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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11941893 No.11941893 [Reply] [Original]

How do normalfags eat vegetables? This shit is terrible.

>> No.11941896

>t. fat

>> No.11941897

stick to your hot pockets and mcdonalds, faggot boy. veggies weren't made for your kind

>> No.11941900

I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.11941905

Your tastebuds are jewed by mcdonalds and sugar. If you start eating veggies and lay off the garbage- a turnip will taste like heaven, mustard greens will blow your mind, and eating tomatoes like apples will make you nut.

>> No.11941960


>> No.11941973

I've never met a fat person who didn't eat vegetables. Fat people usually know their way around a kitchen pretty well. It's underweight drug addict looking people who have insanely limited diets like living off instant noodles.

>> No.11942085

This, fatties just murder their vegetables in ranch

>> No.11942976

Roast them

>> No.11942992

If raw, it helps to cut the vegetables as thinly as possible or marinate them to make them a little more tender. If cooked, steam them until soft, I find half cooked vegetables unpleasant but fully raw or fully cooked are both good. And always add lemon or vinegar or something acidic, just doing this can make almost any vegetable taste so good. I can eat a pound of steamed broccoli just with a bit of vinegar.

>> No.11942999

How many fat people do you even meet? In my experience fat people seem to stay at home and worthwhile people rarely encounter them.

>> No.11943037

I suppose it's an acquired taste? I was made to eat them as a kid. I didn't mind them then. I don't them now.

>> No.11943130

We aren't little bitches that balk at the idea of doing things that are good for us. Oh, and we know how to cook. Fuck off, NEET.

>> No.11943178

Salt, oil or butter, maybe some herbs and spices.

>> No.11943191

The only vegetables I like are spinach, sweet potatoes and onions. What is some other stuff I can possibly try and will maybe like based on these.

>> No.11943373

Carrots and tomatoes are fine. Lettuce in sandwich too.
But green veges are just shit.

>> No.11943816

>bring fat is normal

>> No.11943827

I think you could probably get into chard or collard greens if you already like spinach. If you like onions, then try shallots, scallions, chives, and leeks.

>> No.11943842

I am sorry that your parents have failed you.

>> No.11943860

not all fatties
I actually really like salads, if they have lots of tomatoes and no broccoli or Brussel sprouts. I just like a little bit of mayo, thousand island or blue cheese for dressing.

>> No.11943863

I don't like many veggies, but the trick is to find the few you do and then expand how many ways you can prepare it. Don't bother boiling veggies unless you hate yourself, steaming is quick and easy as fuck. "But anon, I don't have a steamer!" Do you have a pot? Do you have a sieve? Do you have a cover for the pot? Congrats, ad-hoc steamer is yours, boil the water and let your veggies steam in the sieve under the cover, stirring occasionally until desired texture is reached. I like doing carrots this way, then toss them in a bowl with a pinch of brown sugar or some pepper.
>inb4 fattie
Otter-mode manlet actually, whoever's reading this could probably pick me up without much effort.

>> No.11943864
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>> No.11943869
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>Otter-mode manlet actually, whoever's reading this could probably pick me up without much effort.
anon is cute! cute!

>> No.11943881

why do you like sweet potatoes but not regular potatoes?

>> No.11943926

I guarantee that poster does like potatoes, but you wouldn't bring up regular potatoes in a conversation about vegetables. They're starch nukes, people don't think of them as veggies.

But the two plants aren't even related anyway. Potatoes are more closely related to tomatoes than they are to sweet potatoes. You might as well ask why someone dislikes jerusalem artichokes even though they like artichokes.

>> No.11943937
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Roasted carrots are pretty damn good too, I recently made some for the first time and glazed with some maple syrup on recommendation from some anon, turned out pretty damn delicious. With a limited diet, variation is key to not letting your meals become monotonous or repetitive. I particularly love when I cook way too much of something like a roast, then have to find several ways to use the leftovers on consecutive nights without feeling like I'm repeating the same meal, it's a little challenging sometimes but very satisfying.

>> No.11943991

>fat people overeat
>skinny people undereat
ya don't say

>> No.11943995

even just plain roasted carrots and yams taste exactly like french fries it's great

>> No.11944023

Never tried roasted yams, I'll have to remember that anon. Maybe I'll plain-roast some carrots tonight, I need an additional side for the cod I'm baking tonight and a single baked potato isn't enough.
Ten years ago I was a lot more picky when it came to trying new things but I've tried to expand what I like recently. This passed year I discovered I like butternut squash and really love mini-pumpkins, grew both on a whim and had really good results. I'd had no idea before that those mini pumpkins were even good to eat, let alone delicious when baked with brown sugar butter and cinnamon inside, goddamn it's candy.

>> No.11944044

that sounds good as fuck. you garden too? i've never had a big enough dick to grow my own food. but yeah i'll roast some yams and carrots with salt and pepper and cumin, to have a big stockpile to side with whatever i'm eating for the week.

>> No.11944046
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>mayo as a salad dressing

>> No.11944073

>you garden too?
Last summer was my first attempt in a couple of raised beds, mostly got some herbs to dry but grew those squash, mini pumpkins, a couple green peppers from a store-bought one, and tried carrots but they came out stunted and weak. I learned to pay closer attention to the seed-spacing suggestions on the backs of the seed packs because Jesus Christ those squash like to spread, now I know for this Spring.
>yams and carrots with salt and pepper and cumin
That sounds really good, I'd love to make a mixture like that. I'm definitely adding yams to my "foods anon somehow hasn't tried but should promptly" list.

>> No.11944485

Youve desensitised your taste buds with years of eating processed crap, like when you eat candy and then drink orange juice the orange juice doesnt taste as sweet because youve desensitised yourself by eating candy first.

>> No.11945522

Try this if cooking is too much effort. Bowl of brocolli. Salt, garlic granules, chilli flakes, oil. Microwave for 6 mins, stirring halfway through. Squeeze a lemon over the broc. Pretty tasty.

>> No.11945530

Also brussel sprouts baked with honey and balsamic vinegar is delicious.

Caremalised onions and pepper go well in an omelette.

>> No.11945539

stir fry everything add ingredients in order of which has the longest cook time.

>> No.11945658

imagine being proud of eating vegetables lmfao

>> No.11945844

>You might as well ask why someone dislikes jerusalem artichokes even though they like artichokes.
Maybe they're just antisemitic.

>> No.11945956

Thanks anon, chard and collard greens look kinda weird, but I should give them a try. Leek also looks like it could taste good.

Like >>11943926 said, I wouldn't really consider them vegetables. Potatoes are also usually not a problem for picky autistic eaters because of fries etc.

>> No.11946009

I enjoy regularity.

>> No.11946333

That's good anon, I love meat but you need some veggies to supplement it too.

>> No.11946400

Yea that is actually true

>> No.11946807
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>t. underage

>> No.11946888

Stay there

>> No.11946949
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they eat up whatever stacy cooks for them
t. incel whos brother is a chad

>> No.11946954
File: 68 KB, 200x212, that fucking cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only vegetables that are garbage are mushrooms and raw tomatoes. tomatoes are just too watery and are practically meant for sauce.

carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas and green beans are god tier and can generally be eaten raw or cooked, and if you decide to cook them it's pretty hard to fuck up
corn and potatoes are also pretty good but depends on how you season or prepare em. usually I can't be fucked to wait 40+ minutes to cook them most of the time though.

if you want to eat vegetables and can't stand them at all because of your fucked diet, start with potatoes and sugar snap peas. potatoes you can season to taste while sugar snap peas are sweet as fuck

>> No.11946961

>the only vegetables that are garbage are mushrooms and raw tomatoes
>anime pic
All this terrible taste in one post.

>> No.11946976
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>fresh baked potatoes are great
>takes forever just to cook them as a snack if I use the oven since microwaving them ruins it. usually end up having a full meal to go with it by the time it's done
>anime pic
newfag detected

>> No.11946980

Been here longer than you, guaranteed (not that this should be a point of pride for anyone). Explain without the use of memes how it's not anime (you can't).

>> No.11947002
File: 20 KB, 304x277, 3d glasses bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP still hasn't said what vegetable he cooked and how badly he fucked it up
fuck I feel old
it's technically anime but it's literally a reaction image.
holy fuck you're all autistic, especially the one whiningt over the image being posted in the first place

>> No.11947004

nice anime pic

>> No.11947005

Mushrooms are not vegetables.

>> No.11947008

tomatoes are not a vegetable either, they're a fruit

>> No.11947419

Turnips are underrated.

>> No.11947628

You seem like you frequent reddit.
Back to r/mushroomhate and r/tomatohatecirclejerk with you.

>> No.11947859

Didn't even have to read the rest of your post, disregarded your wrong opinion right there.

>> No.11947965

dont be a nigger that adds sugar to their vegetables.

>was fucking nigress when i was 16
>she wanted to cook for me
>she was 19
>cooks kraft dinner with a side of whole peeled microwaved carrots
>places plate im front of me
>slides over 3 shakers
>pepper, salt and uhh why u has 2 salts?
>"its sugar anon" looks at me like im retarted

i cleaned off the plate and said thank you, youre a good cook.

got head and took the bus home

>> No.11948315

Adding sugar to vegetables? This is a thing?

>> No.11948533

For carrots it's not actually that weird. People do glazed carrots with brown sugar all the time. Or candied sweet potatoes, similar idea.

I'm not saying I'd willingly get near these dishes, but they are common.

>> No.11949520

didn't read the rest, opinion discarded, kill yourself

>> No.11950193

I roast most of my veg and eat it with my protein.
Timing for a variety of veg varies so ppl don't like to learn how to cook them right and tend to over/under cook them.
Also ratio of veg to marinade/dressing.
You gotta pick veg with texture and flavor that compliments the rest of your dish.
It's ok to not like certain veg either. I keep trying red cabbage but only like it braised as a side with BBQ. Even then, I prefer collard greens.
Brussels sprouts are easily my fave. Shred and toss with a mayo based dressing for a slaw or slice in half and roast with maple syrup glaze.
Yim yum.