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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11926866 No.11926866[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

my dad says dark meat is for minorities and poor whites

does he have a point /ck/?

>> No.11926872

Guess I'm a poor white. Dark meat has more flavor

>> No.11926878

your dad sounds autistic, consider getting yourself checked

>> No.11926882 [DELETED] 

i buy and butcher whole chickens because every part has value

>> No.11926884

I bet he also grills his chicken breast to 200 degrees and then removes the skin before serving it to his family. There's no accounting for stubborn boomers.

>> No.11926919

Your dad is why whites get made fun of for bland food

>> No.11926927

wings > drumstick > thigh > tenders > breast

>> No.11926929

Switch 2 and 3 and you got it.

>> No.11926938

This is true.

>> No.11927179

Given he took all of jamal's dark meat yesterday, it sounds like he's just being selfish.

>> No.11927216


>> No.11927250

Thigh = breast >wings > drumstick

>> No.11928541

See >>11926919

>> No.11928550

When dark meat was a lot cheaper, yes.
Now that refinement has no meaning, not so much.

>> No.11928647

It's just because of social status. It changes with times depending on the society we live in. Just like how long ago white bread was a delicacy only for the rich and the plebs had whole grain breads. These days it's now the other way around and whole grain special breads are the expensive ones. Your dad simmered in a culture where dark meat was cheap and thus associated with poor people.

>> No.11928659

Dark meat is still cheap af compared to white meat. Your comparison would do better if you used lobster (which was formerly slave food).

>> No.11928671

Inform your father that he has been demoted to a Chinaman.

>> No.11928682

Im ok with this myth staying alive as long as it means cheaper thighs 4 me.

>> No.11928702

I am a white German national socialist who hates niggers and believes in the superiority of the Aryan race and even I have to say your dad is an idiot. Dark meat is just as good and has more flavour. Even herrings and lobster were considered "poor people food" at one time in history.

>> No.11928722

your dad is a faggot

>> No.11928751

Call your dad a cracker, and continue to enjoy what is objectively the best part of the meat, the thigh.

>> No.11928793

Can you explain to a bong
We just describe each part of the chicken separately

>> No.11928804
File: 622 KB, 460x252, gottagofast.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not buying whole chickens and butchering them yourself

>> No.11928807

Not eating certain cuts/animals/veggies because of social stigma is low brow tier.