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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11931817 No.11931817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*improves your meal*

>> No.11931828

what's the story here?

>> No.11931832

In case anon ask about source

>> No.11931835

How much extra for her to step on it too?

>> No.11931836

It was like two in the morning or some shit and the girl behind the counter was in a bad mood or some shit. She was completely in the wrong. She also hated her job or something. The girl ordering food wasn't even rude at all. For some reason the girl behind the counter was just in a legit bad mood for some reason. Like in the video you can even hear her say something like "Because it's two in the morning and I feel like shit." So basically she was being a bitch because she was in a bad mood.

>> No.11931843

I usually stand by the workers side. Their job is stressful and they must be really really pissed to do something overboard like this. Poor girl

>> No.11931845

Also gotta hand it to the total bro that just stayed out of it. You can tell he was just trying to ignore it. Poor guy. Imagine having to work the night shift with a total cunt like that. I also hate how she just smiled the entire fucking time. What an absolute piece of shit. I'm glad she got fired.

>> No.11931846

Imagine hiring women.

>> No.11931851
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>> No.11931852

I agree to a certain point, but in this case she was completely in the wrong. The customer wasn't overbearing or rude to her at all. The girl behind the counter was legit just in a bad mood and took it out on the customer. It was completely unprovoked. As I said, I don't know the EXACT reason. But if you watch the video it just sounds like the girl behind the counter was either not feeling well, or was just upset over something and decided to take it out on the customer.

>> No.11931859

I want her to spit in my throat

>> No.11931866

god i wish that were me

>> No.11931870
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heres a non shit one cause i select all from busting a gut sorry bros

>> No.11931871

Lol >>11931851
These faggot boomers force their employees to work till 2am under unnatural lighting serving drunk college students and they apologize like cucks when that worker has a freak out over her horrible wagie life. Fuckin pathetic grovelling apology lettet LOLLLLL

I support the worker, she cute

>> No.11931876

fired? she's the fucking owner.

>> No.11931881

What? No she isn't? It was an employee and a generic customer. See >>11931870

That wasn't the owner. That girl was just an employee working for the company. In the statement they released it even said that she was no longer working for them. What made you think that was the owner in the video spitting in the food?

>> No.11931882

why was someone filming

>> No.11931891

i doubt someone who doesn't own the place would act like that

>> No.11931893

It is _always_ someone filming. What are you, older than 25?

>> No.11931896

So was she in a bad mood or not?

>> No.11931899

Because it's a video.

>> No.11931902

I think only someone who doesn't own a place acts da fool in it.

>> No.11931905

>older than 25

>> No.11931907

ye bro she was in bad mood cuz it was around 2-3am in the morning and drunk ppl around too bro

>> No.11931912

This, i need this important question answered

>> No.11931914

Are you baiting me? Or are you this ignorant and retarded about fast food places?

>> No.11931915

No joke, i would love for her to do that to me , id eat it with a perverted smile

>> No.11931927

Ya I just quit my job as a store manager tonight. Tired of doing everything myself and babysitting employees to make sure they’re doing the basic shit they’re supposed to be doing. Told everyone to go fuck themselves and walked out. Had a deadline to get all inventory ready for counting by 8pm tonight and only myself and one other employee worked to get the store ready. The owner was to busy fucking around not doing anything all day and the assistant manager who was supposed to get a section of the store ready over the weekend did absolutely nothing and then bitched at me for not coming in and working a 70 hour week to do it all myself.

>> No.11931950

So the video with sound is in there, and you can tell it's only part of what happened. They say it's past 3 in the morning, and the customer sounds like she's drunk or high. I'd bet money that the customer started giving her shit for not looking happy or something hence the fake smile, then probably kept provoking the girl behind the counter then dared her to spit in her food. Definitely siding with the worker on this one.

>> No.11931959

>imagine being so worthless you can't even put in a 70 hour week for the Mr. Shekelstien.

>> No.11931967

how is it forcing, if you don't like the job don't take it

>> No.11932059

It’s funny but shit jobs can be a lot like abusive relationships. You get so used to it that it just becomes normalized to the point where you get gaslighted into thinking you can’t quit.

>> No.11932080

but that's not funny, that's the opposite of funny
that's just sad and mildly upsetting

>> No.11932115


>> No.11932175

>Muh strong wammen
Jeez kids, work is not a picnic. Haha only 50 years to go

>> No.11932191

Damn, imagine being this fucking pathetic.

>> No.11932204

cute girl

>> No.11932209

It’s not a picnic but it seems like employers have lost all respect for their employees these days. Gone are the days where people spend their career working for one company. Now the only way to get ahead is to company hop every few years. Nowadays you go to work everyday never being sure if your going to lose your job. The only good news is that people seem to finely be fed up with it and social media gives us a voice that can be heard.

Problem is it happens so slowly you don’t notice it. The human mind is capable of rationalizing almost anything given enough time.

>> No.11932223

why do they always talk like they ran over your dog. it's just a pita.

>> No.11932229

Well, that explains everything. I probably would have spit in the bitch's food, too.

>> No.11932251

because they could get a consumer claims lawsuit

>> No.11932320

Worked food service 5 years different places (waiter, chipotle style places like op)

It's not stressful. If you think it is you're being dramatix

>> No.11932366

god i wish that were me

>> No.11932380

it's like spider sense, if you see or feel like something's going down you get your phone out and turn the camera on.

>> No.11932401

I blame the woman here
Look it's not a good job. It's going to be shit. But you don't just bring a bad mood. Boo-hoo your life is so tough.

You make it. That's YOUR power. Do your co-workers in the trenches with you a favor and learn how to make light and joke even in the worst situation. Can the bad attitude.

>> No.11932425

What the fuck is someone going in there at 2 in the morning asking for food anyway? To say that no one should ever be upset at 2 in the morning regardless of the profession is completely ignorant.

>> No.11932434

>at all

That's wrong.

>> No.11932447

You just typed out dramatix. You're a fag and no one cares about you.

>> No.11932455


>> No.11932459
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>> No.11932480

It is completely and utterly unjustified for the employee to take out her bad mood on anyone that didn't directly cause it.

That is misdirecting her anger, and anyone that ever does this is 100% in the wrong.

>> No.11932489

>"This establishment stays open 24 hours a day."
>It's now 2:00 am
>"Hmm I'm hungry. Guess I'll grab something to eat."
>Go inside eatery
>"Yeah, can I get a...."
>Employee looks at me and tells me to go fuck myself and screams.

I mean, but I'm totally in the wrong, right?

>> No.11932493

It's not her fault. She's the victim here. She's a victim of her surroundings. It shouldn't be legal to treat people like this.

>> No.11932522
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get lost, pinko

>> No.11932747

the customer being so quick to jump over the counter makes me think the employee isn't 100% at fault, although obviously spitting in the food wasn't acceptable either

>> No.11932798

she's black too and the video starts with her banging her chimp paws on the counter

>> No.11932850

holy fuck this is cringy

>> No.11932875

Maybe that cunt should get a day job instead.

>> No.11932893

Perhaps next time you will be more considerate and not stare at her with your evil cis rapist eyes.

>> No.11932907

I'm sorry, but will you accept a parcel from my telegraph instead?

>> No.11932959

>It shouldn't be legal to treat people like this.
She literally asked for that job,retard.

>> No.11932964

People shouldn't have to work to get money.

>> No.11933002

Because something started happening and they wanted to catch the tail end of it because it just doesn't matter at all how something began.

>> No.11933027

in hospitality you deal with shit customers all the time, your job is to maintain a sunny disposition and make sure they are happy, not spit in their food out of spite.

>> No.11933037

Yep. I guess you'll hear what you want, but nobody said it didn't start out her fault either. Read what's there before you read into it.

>> No.11933065

she may be serving a patron but that doesn't mean she has to lower herself to their level if they become unruly. It doesn't matter who started it, she was wrong.

>> No.11933070

>It doesn't matter who started it
I'm glad you've decided to change what you said after realizing you were full of shit, at least.

>> No.11933076


>> No.11933078

>she was wrong

>> No.11933086

Here's another reply.

>> No.11933090

I don't know why they're fighting, she seems so happy. Just look at her smile.

>> No.11933221

>owner run
unless it's fucking 3am then you get kids on minimum wage to do your job for you. fuck boomers.

>> No.11933439
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>> No.11933474

>Literally asked for that job
You work or you die. Nobody wants to work, you're forced to.

>> No.11933523

>muh equality muh social change
>pays workers minimum wage and presumably makes them hate their shitty lives by making working conditions as garbage as possible

boomers truly are the ultimate jews

>> No.11933615

good luck getting the king cuck mantel somewhere else leaving in a huff

>> No.11933635

future antifa protester getting hernias throwing garbage cans right there.

>> No.11933667

What's so funny about this? With constant advances in technology resulting in more and more jobs becoming automated, as well as a widening gap of income inequality, a universal basic income makes more sense than ever.

>> No.11933692

No, it doesn't. Advances in technology are making losers like you obsolete. Why the hell should we be paying them MORE when they are worth LESS?
People shouldn't work for money? Whose money is it and why do you think some Leftie cocksucker has a right to claiming it?
If you don't like flipping burgers I advice you to learn a more useful trade.

>> No.11933704

we'll eventually need UBI to prevent masses of unskilled, unemployed laborers rioting globally and destroying infrastructure. you'll probably just tell me that they'll be put in work camps or killed and that's justified right?

>> No.11933705

>retarded screeching the webm

Happy the employee got fired. Womp womp

>> No.11933718

>stuffed pita
the fuck

>> No.11933729

>For some reason the girl behind the counter was just in a legit bad mood for some reason.
This was painful to read, you type like a fucking moron.

>> No.11933730

So you admit that you really are just violent terrorists demanding "protection money"?
I'm glad we go that out in the open.
If your violent rioting comes anywhere near my property I am indeed justified in shooting you, yes. I have more right to my things than you do.

>> No.11933756

good job