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File: 289 KB, 555x444, Candied-Wild-Salmon-per-pound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11922099 No.11922099 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Rank pizza toppings.

I personally think candied salmon is an unknown S-tier, or at least high A-tier topping.

>> No.11922134

Sauer kraut and pickles are both incredibly underrated pizza toppings

>> No.11922142

I've never had either of those. Pickles sounds like they could be good, but sauerkraut seems like it'd be too overpowering.

>> No.11922153

dunno bout candied salmon, but I'd go for some smoked salmon or lox added after it's baked

>> No.11922159


Anchovies are number one by a mile, just about everything else is optional including tomatoes.

>> No.11922165

Black olives. If you bake the pizza at a high temp, they get crispy. So good.

>> No.11922185

A place I eat at regularly has a nova lox flatbread/pizza that's pretty amazing.

>> No.11922190

I think kalemetos would be good too

>> No.11922277

Asparagus on pizza is delicious and works really well in terms of texture. Don't know why pizza places don't do it anymore.

>> No.11922282

I've had a reuben style pizza that was just right on the amount of kraut, was pretty good because some of the tips of the kraut got extra caramelized in the oven. Was good

>> No.11922290

They're good, but a bit on the tangy side.

>> No.11922298
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What the fuck with the S and SSS tier?

>> No.11922316

Pepperoni, jalapeno, and pineapple is the all-time best topping combination for me.

Salty, spicy, and sweet.

>> No.11922318

it's a weeb thing

>> No.11922321

Wtf I thought I was the only one. I preach this combo to all my friends.

>> No.11922329

Meat lovers has got to be bottom tier.
I'm no vegan but that much shit on one pizza is just retarded.

>> No.11922340

This dude gets it.

>> No.11922775

I wish America had more flexible pizzas.
Every time I'm abroad and I want a pizza I have to choose between:
a) Pay a sensible price with seasonal deals but pretty much only get a choice of pepperoni (edible garbage) and meat lovers (tasteless hodgepodge of garbage)
b) Overpay out the ass to actually choose toppings for some plastic cheese pizza

The only places actually serving pizza in the whole fucking country are pretentious "Real Napoli Pizza" eatieries fellating themselves over the fact that they serve marginally better shit than a fast food chain would.

>> No.11922788

Pepperoni is the shittiest thing someone ever decided to place on pizza.

>> No.11923042

cringe and v*gan pilled

>> No.11923049
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>> No.11923052
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>ctrl+f eggs
>no results
Y'all're missin' out.

>> No.11923071

god I hate you people.
>ah man dood lets get a thin crust with black olives and mushrooms!
>who cares if nobody else wants that
then a whole soggy nasty pizza sits there and gets cold loaded with piles of black olives and mushrooms. I used to work at a pizza place and it was ALWAYS these two toppings together, just thinking about it makes me feel sick. if a big party was dining in, there was always some asshole faggot that insists on this pizza while everyone eats something else.

>> No.11923078

That's because they're doing it wrong. Thin crust is nasty. Reg crust, olives, no mushrooms. It's good.

>> No.11923095

Ok, thx for your rant. Just did a stretch and fold on a 80% hydration pizza dough that is gonna sit in the fridge for 3 days and be topped with black olive and mushroom. Eat your shriveled heart out, fag.

>> No.11923097

I think pork belly is really good on pizza

>> No.11923117

Honestly just salmon, capers and hollandaise sauce is amazing on a pizza with a little something extra and it becomes a top tier pizza but without that something extra it's more of a b-c tier

>> No.11924089

Sausage, Onion, crushed red pepper

>> No.11924096

And extra sauce

>> No.11924099

I wish I hadn’t tried my first anchovie pizza from the hut. They were like salt blocks, but a quality anchovie can be eaten by itself

>> No.11924102

Smoked oysters.

>> No.11924111
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Patrician taste anon

>> No.11924118

Vidyagaems and animu. Hide threads.

>> No.11924150
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>> No.11924254

Anchovies all the way man

>> No.11924285

1) pepperoni
2) capsicum/bell peppers
3) onion
4) oregano
These 4 ingredients + cheese is literally all a good pizza needs.

>> No.11924300

Grade school ranking. Videogames, anime, and such S is elite tier above A; think cleared the level killing all the enemies in good time and not dying on your first run and with high accuracy (Resident Evil.) Then really gay stuff like Dragonball went SSS.
Where do you think you are?

>> No.11924303
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Black olives, anchovies, and fresh tomato slices.

>> No.11924723

The "pepperoni" that you'll usually get is low tier but a real nice spicy sausage with some carmelized onions is the best of the best. Just make sure there's no casing on the sausage, no one wants to take a bite and have something hanging out of their mouth.

>> No.11925290

This is my go to only switch the pepperoni to bacon

>> No.11925309
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Sausage bacon pepperoni.

But if the place is any good, go for plain garlic and bacon.

>> No.11925364
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>Eggs, Black Olives, Tuna, Capers and Anchovies

>Also good: Salmon, Jalapeno/Bell Peppers, Cheese that isn't Mozzarella

you guys should really put eggs on you pizza

>> No.11925383

How is it legal to speak such blasphemy? Why are you not in prison?

>> No.11925388

yeah man, like, i like pepperoni too but give it a shot. it tastes nice

>> No.11925498

Why not just save your money and eat directly from the dumpster next time you absolute mong

>> No.11925519

Yeah, that looks pretty rank.

>> No.11926082


I had a pizza with cream sauce, smoked salmon, red onion, capers, and dill the other day. Fucking fantastic.

>> No.11926129

I cannot fucking get enough of feta and spinach on my pizza.

>> No.11926150

pepperoni really is a shit topping though
sausage is a far superior meat topping

>> No.11926297
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buffalo chicken

>> No.11926518

I forgot about candy salmon, used to sneak that shit while working in seafood at Zehrs. Top tear

>> No.11926612
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Beep-beep, euro-trash rolling in: kebab.

>> No.11926617
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>eating pizza with friends
>friend spills his cup of ranch on my pizza
>its now too spicy and is super ruined

>> No.11926691 [DELETED] 

btw I'm gay if that matters

>> No.11926698 [DELETED] 

...you do know pepperoni is widely considered by
most people to be a childrens topping, right?

>> No.11926705

I don't know but tomato on white pizza is god tiered

>> No.11926759 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11926764


>> No.11926768 [DELETED] 

he's not wrong you know

>> No.11926807

As an Italian, let me tell you the God tier topping of a white pizza: (thin) potato slices and pancetta

>> No.11926811

(Quality) salami or pepperoni + fresh mushrooms is god-tier. most anything else will make it soggy.

If I'm getting lower quality pizza, a good party topping is onion+jalapeno+bacon.

>> No.11926816

Spinach pizza, white sauce not tomato sauce.

>> No.11926857 [DELETED] 
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>"As an Italian"

>> No.11927072

sauer kraut seems too wet to cook properly on a pizza. it would almost have to be grilled or sauteed before it was used as a topping.

>> No.11927075

Taco pizza best pizza
>taco sauce
>ground beef
>sour cream

>> No.11927081

I would imagine it would be good if placed after cooking

>> No.11927116

That wall just got 10 feet higher.

>> No.11927140

unless you like reheating leftovers, since cooked lettuce is nasty.

>> No.11927371

Jesus man, status seeking has a limit.

>> No.11927402

Bacon, Pancetta, Prosciutto