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11952253 No.11952253 [Reply] [Original]

How many White Castle sliders can you eat?

>> No.11952254

Pfff at least 25.

>> No.11952260

probably 10 at least

>> No.11952262

idk. I've haven't tried to do binge eat white castle and kept tabs on my gluttony.

So, I can't tell ya!

>> No.11952309

White Castle has always intrigued me but is it worth when I visit America

>> No.11952314

i can eat about 4 before massive diarrhea sets in.

>> No.11952319

What is it about White Castle that people like so much? I was excited to finally have the chance to try it when I visited Florida recently, but I thought the sliders tasted like the frozen burgers you get at the grocery store.

>> No.11952332

based photo. probably like 8 here.

>> No.11952333

>but I thought the sliders tasted like the frozen burgers you get at the grocery store.

Because the frozen ones are the same thing, just frozen not fresh, and minus pickles. White Castle actually just makes them and freezes them, its not different.

>> No.11952378

I tested this last month, I can go for 8 before feeling uncomfortably full
But dem farts bruh

>> No.11952388

It's pretty trash. Good for after a night of drinking but that's about it

>> No.11952390

Yes, just to experience them

>> No.11952395
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>White Castle
>In Florida
Anon, I...

>> No.11952397
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I dont have one near me, the closest one is like 2 hours away, so we are talking about a 5 hour round trip, feels terrible my guys, btw how close are the frozen ones to the the real deal

>> No.11952405

Just go to Krystal. It's the white castle of the south

>> No.11952416

Close, but the onions taste better at the restaurants because they're made fresh

>> No.11952419

8 and then puke

>> No.11952420

Frozen ones are not quite as good, because they've been frozen and have to be microwaved. But still they're the same burgers, just frozen and reheated which is always gonna take a couple points out of just about any food.

Also, from what I've heard Krystal is pretty much the same thing, despite the rivalry among fans, it seems like they pretty much just copied White Castle to a T, so it should be a good enough replacement

>> No.11952788

I once ate 1,769,243,594,348 in a single sitting.

>> No.11952945

i needs it

>> No.11953285
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Lat time I was in Jersey to visit my bro we all got wasted and got a suitcase of the things. I didn't know they sold em like that, but we were like, fuck it. I must have gotten through maybe twenty before puking out my guts, my buddy's cute little nephew asking me if I'm okay the whole time.

'Are you-"
"Are yo-"
"Do you me to get some-"

Then I ate twenty more. Like a fucking boss.

>> No.11953451

I ate 20 once on a bet. I was full but I didn't puke. I wouldn't do that again for 50 bucks plus the bill.

>> No.11953457
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>mfw white castle is 5 hours away from me
am I missing out?

>> No.11953465
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White castle went to shit when they put in the freestyle machines. Half the reason people went there was for the red cream barqs.

>> No.11953468

Fucking disgusting

>> No.11953478

at least one

>> No.11953479

I used to be able to split a crave case with a buddy when we'd be drinking. Haven't eaten more than 8 in a long time though.

>> No.11953481


>> No.11953519

That map is wrong. I have been to a WC in WV before

>> No.11953756

Does anyone remember those stupid fucking alien stickers from the 90s that every kid had on their books and shit?

I heard people got them at White Castles so I made my great uncle go in there and complain about alien stickers, they ended up thinking he was nuts and gave him a bunch of free food

>> No.11953935

6 is the most I’ll do, with a side of fries and chicken rings to pick at, if there’s any jersey fags here white mana is a million times better

>> No.11953944
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It's called Krystal

>> No.11954240

Last time I had 30. Is that bad?

>> No.11954248

No it’s gross. I tried one in schaumburg IL and it was the most disappointed I’ve been in a burger ever

>> No.11954261

Down here in gatorland it's Krystal, and I always get a 12 pack. I'll admit they're shit because paper meat and maybe two pickles at most but there's something about it that just makes me want to stuff my face every damn time.

>> No.11954275

I'm so mad that I live in Vegas and the only two White Castles are on the Strip and Downtown. I only would eat this shit when drunk off my ass, and there's so many better dining options for the price down there, so I'm never going to be able to just sit around in my house and try to see if I can eat an entire crave case in one sitting.

>> No.11954349

>tried one
Nigger you're supposed to eat at LEAST 4 of them

>> No.11954356

4. Then two more later, then two more later. That's the whole day. So 8 per 24 hours.

>> No.11954765

I've ate Krystal for most of my life and have had White Castle a few times while traveling. The only thing White Castle has over Krystal is the fries.

>> No.11955529

How many double-double's can you eat. There was a kid at my school who would eat three 4 x 4's

>> No.11955559

Taint licker

>> No.11955572

If I liked them, probably 35-40 if I really tried. But they're fucking disgusting.

>> No.11955581

Just admit you enjoy never been to a White Castle you moron

>> No.11955591
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The chain was all but dead in the early 00s, but then pic related came out. It is one of the weirdest marketing coups I have ever seen actually work.

>> No.11955599

Totally different restaurant. Not even the same owners like Hardees/Carls or Checkers/Rallys.

>> No.11955664

the frozen ones are extremely close to the real thing if you steam them like the box says to

>> No.11955951

I've never been. Alaska doesn't have anything good

>> No.11955959


>> No.11955976
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>> No.11955981

You can do better.

I'd recommend Whataburger, 5 guys, in-n-out, or some other chains instead. Though Whataburger at the least is pretty regional (Texas and the states around it)

>> No.11957171
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>tfw when there is no whities in Toyota country kentucky
It fucking sucks I have to drive a fucking hour away from home, can an anon help a youthful lad out?

>> No.11957218

I still can't believe they made 2 sequels to this

>> No.11957247

we have Krystal here in FL. they're actually more expensive than McDonalds because it's a "novelty", but if money was no object, I could see doing 10 chicken and 20 cheeseburgers

>> No.11958066

I could probably eat a lot of them if I was forced to
I would probably eat none if I wasn't.
There's nothing special to me about white castle that in my mind makes it worth destroying my body to eat.

>> No.11958093

I've never been to White Castle. How does actually eating their stuff fresh compare to the little sliders you can buy in the freezer section? i like those ok.

>> No.11958117

If you like the frozen ones you'll love em fresh, they're way better, plus they come with pickles.

>> No.11958291

How does slider differ from burgers other than size? What's the point of small ones when you could just one or two normal sized burgers?

>> No.11958326
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>> No.11958395

I can eat a case in one day.
Except it turns your butt into a portal to the netherworld:

>> No.11958399

>How does slider differ from burgers other than size?
That's the only difference between sliders and normal hamburgers.

If you are asking about White Castle brand sliders specifically, they have a very unusual cooking method: they steam-cook the meat.

>>What's the point of small ones when you could just one or two normal sized burgers?

>> No.11958604

>natty light
Through some kind of witchcraft, that stuff costs less than bottled water.

>> No.11958627

^this. You might not like it but it will add to your life experience

>> No.11958665

>getting fucked in the ass and your face jizzed on by a nigger

>> No.11959401

three x)

>> No.11959964

Mainly hungover people and dude weed.
End of the day they're tiny, shitty burgers with no cheese or toppings

>> No.11960246
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