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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 246x344, 8798354178078[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11946466 No.11946466 [Reply] [Original]

My alcoholic uncle said this is the only vodka that doesn't give hangovers.

Is this true?

>> No.11946468

Yup, it's magic vodka. Drink as much as you want and never get a hangover. Why? Because your uncle is a stupid faggot, probably brain damaged from alcohol. Of course it gives fucking hangovers you absolute mong.

>> No.11946492

If you’re a man over 25 or so let’s say 28 max who drinks vodka, you’re a fag.

>> No.11946502


>> No.11946503


Because it’s for young people, women, and fags.

>> No.11946519

I don't really understand how you've come to that conclusion.

>> No.11946537

from experience i'd imagine

>> No.11946545

Yes. Always trust empirical experts, especially addicts. Junkies are professor level. You can cursorily judge their tenure by tooth number reduction.

>> No.11946549

the only thing you can drink without a hangover is top class wine. i once had two bottles in one evening and woke up with just a slight buzz that soon wore over. hell of a expensive night tho

>> No.11946556

jet fuel is the way to go. Purest refined stuff there is

>> No.11946559

That makes no sense, that isn't how hangovers work. It's caused by dehydration and congeners.

>> No.11946567


>> No.11946914

the sulfites in wine contribute to dehydration. alcohol+sulfites = more dehydration than just alcohol

you only think this because your "good" wine was probably 4 proof and cut with water

>> No.11946959

Ok so entirely unrelated question but why do Americans use proof and not ABV? I've always wondered this its not like it's a hard change it just dosen't make scene to me to use proof.

>> No.11946966

They think switching to something that makes sense is an admittance of failure

>> No.11946970

Because it's flavorless water made to get you intoxicated fast. Ok if you're getting a girl drunk, not so much yourself

>> No.11946997

Drunk is drunk

>> No.11946999

Na na na na na

>> No.11947049

it's true. I know a chick who has faggot friends and they drink this vodka. not joking.

I will note, I am not a faggot friend of hers. I fuck her right in the pussy.

>> No.11947059


>> No.11947189

Titos is a guarenteed hangover, its way too cloudy. Belvedere doesnt give me hangovers ever, must be the rye.

>> No.11947972

There is no such thing as alcohol that doesn’t give you hangovers. If he doesn’t get any, it means his innards are fucked up from over drinking.

>> No.11948220

It's for alcoholics, dumbass

>> No.11948272
File: 132 KB, 1200x1960, ten high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

liters of vodka are $2 cheaper than bottom shelf gin or rum where i'm at.

i'd prefer pic related, but it's $3 more expensive than nikolai vodka.

so vodka it is

>> No.11948456

Americans are stubborn people

>> No.11948549

wow fag, u FUCKEN MAD???

>> No.11948591

imagine being so poor that 3$ puts you off something

>> No.11948597
File: 7 KB, 250x250, Prost!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11948599

i literally cannot imagine, wtf would you buy with that 3 dollar difference that honestly makes you think that

>> No.11948601

Imagine being one of "those guys" on /ck/ who pretends to have money just because it's anonymous

>> No.11948620

seething reddit bitch

>> No.11948626
File: 383 KB, 844x1157, u1p4h5llvp911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was genuinly sad for the person that wrote that. imagine having to stretch your money and bying vodka to numb yourself to such a degree you no longer care

>> No.11948667

You guys dont realize it's 3$ every day. It adds up after a few weeks.

>> No.11948678

Actually, unless I'm reading wrong (I'm not), YOU'RE the one who got MAD. And you're the one who's seeeeeeeethinnnggg. :)

>> No.11948730

ive had a hangover form tito's.... it good though and expensive-ish

>> No.11948835

I know whatever shithole of a country you come out of allows underage drinking, but you are still too young to be posting on 4channel

>> No.11950006

not true but its good vodka

>> No.11950351

The costco in my town has eight different types of vodka, including this stuff, but only three types of rum, one of which is Bacardi light and the other two are spiced crap.

It blows my fucking mind.

>> No.11950453


we use both cause were more retarded than you think

>> No.11950574
File: 31 KB, 640x853, Chopin-640x853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used to be a good vodka. Since it became popular it became shit.

Chopin is where it's at.