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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 450x450, punished dunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11935736 No.11935736 [Reply] [Original]

>go to store
>see double dunker, my old favorite
>haven't had it in a long time
>get some because on sale
>get home and try it
>notice that the ice cream is weirdly fluffy
>take a bite
>it tastes like fucking shit
>not creamy at all
>leaves gross aftertaste in my mouth
>check label to see if something changed
So is there any good ACTUAL ice cream left that is commercially available? Can anything replace my once beloved double dunker? Also "ice cream" thread.

>> No.11935739

stop eating food God didnt create

>> No.11935742

The companies have said that people prefer frozen dairy desserts rather than ice cream. That is bullshit and just a way for them to cut costs.

>> No.11935743

Heb creamy creations mofo

>> No.11935745

This is the cooking board you goddamn brainlet

>> No.11935748
File: 35 KB, 393x273, turkey hill double dunker ice cream official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference, this is what the dunker looked like the last time that i had it, does anyone know when this change occurred? it must be recent because a lot of grocery store websites are still using this previous version of the product.

>> No.11935749

doesnt mean you cant eat in accordance with nature

>> No.11935752

You may not like it, but if you haven't had it in a long time you're not a core customer and your opinion is of low priority to them. The people who eat it regularly love it, and you're just going to have to deal with it.

>> No.11935754

of course it was on sale
how else would you buy it?
do you mean it was discounted or on special?

>> No.11935756

How is this even legal? This is literally a completely different product packaged in the exact same manner as the original. If I hollowed out coconuts and filled them with piss would I still be allowed to call them "processed coconut product" and sell them as is?

>> No.11935758

>i can't read and blame all my illiteracy on others
No sympathy, in fact you deserve a beating.

>> No.11935763

"on sale" and "for sale" mean two different things ESL

>> No.11935770

>licking corporate boots on a Polynesian knot-tying forum

>> No.11935771

No, you can't sell urine for consumption. But if you put something edible in there, yes you could do that.

>> No.11935777

Double cream is too expensive. Enjoy your same price "dairy product" made of suspicious plant margarine and skim milk.

>> No.11935778

How can people enjoy this shit? Is the average person really THAT much of a philistine that they can't notice that this "frozen dairy dessert" literally tastes of feces?

>> No.11935793

So are Soy and Jerry's and Haagen-Daaz now the last bastions of real mass-produced ice cream?

>> No.11935799

It's legal because they are not calling it Ice Cream anymore you retarded brainlet

>> No.11935829

That's not the point retard. The packaging is almost exactly the same as it was back when it was actual ice cream, so similar that the average person wouldn't notice that it had been changed to an inferior product until they had already bought it. Why are you defending corporations cutting corners and tricking their customers?

>> No.11935835

As long as it says "dairy product" on the tin in the US, it can contain fucking anything and be made go any process as long as there's at least some milk in it.
Anything to increase the profit margins.

>> No.11935846

It can't literally taste of feces. There is such a wide variety of feces presenting so many different flavors that no one flavor can possibly encapsulate the essential flavor of feces. You might as well say it literally tastes of spice.

>> No.11935930

>shit-eater trying to prove his superiority through semantics
how about you fuck off from my ice cream thread and go back to tasting different varieties of feces then

>> No.11935971

>Why are you defending corporations cutting corners and tricking their customers?
Yeah, it's weird that there's a vocal element on here who support corporate exploitation of consumers. I think most are just kids who discovered babby's first hack philosopher, Ayn Rand.

>> No.11935996
File: 127 KB, 638x654, CherryVanilla_box-half.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not buying the obviously superior blue bell
wow, I don't say this a lot, but you truly are gay

pic VERY related

>> No.11935998

Build wall

>> No.11936019

>artificial flavor

>> No.11936026

no they don't. they mean the same thing.

>> No.11936029

it's as close to real ice cream as you're going to get
>t. texan

and obviously making your own ice cream is the best way to go, but not a lot of people have the time for that shit

>> No.11936031



>> No.11936060

Does Blue Bell make anything similar to the dunker? I rarely buy ice cream so I don't know what kind of stuff exists in stores. Also is Blue Bell actual cream and not shit?

>> No.11936089

never had dunker, every ice cream i've tried aside from blue bell is complete creamless shit

and yeah cream wise, it's only second to some expensive local texan ice creams.

imo for reference:
ben n jerrys is a 2/10
Haadgen daaz 3/10
BR 5/10
blue bell is a 10/10

other than that i haven't tried a lot of other ice creams because blue bell is the HNIC around here, and trumps every other ice cream by a texas mile

>> No.11936125

I guess if the ice cream is as high quality as you say, then the mix-ins that the dunker has wouldn't really be that necessary. For reference, the dunker was coffee ice cream with cookie dough chunks and oreo swirl. Does Blue Bell make a coffee flavor? Also is Blue Bell significantly more expensive than other brands?

>> No.11936157
File: 26 KB, 680x430, bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11936161

yeah blue bell makes a coffee, never had it, which is weird because i like coffee icecream, and the half gallon is like $8 so idk, and bluebell mixins are quite nice, like the cherry vanilla has huge chunks of cherries and same with the other flavors, always very high quality, like the wedding cake flavor has huge chunks of wedding cake in it

>> No.11936166

double dunk used to be the fucking ambrosia of ice cream

>> No.11936180

Love Blue Bell, they had a flavor for a while called Bride's Cake, had amaretto in it, shit was addictive and then it was gone ;-;

>> No.11936207
File: 201 KB, 500x492, 7c23fea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting trust in a company

this has never turned out for the little guy,
pemsions fuck, video games destroyed, movie franchises fucked, music industry plants, big bank bailouts, turkey hill, oramge julius, mcdonalds, doc martins, nbc, cbs, cnn, fox, google,facebook, sony, visa, ashlymadison and on. and on. and on.

>> No.11936224
File: 87 KB, 640x480, yogurt-water-bath.resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make my own yogurt with skim milk using the hotplate water-bath method.
Then I flavor it with sweetener and other flavors. Can also add nuts for some healthy fat.
It very much tastes like ice cream but is much healthier for you!

>> No.11936239

fuck off

>> No.11936243

Okay this shit sounds cash, $8 isn't that much considering the quality that you're mentioning. Tub in OP was like $3 but it was also disgusting slop so $8 is probably a fair price.

>> No.11936327

This shit doesn't even freeze like ice cream due to the insane amount of air in it and the softening agents. I just pulled the tub out of my freezer and the whole thing was squishy and almost liquid.

>> No.11936350

Jesus Christ I hate kikes. I dont eat ice cream often, but this was always my favorite. Is making your own ice cream from scratch a viable option for a middle class lad?

>> No.11936369

One of the greatest exchanges I've seen on this shit-hole chink pic sharing forum

>> No.11936414

Make flavored sweetened whipped cream and freeze it. You wont be disapointed. I reccomend using instant coffee. Its maybe 4 bucks total and taste amazing

>> No.11936441

There has always been shitty tier foamy fluffy fake ice cream. Just don't buy it! Vote with your dollar on what you will or won't accept as ice cream.

If you want to complain? Get on social media. It works. Take some gooood high quality action shots and infographic type pictures of your dog refusing to eat the ice cream in their bowl. Post pictures of you taking the competitor's vanilla and smashing up the double types of cookies yourself. Oh the tragedy of all that work. Mention how the person who changed the formula should be fired. Compare Turkey's Hill new crap formula to conspiracy for unamerican deceptive business practices and injustice to children of yours and their generation that should have been able to trust your beloved childhood brand. The love stops now. Just make a post a day, and keep at it.

Me? I'll buy whatever is good. Vote with your dollar. I'm lucky enough to live where Publix is outstanding, and continues the legacy of #1. But, I'll buy whatever craft sorbetto, or anything seriously good that comes along too. I haven't bought Breyers dairy candy bar stuff nor Edy's in 15 yrs or more. What I won't buy is Blue Bell for daring to poison people with listeria after their knew they were failing inspection after inspection, year after year, customers beware. They should change their name, because I will never ever trust them again. Done.>>11935996
Really? You still like them? Your head been in the sand the past few years? They. don't. care. if. people. die.

>> No.11936446


>> No.11936448

turkey flavor ice cream? now i've seen everything

>> No.11936461

for decent ice cream it's gotta be braums

>> No.11936464

While what you're saying isn't exactly wrong, "Double Dunker" is a registered trademark under Turkey Hill specifically for "ice cream".
What they're doing is actually illegal, unless they've re-registered the trademark.

>> No.11936465

fried turkey flavor heh

>> No.11936466
File: 53 KB, 464x349, breyers 2018 2in1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even just that brand. when I was a kid, breyer's put actual pieces of chocolate in their ice cream. now they put this nasty fake cocoa shit. and to distract ppl from the decreasing quality, they started doing corporate tie-ins like the pic, when they used to have actual good original flavors.

>> No.11936470

don't even gotta be middle class lad, I grew up dirt poor and we made icecream on a semiregular basis with one of those hand crank icecream machines. they make em electric now but still quite affordable

>> No.11936474
File: 15 KB, 216x174, breyeres_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This flavor, for instance? Fucking amazing. They stopped making it.

>> No.11936509

Frozen Dairy Dessert is just 'ice cream' but made with vegetable oil instead of using cream for the fat. Also ice cream has a limit to how airy it is so frozen dairy dessert can be mostly air. you're literally just eating milk flavored air with some vegetable oil

>> No.11936515

I can't tell if you are some hook nosed shill or not

>> No.11936533

blame (((dairy farmers))). they're the ones that ree'd because they could not compete with american cheese

>> No.11936534
File: 97 KB, 1080x771, 50810238_2102327703188920_683202686527078829_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work at an ice cream factory
>have as much delicious 17% milk fat ice cream as I want for free

>> No.11936658

It's true though, they can't be called ice cream because ice cream needs to be made with at least 10% cream/milk fat and the air in it can't be higher than 1:1 of the ice cream. Frozen dairy dessert is allowed to have more air and no cream in it or whatever they want

>> No.11936669

>the air in it can't be higher than 1:1 of the ice cream
>Frozen dairy dessert is allowed to have more air
So you're saying that not only does it taste like shit, but it's somehow OVER 50% air? What the nigger fuck

>> No.11936675

If you never really noticed the label of the two, have you ever ate some 'ice cream' that was really airy and overly 'fluffy'? That was frozen dairy dessert

>> No.11936676

this is not even close to ice cream, retard

>> No.11936886

yeah, it's very popular in the central south and 99% of the people eat it, it's worth the try

nigger i don't care if they were sticking their balls in the mix before freezing it, because it tastes fucking great, I don't eat ice cream often, but when i do I want the good shit, and they provide it

>> No.11936891

>buying any other ice cream flavour that isn't chocolate or fruit flavour

You deserve it for being a disgusting coffee fag. Also fuck Vanilla.

>> No.11936898

the connection between them all: Jews

>> No.11936901
File: 19 KB, 480x522, 1549505534920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his life is an I Love Lucy episode
why can't we all get it this easy

>> No.11936905

>artificial flavors
>high fructose corn syrup
>still charging premium prices
fuck these kikes.

>> No.11936913

>this thing that tastes good, doesn't taste good because of [insert retarded unhealthy thing here]
wow, you're really showing me

and here i was thinking ice cream was healthy for you!

>> No.11936918

"accordance with nature"
we are part of nature, and so are the things we create.

>> No.11936989

wew, you really missed the point of my post. are you retarded?

>> No.11936994

nope, i understand that it's ingredients for low quality shit, but the high quality shit usually tastes worse than bluebell, so your post makes you look like a retard

it's like complaining about fried chicken

>> No.11937105

That shut 'em down. Good work.

>> No.11937203

I make my own all the time. Easy to do. Choose your own ingredients. Old time churns are cheap to buy. Give it a shot. Google is your friend.

>> No.11937264

Who cares, it's cheaper. Fatty.

>> No.11937341
File: 34 KB, 377x290, breyers_rocky_road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old school Breyer's, when it was real cream and real sugar, they had pic related flavor. Really good, rich, not too cocoa-powder-y ice cream with a soft gooey marshmallow swirl and candied almonds. After they sold out and started making shit this flavor all but disappeared and the quality went sharply downhill. Fuck them for that.

>> No.11937343


>> No.11937377
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their rocky road was so good too. Makes me sad. Junk food in general is such a rip-off now. My roommate brought home a bag of tortilla chips last week. Store brand, not name brand. They filled the bag like 1/3 full. Not even kidding. And it was still like $3. And I know it's not an "air cushion" like they keep trying to tell us, but I guess it's easier to lie than to say "it's so the ceo gets a bigger bonus"

>> No.11937475

>Coffee and icecream


>> No.11937739

>"Hurr durr, durr hurr how is this legal?
>Gets told how
>"durr dats not the point y u supporting dis companies"

Fuck off retard, the only people that are getting "tricked" are lazy brain-dead faggots like you that can't even be bothered to read what the fuck they are spending their money on

>> No.11937781

They only exploit you retards because you let them. Maybe if their consumer base wasn't filled with a bunch of dumbass superficial impulsive retards we could actually have nice things

>> No.11937786

It must be nice not being exploited. It sounds like you spend all day not being exploited. You're not exploited at all, right? Because you don't notice yourself getting exploited so you must not be getting exploited.

>> No.11937795

Get a room, you two.

>> No.11937803

some flavors of haagen-dazs are only milk/cream/eggs/sugar/flavoring, simple and good ice cream. if you really care though, you should buy a small ice cream maker.

>> No.11937813

That's the value shit, you need to get the swoon stuff.
BB is a good value brand not a premium ice cream.

>> No.11937822

Imagine wanting a tub of saturated fat and sugar. Lol

>> No.11937824

+1 for Hoggen Doz. The vanilla bean is so amazing. I didn't like vanilla ice cream before I tried it. It's made with nothing but good stuff.
>Egg yolks
>Vanilla beans
>Vanilla extract
No bullshit. It's just ice cream. Great with some fruit pie. I had it with some homemade strawberry rhubarb pie and it was the best dessert I've ever had in my life.

>> No.11937877

This is some matrix tier fan fiction shit. It's honestly not that fucking hard to see what you are getting in return for your money. Goddamn you people are insufferable; acting like you have no self-consciousness and freedom; like the corporations force you into buying their shit

>> No.11937880


>> No.11937891


>> No.11937967

Honestly I don't care how unhealthy HFCS but it has this weird chemical aftertaste. Especially in desserts. Just use sugar you greasy kikes.

>> No.11937996

>No bullshit.
.5g trans fat per serving

>> No.11938083

Trans fats ban, either that or improper freezer temperatures

>> No.11938095

I think that buying subpar milk is cheaper than buying that fresh piss

>> No.11938108

how often do americans eat ice cream?

>> No.11938116

more air
less dairy fat
bigger price
less product!


>> No.11938143

read the ingredients before you buy something. if it reads like james joyce put it back

>> No.11938199

If you're worried about eating healthy why are you buying fucking ice cream

>> No.11938208
File: 294 KB, 500x480, Edys_Classic_doublefudgebrownie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11938217

It's usually seen as more of an occasional treat than an everyday thing.

>> No.11938614

If you have some basic equipment like a hand (or stand) mixer, you can make semifreddo, which is like a lighter, fluffier ice cream. You make a big bowl of whipped cream and chill it while you heat your egg yolks, sugar, and flavorings to make the custard, then whip it as it cools until it doubles or triples in size. Then you fold in the whipped cream and pour it all into a loaf pan or some other container and freeze it. I like it since it doesn't require a single piece of dedicated equipment like an ice cream machine would.

Don't listen to >>11936414, he's retarded.

>> No.11938703

but it's made out of god's creations.