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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11933336 No.11933336 [Reply] [Original]

Poverty cooking is the best cooking. What is your favorite "End of Month" meal?

Me, I just throw potatoes and onion into pan with salt and pepper.

>> No.11933368

I always feel so good when I can afford Annies White Mac n Cheese + a can of lemon pepper chicken. My favorite meal

>> No.11933377
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Welcome to Flavor Country

>> No.11933378

sometimes I just sip tabasco sauce

>> No.11933395
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>> No.11933401

Red pill me. My budget is tight

>> No.11933404

Look at the prices of the things on sale and get the lowest dollar-to-volume you can find.

>> No.11933473

throw in some eggs and we're cooking

>> No.11933476

Whoa, watch out guys, we've got ourselves a high roller here

>> No.11933527

I usually keep lentils on hand. Toss em in a pot with a bunch of water and some basic spices (turmeric, ground coriander, curry powder, etc) and let cook for a while (approx 35 min, though you could cook less if you prefer a firmer texture). Heat up some rice and boom; full nutrition and not completely tasting like sadness.

>> No.11933534

Dollar Tree frozen food section

>> No.11933562

My favorite poverty meal are the basic spaghetti recipes. Aglio e olio is a classic. But my favorite is definitely fried anchovies with garlic spaghetti.

Get a big bag of dried anchovies, it will last you a while and adds a lot of flavor and protein to dishes. Buy pasta on clearance. Salt, boil al dente. Drain, reserve the starchy water. Throw gutted anchovie filets into pan with a few tablespoons of the cheaper frying variety of olive oil. Fry with minced garlic and a few dashes of red pepper flakes until anchovies are golden brown. Toss spaghett into pan with about a cup of the starch water. Stir under medium-low heat until the sauce thickens onto the noodles. Add parmesan. Pepper. Serve.

Costs less than $2 a meal for sure, and you can scale it up with fancy shit like capers, shallot, real parmigiano, and chopped parsley if you really want.

>> No.11933623

dried shrimp and egg gumbo is the cheapness. and it's stupid good.

>> No.11933727

I like the comfiness of onion soup, with leftover dry bread slices, garlic and grated gruyère. Quintessential poverty food
>even better reheated
>easy, provided you know how to use your time to make it flavorful

>> No.11933734

I might try this, but isn't it better to put the salt and pepper after you take them from the pan?

>> No.11933790

The ultimate poverty food is the split pea. Costs less than beans and lentils while providing equal nutrition and tastes/smells better. Easy soup, make some eggs to go along with it.

>> No.11933795


Of course, you always had salt and pepper on anything only after you take it off the heat

>> No.11933808
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>> No.11933816


How much more flour and cheese could you buy for two bucks

>> No.11933817

Not much. Cheese is expensive.

>> No.11933819
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Cabbage and lentil soup gives you really noxious gas and fills you up for pennies with the right spices it's super tasty too

>> No.11933825

Usually make something like a vegetarian chili and serve it with rice. It's only a couple of dollars for a few days worth of food.

>> No.11933831

Cheese isn't expensive at all. $2 a pound you stupid nigger

>> No.11933838

I make hummus and eat it on bread, plus a fruit or two a day, nutritionally you're p much set there. Also try to buy cheap whole chickens or mince when it's on sale and freeze.

>> No.11933865

>Poverty cooking is the best cooking. What is your favorite "End of Month" meal?

Living a life of poverty is nothing to strive for nor celebrate. It belies either poor financial circumstance or poor financial planning (of which the two may be related but not always). If you have to resort to 'end of month meals' you really need to sort your life out at least with respect to food and food budgeting.

>> No.11933868
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mostly pancakes.

>> No.11933870


>> No.11933872


>> No.11933887

I do this "dish" but also add carrots. And I usually make a sauce to go with it because I'm not actually poor, I just think it taste amazing.

>> No.11933892

Real Wages have been outpaced by inflation for the past half-century

>> No.11933895

it's also good if you use seasoned salt/garlic powder and cook until crisp. best with eggs, but those almost never last till the end of the month.

>> No.11933897

Where do you buy bags of dried anchovies?

>> No.11933898

Did the cat ever burn itself?

>> No.11933909

never. shes smart

>> No.11933914

Ok apu

>> No.11933917

To me poverty food isn't necessarily the cheapest calories available to the broke man. It's great food even the poor can afford because you pay it with labor and cleverness.

>> No.11933942

Doesn't it take a lot of time for the potato to cook?

>> No.11933983

Chili is nice if you aren't in full poverty.
If you're really poor, egg drop soup can be good
French toast is pretty cheap

>> No.11934002

A favourite for me is soy pasta, which I learned from my dad.

Literally just pasta of your choice and soy sauce. Add some butter/ anything else you have to adjust the flavour (I like to use chilli powder/sauces). Tuna if you need protein. Make sure to add the soy once you've drained the pasta and added it back into the pot so you stir fry it sort of.

There's something enjoyable and satisfying about making something tasty out of absolute scraps of food.

>> No.11934074

>throw everything you have that is about to expire from your fridge into a crock pot
>add soup stock/packets of gravy mix or can of diced tomatoes
>now you have yourself some hobo stew

>> No.11934079
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I have two.
First is a pan full of all kinds if root veggies. Turnips, parsnips, carrots, root parsley and so on together with butter and and seasoning as disiered, though most of the time only salt and pepper.
Next one is fried rice with about 2/3 as much diced onion, some ham or salami dices and parsley.

>> No.11934082

Anywhere with poverty Asians (non-Japs) have those by the bagful for cheap. You don't really need anchovies, you just need little dried fish, it's all the same shit really.

>> No.11934085

>reddit spacing
girls not welcome on 4chan(nel)

>> No.11934086
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>poverty food thread
>every1 posts fresh veggies

>> No.11934099

agreed, and i purposely eat "poverty" because i can't disgest gluten, wheats, or meats anymore.

fuck, i love 1 dollar food

>> No.11934121

>electric hob

>> No.11934127

pardon me?

>> No.11934152
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I love lentil soup. There is a lot you can do with it.

>> No.11934183

What third world shithole are you from that you have to do this?

>> No.11934251

It's called Bratkartoffeln and it's a great dish if you are lazy and have leftover potatoes. You can also throw leftover meat or veggies into the mix. Depending on the season, this dish is cheaper than 2 slices of cheap Rye-Wheat bread with butter.

>> No.11934279


>> No.11934335
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Rolling high with minced meat and macaroni.

>> No.11934381

Hi Kiki
You still making those deliveries?

>> No.11934401

>because i can't disgest gluten, wheats, or meats anymore.
Should probably just kys desu

>> No.11934410

whos kiki

>> No.11934418
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>poverty meals

>> No.11934429

Why are you forcing this meme

>> No.11934653

Unironically canned beans and if i have extra cash i chop some sausages into the mix and maybe a fried onion.

>> No.11934660

i got that reference

>> No.11934674

No sympathy for the retarded.
Stop wasting money

>> No.11934801

When I'm on a budget I tend to get the new york strips instead of filet mignons, and probably a pork loin instead of tenderloin.

>> No.11934808

I eat as if I'm in poverty every day, that way I never end up in poverty.

>> No.11936621

Biscuits and gravy
Bacon sandwiches
Fried bologna sandwiches
Hamburger Helper

come at me

>> No.11936681

It might sound gross to other, but I enjoy a chicken pasta salad. Just pasta like rotini or spirals with mayo, cheese and some shredded chicken i cook up with garlic salt. Good shit, last a couple days too

>> No.11936745

I squirt mustard onto my palm and lick it off.

>> No.11936796
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Factually false. Real wages in the US have fluctuated up and down but have trended up since the 70s.

>> No.11936811

>reading comprehension

Now compare it to the rate of inflation.

>> No.11936824

Cornmeal mush, surprisingly not bad.

>> No.11936843

Real wages means it's already adjusted for that.

>> No.11936933

Real wages is already compensated for inflation. That’s what makes it real wages not nominal wages you fucking idiot.

>> No.11936960



The rate of real wage increasing has been outpaced by the rate of inflation increasing for the past half-century, you fucking idiots.

>> No.11936964
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>> No.11936974

Whatever dry staples I have left in my cupboard, usually beans, rice, sweet potatoes, or lentils. Cook up some meat, cabbage, and/or spinach. mix it together, serve up on bread or corn tortillas.

>> No.11936975

rice with chouriço, less then 10 minuts to do, clean and no salt needed

>> No.11936980

>real wages are tied to inflation
>inflation is increasing faster than real wages

nigga you retarded

>> No.11937006

what do you meen

>> No.11937014

Don’t worry about it man, this is about the level of economic understanding I would expect from someone who is probably a basement pseudo-intellectual socialist.
Per def. Real wages are wages adjusted for inflation, or, equivalently, wages in terms of the amount of goods and services that can be bought. This term is used in contrast to nominal wages or unadjusted wages.

Meaning inflation cannot out pace real wage because it is a component of real wage. If inflation increases real wage decreases, UNLESS nominal wage also increases, which as we’ve seen has also happened. Maybe you’re trying to say that inflation has out paced nominal wages but even that’s not true in the US.

>> No.11938104

Not overcrowding doesn't cost anything.

>> No.11938158


>> No.11938281

reddit spacing
now go back to /b

>> No.11938282

Hmm /ck trims my newlines, interesting.

>> No.11938286


>> No.11938293


>> No.11938294


>> No.11938324

spanish potato omelette for a dozen oldish eggs.

>> No.11938339

I love poverty cooking! It’s so comfy even if it’s not necessarily healthy. This weekend I went to Citarella for my monthly poor meal. I got Flageolet beans, some mild sausages, duck legs, thyme, garlic, and with some leftovers at home whipped up a makeshift cassoulet in my Le Creuset (you’d be surprised how long duck fat keeps)

Problem with cooking poverty food is it takes forever and you’re smelling it all day and don’t even want it anymore, so I tossed the whole mess and made a nicoise salad instead

>> No.11938390

pepper/pepper flake
a type of vinegar
dried basil/coriander depending on the vinegar
maybe boiled egg or spam if either are available
grated vegetable mixed into couscous after water absorb
wa la

>> No.11938443
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