

>Also a waste of Gambia
who gives a fuck? gambia is a third world shithole

>> No.11966480

He said they DON'T make them out of pine or spruce. Regardless of the intent that sentence is fucking wrong and he should learn to write and speak his mind clearly. Guy you're replying to said it right.

>> No.11966483

All you have to do is eat chink-style

>bowl of rice in left hand
>sticks in right hand
>pick up bit of main dish with sticks, eat
>close sticks and use them to shovel rice directly into your mouth

>> No.11966495

tongs generally have larger tips and can't twist though

>> No.11966558

Why is there always a chopsticks hate thread on /ck/? Who's forcing you to use them, the Chinese government?

>> No.11966737


seething that they can't use them properly

>> No.11967114
File: 403 KB, 700x438, 923D6F08-CA75-4FFB-B78F-40FD0CA700D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>just fucking stab and shovel food into your mouth hole
>exemplifies typical western attitudes

>takes elegance and more thoughtfulness to place food into mouth

Srsly, anyone hating on chopsticks itt is just a sad hick who can’t stand that he doesn’t know how to use two fucking sticks in a hand

>> No.11967208

Chopsticks are why Asians have such bad table manners. They are simply incapable of eating in discreet fashion. I used to think it was just that I was bad with chopsticks before I started going to Chinatown to observe the way people native to the utensil use it. They slurp, lift bowls to their mouth, let food flop from their mouth as they suckle it in. It's disgusting to me because I was raised to be more conscious of other people and expect others to do me the same courtesy.

>> No.11967274

Actually, they're better than forks in some cases. Not all, but some. A lot of their meals actually suit chopsticks well, and I think I know why....

>> No.11967285

That's true, it's not quite as elegant as a knife and fork.

>> No.11967295

Chopsticks are not meant to be used with dinner plates anon :^)