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11942553 No.11942553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if I drink this will I get drunk?

>> No.11942557

i guess you'd get ded

>> No.11942560

So drunk you will literally die

>> No.11942562

*sounds of op's internal organs crying*

>> No.11942576

You can drink if you have some Noradrenalin to counter the intoxication. Or just take it and go inside a hospital. Its not that bad like Methanol but its toxic

>> No.11942594

Try it out and report back

>> No.11942604

Drunk I dont think so, dead could be.
Exist alcohols for drink, theyre use for destilation of vodka, etc. Those ones are ok, but this has other quimics that they will burn you literally from inside.

>> No.11942607

sounds like a personal problem

>> No.11942628

just to add the LD50 in g/kg
>Methanol 143
>Isop. 5000
>ethanole 10000

>> No.11942632


>> No.11942633

Whatever yoda

>> No.11942636

Neh, I made vodka a few times, and I had the same question at first.

>> No.11942637

cool, what does the drunk feel like?

>> No.11942653

Not the same kind of alcohol

Actually yes it is, I dare you to drink the entire thing in one shot

>> No.11942655

possible like normal alc if you drink a small amount . The same effect at the beginning and than the hospital effect kicks in
>stomach cramps

>> No.11942667

You'll probably throw up as isopropyl alcohol contains a bitterant to dissuade abuse. You'll die if you drink too much of it, about 8 ounces.

>> No.11942681
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No, but this will.

>> No.11943000

i drank lab grade isopropyl alcohol a few times, didn't die or go blind and did get drunk
the hangover was pretty intense and people could smell it on my breath for like two days after, including myself
it didn't have any adulterants though, im not sure if rubbing alcohol does
look up the MSDS sheet for your product and it should tell you all the ingredients, it will warn you that ingestion of isopropanol will cause:
>central nervous system depression
>loss of motor control
which translates to BEING DRUNK

my friend used to live in costa rica and said all the homeless people drank rubbing alcohol there and didn't die immediately and ive also heard of soldiers drinking it when on tour in iraq and afghanistan cuz they couldn't get booze

if this isn't enough anecdotal evidence to convince you it's safe then it's your loss buddy

>> No.11943014

No, you won't. Definitely don't dilute it heavily with water to make it possible to swallow without gagging. That would be pointless.

>> No.11943016

It would be extremely painful.

>> No.11943022

>It would be extremely painful.
"for you."

>> No.11943213
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