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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 1200x569, 1200px-Cast-Iron-Pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11928095 No.11928095 [Reply] [Original]

This is the most retarded piece of cookware on the planet.

>buy one
>have to buy expensive ass flaxseed oil
>have to put it in the oven for an hour
>try to cook with it
>everything sticks
>finish cooking your shit food
>throw in a shit load of salt to clean it
>have to wait for it to cool down so it doesnt crack but cant let it get too cool or everything sticks
>clean it
>oil it again
>heat it up until your entire house smells like dog shit
>let it cool down and its finally done
>rusts anyways

>> No.11928099

Just buy stainless steel. It’s good enough for professional kitchens, it’s good enough for you.

>> No.11928102
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>try new thing
>make things seem laborious and mentally difficult
>complain to 4chan about it
Just kidding you stupid faggot, you didn't even try a cast iron, you're just making a bait thread because you're some pathetic neet loser looking for attention and affirmation from an anonymous fast food discussion board

>> No.11928108
File: 3.34 MB, 4032x3024, 7397E78C-76CA-4D51-BB18-529DC9CCC29D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re retarded.

>> No.11928122
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>make eggs on cast iron
>by cast iron I mean shittily seasoned garbage pan bough yesterday from target
>by make eggs I mean put eggs straight down on a screaming hot surface with no butter or oil
>never stir them
>they burn
>complain to 4chan about it
You are literally too retarded for a hunk of metal.

>> No.11928138
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I use a shit ton of oil you moron. The fact is that this fucking pan DOESNT WORK

>> No.11928141

heat pan till 7/10
add canola oil and swish it around till it covers all area
let it cook in to the metal until it starts smoking
turn off heat
once cool, wipe up excess oil
repeat process several times

pretty easy, but then again I'm not retarded

>> No.11928145
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>a piece of metal DOESN'T WORK
ok retard

>> No.11928158

why use cast iron for eggs? lol wrong application mate

>> No.11928159

in my exp scrambled eggs arent the best idea in a cast iron

>> No.11928163

You can do it, I cook eggs in my cast iron all the time when I go camping. OP is just a retard

>> No.11928184
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>> No.11928193

I'll leave it as a memento to when Cracked was actually interesting content and not SJW garbage

>> No.11928416

If my great grandmother could take care of a pan well enough for it to get to me and still be perfectly clean, you must be retarded to have this much trouble.

>> No.11928423

too much heat, not enough butter.

Hint: if making eggs in IC, heat needs to be low enough not to burn butter.

IC is not best pan for eggs.

IC is good as general oven pan.

Trick is you accept you don't clean it "all the way" between uses. Rinse out with water and leave grease film.

>> No.11928427

I love my iron but seems like it would be wrong pan for camping.

weighs a ton, heats slow, hard to clean

I guess we are talking camping and not backpacking?

>> No.11928463
File: 280 KB, 1500x1125, 20141106-cast-iron-myth-1-thumb-1500xauto-414725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What are you on about? I never “seasoned” my cast-iron frying pan, I just started cooking with it using butter and I haven’t washed the pan in 10 years, simply wiping it after cooking with a paper towel.

>> No.11928488


Those look like some quality pans. That lodge pre-seasoned shit op has is pretty bad.

>> No.11928489

>he doesn't know how to take care of his cast iron

>> No.11928494

>preheat oven to 450°F
>wipe with linseed oil
>wipe off linseed oil until it goes from shiny to dull
>leave in oven upside-down for 1 hour
>turn off oven and leave until completely cool
>repeat steps until a little butter and medium heat lets you slide an egg around the pan without sticking

If you fail seasoning your pan following these instructions, you might be mentally deficient, in which case I strongly urge you to remove yourself from the genepool.

>> No.11928602
File: 1.04 MB, 4032x3024, linseedoil_paintthinner_plastic_restore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linseed oil

Enjoy being poisoned.

>> No.11928624
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imagine entertaining your notions of being an actual chef to the point that you buy a frying pan that requires preparation and maintenance just to cook fucking scrambled eggs on and they still end up tasting like and having the consistency of shit compared to your mom's eggs that she made in a basic ass teflon coated pan

>> No.11928626


>> No.11928634
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Do Americans really not know how to use anything but non-stick pans?

>> No.11928689
File: 60 KB, 474x474, scrubber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're doing something majorly wrong if your pan looks like that. reduce heat and try again. also you need to take the fried egg pill instead of babby's 1st scrambled eggs.

Get you pic related, with it and hot water you can clean even a really shitty cast iron in about 30 secs.

>> No.11928690
File: 1.38 MB, 3245x3245, 250ml_organic_in_field[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boiled linseed oil
That's linseed oil with chemical additives to make it harden faster. Raw linseed oil doesn't have these, but the high omega-3 content helps it polymerise. Raw linseed oil is perfictly healthy.

>> No.11928696

Scrambled eggs work fine in cast iron. I use cheap, little $8 pans and don't get any sticking.

They're fine for car camping but only a masochist would take one backpacking.

>> No.11928720

Nonsense, you get bear repellant, a fly swatter, and a drying pan in one convenient package.

>> No.11928736

good luck swatting flies with an iron anon
personally id be inclined to bring along carbon steel if i were to go camping

>> No.11929844

whats the best/cheapest/easiest to use pan that can cook the most amount of food?

>> No.11929848

>flaxseed oil
you absolute fucking retard

>> No.11929853

The biggest one you can find at your local restaurant supply store. <$20. Alternatively a wok from an asian store. I haven't bought one because I'm certain they contain lead. But they are cheap.

>> No.11929860

ok but what type and what material?

>> No.11929865

>your entire post
what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.11929868

The woks are gonna be some sort of steel/lead hybrid.
Restaurant supply stores are either steel or aluminum.
Either pan or material is easy to cook with once you get used to the preheating oil dance.
I would personally go with a large carbon steel pan. Cheap, basically indestructible, comes in any size and flavors you desire.

>> No.11929872

Flaxseed is the most based and greatest oil for seasoning.
>t. flaxbitch that seasoned my pans once 6+ years ago with flax and never had any issues.

>> No.11929878

you burned the eggs because you probably just let them fucking sit there, didn't use enough oil or butter, and probably intentionally JUSTed your own shit up for (you)'s.

>> No.11929880

what size and shape is the best? I would like one that works well with a lid as well.

>> No.11929886

>Have stainless steel pan
>put it bit of oil and rub it in with a paper cloth
>heat up pan
>add bit of oil
>start cooking
>no sticking, no staining
Cast iron is only for presenting food. Nothing more.

>> No.11929893

can you fry pancakes in a stainless steel pan?

>> No.11929915

Its all about the sunflower seed oil, BLIN.

>> No.11929925

>what size and shape is the best?
for what purpose?

>> No.11929927

cooking the most amount of food

>> No.11929932

Why can't people just properly oil their shit beforehand and then stir? Seems like lot less of a hassle.

>> No.11929934

I only use my cast iron pan for steaks and it serves it's purpose well.

>> No.11929973
File: 424 KB, 1243x1143, 1390173810423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr cast iron is easiest and zero maintenance, just wipe
>exited naive anon falls for cast iron meme and has all kinds of problems
>hurr durr he doesn't know how to maintain something we claimed needs no maintenance
cast iron tards, every time.

>inb4 rage and more rage filled hurr durr

>> No.11929981

There is no maintenance. There is just learning to cook without using nonstick pans.
Preheat and oil. That is all.
People typically choose cast iron as their first pan after using nonstick. They get their shit rocked and bitch about it. I did.
New tools have a learning curve.

>> No.11930008

gonna make some pancakes on a cast iron skillet rn actually :) cya haters :)

>> No.11930019

Jesus Christ all I do with my carbon steel and my cast iron pans is rinse them under some piping hot water and scrubbbing them with a stiff nylon brush after cooking and they get perfectly clean, how hard can it be? Maybe cleaning the pan would be easier if people didnt burn their food to fucking charcoal.

>> No.11930151

Cast iron is pointless, stainless steel is just superior in every way

>> No.11930157

they're different tools for different jobs. If you're a half-serious cook you'd be retarded not to own both, as well as PTFE nonstick.

>> No.11930863

how do you make your fried eggs? I looked up how this bald dude made it on youtube just now and there has to be a better way.

>> No.11930889

What's it like to be defeated by something with a 0 iq?

>> No.11930902
File: 120 KB, 800x800, IMG_2057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sounds like a text book pleb to me

>> No.11931718


>Buy cast iron

>Cook a pound of bacon in it at raging high heat

>Clean it while it's hot with the hottest water you can get out of your tap with a stiff bristle brush and only ever use water, I have been using the same one for over 10 years

>Wipe skillet dry and apply a very small amount of vegetable oil to it with a paper towel, the less the better

If you ever do something really bad or wind up with a sticky mess in the pan just put the thing on a burner outside and smoke that thing for 20 minutes and start the process of seasoning it with bacon again

>> No.11931730

>>have to put it in the oven for an hour
that's not even half as much time as needed for a proper seasoning.

Try ~5 hours for 2-3 coats.

It needs to fully cool after each heating with oil, and you barely need to use any oil at all during the seasoning.

>> No.11931925

I use crisco. I used to use flaxseed but i find crisco does a WAY better job and i don't have to let it sit around my fridge

>> No.11931980

hows it feel to be retarded?

>> No.11932008

All that work for what benefit?

>> No.11932110

This. The only good cast irons are ones passed down generations that have beenm folded 10,000 times with oil from previous uses. A normal consumer will have no use for them compared to just using stainless steel.

>> No.11932194

DYEL, manlet?

>> No.11932216

nobody on this website can cook can they?

>> No.11932239

I read that in Gordon Ramsay's voice.

>> No.11932247


I don't see it as work, it really takes little time to season the first time and it's all just basic maintenance after that. It's a great piece of cookware that last forever. The main advantages being ease of clean up, thermal retention and searing ability. I do all my steaks in my cast iron from start to finish, no oven just a full blast flame and I can't find a way to beat it. I go camping with it and can set it directly on coals without worrying about it. Give me a piece of foil and I can use it as a small oven to bake biscuits.

>> No.11932262

>virgin stainless steel swatter
>chad cast iron pummeler

>> No.11932370

Cast iron is great for meat, especially anything fatty, and is good for searing then oven roasting chicken and stuff like that. It is absolute shit for eggs. Non stick pans were literally invented for eggs. That being said, OP, you are beyond retarded and it is entirely possible to cook eggs in cast iron without them sticking that much, you just want to cook on lower heat in bacon grease, and let the bottom of the eggs cook well before stirring or flipping. Also, you need to have seasoned the pan well before doing eggs. Just use it for meat, cook eggs in a cheapo teflon pan

>> No.11932606

>buy one
Not inheriting grandma's cast iron
>>have to buy expensive ass flaxseed oil
>>have to put it in the oven for an hour
Grandma already did that step 70 years ago
>>try to cook with it
Tru and succeed
>>everything sticks
>>finish cooking your shit food
>>throw in a shit load of salt to clean it
Like twice a year only
>>have to wait for it to cool down so it doesnt crack but cant let it get too cool or everything sticks
>>clean it
It's only wise to clean all your dishes and cookware
>>oil it again
2 seconds
>>heat it up until your entire house smells like dog shit
Who does that?
>>let it cool down and its finally done
>>rusts anyways

>> No.11933016

i'm 6'3

>> No.11933051
File: 99 KB, 1200x1418, fussels-rapeseed-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally never have to re-oil mine you tard.
Beat anon's head in with it, cook with it, wash it (nothing ever fucking sticks), dry it, easy.
>buying flaxseed instead of superior RAPESEED

>> No.11933056

Okay that makes you a lanklet

>> No.11933212

ive broader shoulders than most

>> No.11933214

>wasting extra virgin rapeseed on seasoning

>> No.11933388
File: 549 KB, 500x287, 1548540299126 1548343953896.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations you baited yourself

>> No.11933396

You don't have to do that. Just use it like a normal nonstick pan. It works great. Then one day when your wife pisses you off while you're cooking, you have a nice heavy implement to bash her brains out with. She might have a chance if you're using nonstick like a pussy. But the hefty weight behind this work of art ensures shegoes down with a single blow.

>> No.11933497

Fry bacon twice before and let it rest afterwards. Don't go above medium heat. Millions of people cook with it and don't face your problems at all. It's not the pan, it's the retarded you.
You would even fuck up a stainless steel pan.
If you don't want to read instructions before you do something, jump in front of a train, because you might be the same at work and would with killing yourself save many lives around you.

>> No.11933869

>just basic maintenance after that.
It's such a tiny amount of maintenance as well. Cook in it often and dry it when you're done. That's literally all.
In return you never have to worry about any kind of coating coming off or only using certain utensils etc.

>> No.11933885

No one seems to talk about enameled cast iron.
The only problem with mine is that it's 35 pounds empty.

>> No.11935297

I was given a le creuset one and that thing is my workhorse.

>> No.11935313

that's because enameled CI makes a very shitty skillet.

We do discuss them often in dutch oven threads.

>> No.11935447
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Tis a poor craftsman who blames his tools.

>> No.11935491

I made a thin folded omelet in mine this morning.

Put a slice of pepperjack cheese the center of it and folded it over. Nice truck stop style egg sammich.

no sticking no problems

>> No.11935500

I agree, I never use mine because they are a pain in the ass to clean

>> No.11935503

>doesn't know how to cook

>> No.11935891
File: 9 KB, 224x225, 1550445687959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>season the pan
>salt the pan
>"guys why pan rust"

>> No.11935927

I usually run water onto my hot pan within 5 minutes of finishing cooking to steam off the gunk and scrub with a palm frond brush. Comes pretty much 100% clean without any need for much effort or soap.

>> No.11935936


ITT: People that don't know how to use cookware.

>> No.11935937

if you're afraid of it """cracking""" it means you're either retarded or are heating it up way too much, which also explains why you burnt food
in that case you're retarded regardless

>> No.11936164

>implying the best type of egg isn't dependent on what the dish is

>> No.11936377

I fell for the cast iron meme a few months ago and I didnt take care of it very well, so parts have gone not exactly rusted but off colour and wont come off with iron wool etc. What can i do to fix this help pls

Although in the spirit of the thread im not that much of a fucking idiot to do eggs in it. Makes for a good oven dish as well if you dont have a lot of space like me

>> No.11936399

vinegar soak, for a day or so.

>> No.11936413

like any vinegar or plain distilled shit

>> No.11936428
File: 184 KB, 750x609, scrapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well first of all, you obviously don't know what you're doing. Second of all, pic related for when you fuck up as bad as you did. Cast iron is fantastic.

>> No.11936450

Anything you got probably would work. I used plain white vinegar when I restored some of mine.

>> No.11936689


>> No.11936890

Buy tool. Don't understand how to use it or maintain it.

>Guys I tried fixing this circular saw, I keep plugging it into different outlets but it don't turn on. Why do people but this junk?!?!

>> No.11936938
File: 60 KB, 658x617, 1544509256399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont need to use flaxseed oil. Normal cooking oil will work. I think youve made a mistake somewhere because food shouldn't stick that much to the pan. After i clean a pan i just use a paint brush dipped in cooking oil and put it on the pan

t. kitchen hand

>> No.11936954
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20190219_20_48_44_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made many many.

>> No.11936961

have you ever eaten any of the cat's fur in a scrambled egg last week on tuesday?

>> No.11936965
File: 202 KB, 764x1200, 1524460156868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem here is you are a fuckwit, fuckwit.

>> No.11936971

Maybe so but im not so worried about it as one might think

>> No.11936973

that's my fetish

>> No.11936983

I don't think we would get along too well