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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 900x675, lao-gan-ma-210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11924615 No.11924615 [Reply] [Original]

Bought some lao gan ma for the first time. I like the taste, but what do I eat it with? Just put it on rice or noodles?
Fucking zipperheads and their food

>> No.11924622

it's actually pretty good on rocky road ice cream

>> No.11924625

john cena says they're great for broccoli

>> No.11924641

some wontons

>> No.11924654 [DELETED] 

Why do I keep seeing this picture here?
Some Chinese fag on a bottle with bullshit I cant read. I will go by the picture, and assume its HIM inside this bottle.
Disgusting. Stop posting this picture. Jar'o'some Chink who doesn't smile. Say cheese! Oh that's right, Chinks dont have cheese. Say "gutter oil! Bark, bark, meow wow!"

>> No.11924669

Just have it on the side with pretty much anything savoury. It goes especially well with dumplings and roast meats.

>> No.11924682

I like to saute some baby bokchoy with carrots and use this sauce with it.

>> No.11924683

I tend to eat little bits straight from the jar. It's addictive.
Sometimes I throw it at some vegetables I'm stirfrying, mostly for added crispiness. Honestly though, I'm still not sure what to really do with it.

>> No.11924689
File: 43 KB, 300x234, 1392459220773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11924693

A good recipe is:
Fry batons of eggplant in plenty of oil until they're soft.
Throw in a lot of garlic, a couple spoons of this, and some cooked prawns, season with soy sauce.
Have it with rice and some green vegetables.

>> No.11924847

I clean short term rental apartments for a living. Every single time an Asian person stays, they leave a half jar of this stuff behind in the kitchen.

>> No.11924868

I just throw it in any stir-fry when i feel like it. Shit tastes good with just plain rice as well.

I literally call it "that guy" sauce and joke about how the rapeseed (canola) should be called nankingseed lol.

>> No.11925018


>> No.11925188

is that what this stuff is called? I always called it Kim Jong Un sauce.

>> No.11925190

Yeah biotch but it on rice ffs it's good baka omg lmao

>> No.11925471

I use it for pretty much fucking everything. Last monst they were selling a 700 grams or so jar of it next door and I bought it.
I'm lao gan ma's bitch now. No regrets.

>> No.11925779


>> No.11925793

it is really good in bun bo hue with a bit of lime

>> No.11926839

You know this shit is 99% oil right? Why would you dump 100s of calories as a "condiment"?

>> No.11926847

who hurt you?

>> No.11926853

Wow, /fit/fags really insist on being the eternal no fun cancer of /ck/.

>> No.11926856

kek I used to call it dear leader sauce
I think it's called angry grandma sauce by the chinese.

>> No.11926858

It's not a condiment unless you're some kind of hipster idiot. It's an ingredient used for cooking. A single tablespoon goes in a dish that would feed several people. Any one serving would have about 20 cals worth.

>> No.11926874

you use it as you would oil
its perfectly acceptable to drizzle oils over certain foods and you can also use it in cooking water based sauces to allow starches to better bind

>> No.11926947

Its actually a woman. The name literally means old grandma.

>> No.11926959


> Too poor to afford bread dipper in olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The greeks would like to have a word.

>> No.11926965

it's like 55% oil gaylord

>> No.11926973
File: 38 KB, 596x397, banh-bao-chay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I bought random shit fucking zipperheads
I used to dip steamed pork buns in it. Maybe not the approved usage, I don't know. It was fucking awesome though.

>> No.11927558

kill yourself

>> No.11927834

rapeseed is not whats used for canola oil though.

>> No.11927883

Wow, chili oil is 99% oil. Amazing!

>> No.11929432

100% approved, we go through tons of the stuff at dim sum.

>> No.11930167


>> No.11930691

>just putting some hot sauce from a jar on a bland staple food
lmao white people i swear

>> No.11930699

what do you think canola is anon?

>> No.11930722

It literally is. "Canola" was just a rebranding to avoid calling it rapeseed and stands for something like "Canadian Oil low Acidity".

>> No.11930729

Canola. An artifical cultivar that was derived from rapeseed.

>> No.11930756

That's because it's not rapeseed anymore. It's a different plant engineered from rapeseed designed to reduce its Eucric acid content.

>> No.11930984

>so much oil you can jerk off the devil
>strips of un chewable chinese newspaper
>square blocks of hard as fuck cubes
>whole soi beans

china fuck my shit up???? / 10

>> No.11931385


>> No.11931693
File: 3.18 MB, 3036x4048, IMG_20190219_172158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the same thing? I bought it in the hopes that it was.

>> No.11931753

Mix it with pomegranate juice and marinate steak stripes with it.

>> No.11931972


That’s likely to be just crunchy garlic in very weak chili oil for beta tastebud japs. Still tasty on rice.

>> No.11932182

Noodles, add some to egg drop/hot & sour soup. You can also add a small amount to your cooking oil at the start for aroma too.

I like it best on fried rice, a little goes a long way.

>> No.11932195

enjoy chink grandma's gutter oil.

>> No.11932636

i've had both. similar in concept but lao gan ma tastes more smokey spicy. that ones almost sweet spicy.

>> No.11933585

i used to eat that stuff a lot. it will rip up your guts. it's got crazy stuff in it like prickly ash powder and chemicals used to clean chlorine out of pool liners

that aside. it goes great on dumplings, and is pretty good in mac and cheese, goes great in jumbalaya, it makes spaghetti taste a little spicy and a little sweet, and it goes great on hash browns and most things with potatos in them that aren't boiled.

it is addictive
it's great in stir fry but if the stir fry has green beans in it then i usually use less.
also it uses soibean oil not rapeseed oil doesn't it?