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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 356 KB, 2048x1536, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11942790 No.11942790 [Reply] [Original]

Tread for the discussion of baking, since i didnt find any in the catalog.
Feel free to critique my bread

>> No.11942802

That's a perfect loaf would love to get a glimps of the crumb.

>> No.11942807

Crumb or GTFO

>> No.11942808
File: 648 KB, 1184x1552, loaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my loaf, unfortunately i let my starter die.

>> No.11942809

i'll slice it open once it's cooled down a bit, literally 5 minutes out of the oven. To be fair, it's the first time i've ever been able to make one look this nice

>> No.11942811

crust looks amazingly tasty and crispy!

>> No.11942816
File: 677 KB, 1224x1500, crumb 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was pretty good. probably my best looking loaf.

>> No.11942841

nice and open crumb, hope you savored that one

>> No.11942882

>my loaf, unfortunately i let my starter die.
?? I don't understand this.
just put it in the fridge you goofball.

>> No.11942900

work was crazy busy for about a week and i forgot to feed it a few times. started smelling really bad and looked nasty. theres a bakery near me that sells their starter though, making bread was very relaxing and i want to get back into it.

>> No.11943009
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Not as airy as i had hoped, but still pretty good, and the taste is great, i let it proof overnight in the fridge

>> No.11943024


>> No.11943084

How do you precisely measure out ingredients like salt, yeast, or oil when only a few grams are called for? I don't think it should really be necessary to buy a decigram scale, should it? But on a regular gram scale, you could end up adding a significant percentage more or less than you need of a small quantity ingredient. If you think you've measured out 400g of flour and it's actually closer to 402g, not a big deal. But 8g of salt is very different from 5g (just for instance).

Am I being too fastidious/autistic?

This kind of bread is so much easier to actually use for sandwiches, toast, etc. The big holes in bread with an airy crumb might be fashionable but they're really impractical.

>> No.11943096

If you want to measure precisely then you need to buy a precise scale.

that said, most cooking doesn't need that kind of precision. It's really only molecular gastronomy that needs high precision for tiny quantities. Any kitchen scale that's not a piece of junk should have no problem measuring 5g vs 8g for example.

>> No.11943104

Convert it to teaspoons.

>> No.11943115

Oh, before some autist screams at me about measurements and all, I definitely prefer using weights for measurements. But it's honestly easier to handle small measurements being in spoons vs. really small gram amounts. Would you rather weigh out 2-3 grams of salt or use a 1/4 tsp measuring spoon?

>> No.11943126

I'd rather weigh it. It's much faster, and it doesn't require getting out or washing measuring spoons.

Put bowl on scale. Tare scale. Weigh ingredient. Tare. Weigh next ingredient, etc. Repeat until you've weighed everything. The only thing which gets dirty is your mixing bowl, which you were going to get dirty anyway. It's a lot faster and has less cleanup than fucking with measuring spoons/cups.

>> No.11943187

there's honestly no need to be so precise, ballpark measurements are usually sufficient, always worked for me

>> No.11943219

I don't fuck with measuring cups. Just put the bowl on the scale and pour. You don't even need to be precise.

>> No.11943436

You done good. 10/10.

>> No.11943835

thanks senpai

>> No.11944608
File: 3.39 MB, 4032x3024, F1320F19-43AD-4E7D-BF48-D9A11D311480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today’s rye sourdough from bread pan which I usually don’t use.

>> No.11945026

How do you craft your own starter?

>> No.11945129

there are loads of tutorials online. watch some videos or do a little research into one you like and start. all ya need is a scale, jar, water and some flour.