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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 107 KB, 561x584, degrees2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11936622 No.11936622 [Reply] [Original]

We all clear on this?

>> No.11936673

Depends on the cut, but if your pic is a fillet mignon then yes

>> No.11936686

This. A cut with any fat on it should be cooked mid-rare. Otherwise pretty spot-on, OP.

>> No.11936697

>eating anything but well done

white people are truly the most disgusting people on this planet

>> No.11936702
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>niggers have bad tastes about food
wow! who knew

>> No.11936866

>eating anything but rare
I too like the texture and flavour of a leather shoe

>> No.11936920


>> No.11937187

One time my whole family went out to eat and my grandfather made a scene about his steak being too done. When I drove him home I punched him for being a picky whiny bitch.

>> No.11937352
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Rare is too chewy, I want to actually feel like I'm eating cooked food and not literally biting into a cow, but at the same time not a leather boot like well done would be. Medium rare to medium is best for me.

>> No.11937366

I go blue rare exclusively at my house. At restaurants I ask if they will cook blue rare, and if they say no, I go rare (they usually don't do blue rare). I also eat my steak by stabbing the whole thing on a fork, and chowing down. No knife necessary.

>> No.11937462

>I commend you for doing what you like and not worrying about the opinions of others
>your dad should have pulled out
I'm getting mixed messages

>> No.11937463


>> No.11937486


This is the correct answer. Obviously, I'm not going to cook Filet Mignon beyond medium rare, but a marinated skirt steak can go to medium and beyond and still be palatable.

TL;DR: This meme is a fucking joke.

>> No.11937523

When did 'Well Done' become such a meme anyway.

>> No.11937563
File: 36 KB, 640x480, DrbIkUaWoAAKpzq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are the most unappealing steaks i've ever seen

>> No.11937567

Since long before the internet was ever considered possible.

>> No.11937570

stop washing meat before cooking it jackass

>> No.11937573

A well done steak doesn't have to be shoe leather anymore than a fully cooked chicken breast. Just don't overcook it. There's a huge difference between taking a steak off as soon as it's well done and leaving it for another 5-10 minutes after it's fully cooked.

>> No.11937575
File: 65 KB, 285x276, 1498711481834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing but my front 4 teeth actually make contact when my mouth is closed, so I can't eat steak or other chewy foods. Not that it matters, but I'm sad I don't get to have an opinion here

>> No.11937584

What is the black magic fuckery of the png you posted?

>> No.11937618

objectively the best

>> No.11937638

>father grew up working as a butcher
>eats everything well done

>> No.11937825

>Not eating blue rare
YOU are the reason the worlds gone to shit
YOU are the reason we have people thinking "rare" is acceptable
YOU are the reason 90% of the chefs who cook blue rare cook it to rare and make my fucking steak feel like im eating shoe leather
YOU are everything wrong with the culinary world and YOU need to be fucking put down like the dog you are.

>> No.11937861

Why are steakfags so ballistically autistic over how cooked their meat is? Who the fuck cares about how done it is? Rarefag chromosomes are fucking contagious to the point where morons unironically cook chicken rare

>> No.11937874

I slip them a 10. Usually find that opens up the blue option. Fuck anything else. If they will not cook it right I will eat some fish or something

>> No.11937881

move your lower jaw backwards

>> No.11937900

So this is the power of blue? Hmmmm.

>> No.11937906

the only way I can make my back teeth make contact is by moving my jaw 1/3" forward, you fucking chinlet. It's not normal to be able to move it back

>> No.11937907

anyone know the history behind black game poachers? did they exist? what kind of meat have they ever cooked and prepared

>> No.11937918

Major Underbite detected

>> No.11937923

I honestly have neither. my front teeth perfectly align, but the rear of my jaw droops down to such an extent that those teeth don't make contact (by about 1/8")

>> No.11937932

neither an under or overbite, that is

>> No.11937939
File: 141 KB, 908x1135, 1547950834113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not normal to be able to move it back

>> No.11937942

post a profile-view picture of your chin in its natural position, then

>> No.11937947
File: 618 KB, 1950x1936, ACD97838-910B-4688-9A87-006948BB8479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this being my “underbite”

>> No.11938006
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>> No.11938012
File: 24 KB, 617x581, 1475986829001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I commend you for doing what you like and not worrying about the opinions of others
>your dad should have pulled out

>> No.11938100


>> No.11938110

You literally are Lisa, aren't you? I mean no experience with meat and real life and such, sure these are only 3-4/10 but there are way, way worse steaks out there.

>> No.11938186
File: 92 KB, 1121x1004, 1537823142701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shave your fucking face holy shit

>> No.11938195

just ear raw meat at that point, jackass.

>> No.11938223

medium well and above
i want the taste of actual c9oked juices not raw blood
if you dont reply to my post your mother will die in her sleep tonight
dont @ me

>> No.11938232

I just drink the blood out of the meat-tray

>> No.11938254
File: 93 KB, 600x800, 1542046999887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11938333


>> No.11939082

No you're retarded.

>> No.11939095
File: 186 KB, 683x1200, Kro4SCX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11939100

Go to the dentists

>> No.11939122

What this guy said right here.

I know, in the back of my mind, that eating a very rare steak is okay. The meat all came from one place and I buy high grade cuts. Its very rarely if ever that I've gotten sick from a steak. Having said that, my brain still wants me to spit it out when I chew into meat and it tastes and feels raw. It keeps me from enjoying my meal in the same way that I could were it reasonably cooked.

Medium Rare to Medium is pretty much perfect. Cooked to the right consistency and flavor without destroying the damn thing.

>> No.11939128

Blue rare is god tier when done right

>> No.11939355


Depends on the steak you fucking fanny.

>> No.11939548

This entirely depends on the cut of meat, but medium rare is my go-to. I love it rare, too, but the texture on rare is just a little too much. If I'm at a steak place, I'll say "medium rare to rare," because if you don't they'll fucking cooking it medium every goddamn time.

>> No.11940621


>> No.11940623
File: 133 KB, 589x767, zxbfLeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating food that is not done well

You're literally a trash eater lmao

>> No.11940646

those look like trash firewood cuts unless you're using it for live edge garbage.

>> No.11941694

that's the joke, champ
flew right by ya

>> No.11941727

pretty much this
my preferred steak is ribeye and rare just isn't enough to render the fat properly, it's gotta be med rare

>> No.11941753

If it's middling quality steak I'll go with medium rare, if it's the good shit then rare all the way.

Unfortunately I can rarely afford the good shit.

>> No.11941762

Stop posting on /ck/, Charles II, you're supposed to be dead.

>> No.11941920

sometimes, you can tell when people on this board cook for themselves and others just by a single post.

>> No.11942454

absolutely. anyone who eats their steak medium rare is a pissant plebian. at least well done'ers know what they want

>> No.11942457
File: 161 KB, 600x450, 145.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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