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11918014 No.11918014 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do i make my rice fluffy

I've tried absolutely everything, using different sizes of pots, multiple timers of high/low fire, adding lemon,vinegar or what have you, using less water, more water, rinsing the rice thoroughly before cooking it, letting the water boil before adding the rice, frying the rice a bit in oil before adding the water
I'm running out of options and it STILL ALWAYS comes out like some sort of sushi mush

I just want some good rice man what the hell am i doing wrong...

>> No.11918023
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Unironically microwave your rice. Look up a video tutorial on how to do it by some wrinkly Indian aunty preparing basmati. For non-fluffy rice I just stick to my Zojirushi.

>> No.11918025

Use a rice cooker. Seriously.

>> No.11918030

Cook long grain rice at a 1:1.5 rice to water ratio and turn down the heat a bit at the end.

>> No.11918034

just buy a zojirushi

>> No.11918038

Don't stir the rice

>> No.11918111

Will try it, thanks

What does a rice cooker do that i couldn't do on the stove with a regular pot?

What's so special about the Zojirushi rice cooker?

Already tried that too, although supposedly rinsing it gets rid of that starch powder that comes with rice and turns stirring into a non-issue, or am i mistaken?

Excuse me if i seem too amateurish, i'm not a cook, i'm just a regular guy that wants decent rice

>> No.11918113 [DELETED] 

do you high above sea level?

>> No.11918116

Try long grain rice instead of medium or short grain.

>> No.11918119 [DELETED] 

do you *live high above sea level?

>> No.11918139

Buy jazmine rice. Seal the lid with plastic wrap too.

>> No.11918147

Marry an asian qt obviously

>> No.11918148

Boil water (or broth)
Add rice (use correct proportions. Google)
Allow water to come back to a boil
Turn heat down to minimum
COVER the pot or pan
DO NOT DISTURB until cooking time is up
Take off heat
LET STAND covered for at least 5 minutes

That's pretty much it

>> No.11918158

It makes rice sticky when you dont wash it. Pros on the rice cooker is you'll have perfect rice everytime

>> No.11918159

What kind of rice?

>> No.11918178

One word. Steamer.

>> No.11918212

8660ft or 2640m above sea level

i think it's short grain, again, i'm no expert. will try being more observant on the sizes next time i shop

this is basically how i do it except for letting it covered for some time after turning the stove off, will try that, thanks

were it so easy

>> No.11918233

Follow the instructions that came with your rice cooker.

>> No.11918291 [DELETED] 

>8660ft or 2640m above sea level
that's high enough to be a problem because your boiling point is significantly lower at that altitude which means your food cooks slower and sometimes it will never cook properly
buy a pressure cooker a learn how to use it, it will be able to raise the boiling point to sea level and higher
pressure cooker is a necessity at higher altitude
a rice cooker won't help

>> No.11918323

Covered or not covered that altitude changes the game entirely.
I live at just under 6000ft and there are some issues . 8000ft is significant as fuck (your boiling point is like 190* at that altitude)

>> No.11918407

>2640m above sea level
where the fuck do you live, that is just 300m lower than the highest mountain in the Alps here in Germany

>> No.11918415


cardomom pods + anise is really damn good too

>> No.11918416 [DELETED] 

i'm gonna guess somewhere in colorado

>> No.11918442

Dum dum, rinse rice til water runs clear, and use 1 cup rice to 1-1/2 cups water. Mix rice and water, bring to a boil, turn down the heat to low and cover. It's done in about 30 mins. when you see "eyes" on top of the rice. If you fuck up, and rice is done and too wet, take off the pot lid, fluff it up and leave on low heat so some water can evaporate. If all water has evaporated and rice is not cooked/too tough, add about an 1/8th cup of water, replace pot lid and cook on low. Repeat 1-2 times til rice is cooked through.

>> No.11918446

8660 is the official altitude for Bogota. I think OP may be a Columbiabro

>> No.11918456

I'm a fan of medium grain but I think I like my rice differently. I also live at sea level though.

>> No.11918462

I also recommend a rice cooker. Not only will you get perfect rice every time, but it'll keep your rice warm until you're ready to eat it.

>> No.11918477


I don't know why anybody hasn't mentioned this

I cook it in a rice cooker and when it is done the first time I kinda air it out by "whisking" the rice with my rice spoon vigorously

do this 1 or 2 time and it should come out reasonable fluffy.

That being said I come from the flattest country on earth and like other anons said, altitude probably plays a huge factor here.

>> No.11920320

You got me friend, i'm in Bogotá

So i was being cucked by the altitude this whole time, ain't it something

Will try a pressure cooker, thanks
If that doesn't work, i'll go to the nearest home sentry or wherever the fuck and get a good rice cooker

What brands do you recommend? (Other than Zojirushi)

>> No.11920511

I have an aroma rice cooker iv bought 5 years ago from gaymazon

Here's what I do to make super fluffy Mexican rice that rivals my aunt's

1. Take two cups of long grain rice and put in cooker pot
2. Wash until water is clear
3. Add enough water to cover about 3/4 inch above the rice
4. Add a little packet of GOYA seasoning packet with annato, a couple tablespoons of chicken bouillon to taste, a whole piece of onion (about 1/6 of an onion), and about 1/2 of a little can of tomato sauce, as well as your favorite assortment of frozen veggies (peas, carrots, corn).
5. Hit the COOK button

Wa la

Perfect rice everytime

>> No.11920521

microwaves are underrated appliances. there are some unique things you can do, making things puff up is one of the main reasons they are useful.

>> No.11920549
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Is this a rice cooking general?

How do you get your rice sticky like from Chinese restaurants? Mine always come out lumpy and mushy. They said to buy longer grains and wash it before hand it just came out dry and crunchy

>> No.11920555

Get a rice cooker retard

>> No.11921594
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I'm in colorado. Not normally as high as you unless I go camping and whatnot. I suspect a rice cooker may not work as well as everyone thinks due to your altitude. A pressure cooker obviously will.
Another alternative which may actually work quite well for you is steaming your rice. You could easily try steaming with what you have on hand (pic related)
If you do want to jump on a rice cooker zojirushi is pretty much foolproof.

>> No.11923748

Definitely need a pressure cooker then.

>> No.11923765

rince with whisk before cooking, let it sit for half an our in water before heating

>> No.11923771

pretty sure asians use pressure cooker to cook their rice

>> No.11924280

Any size pot works, put your rice in and fill with water until water is one knuckle above the rice. add salt and a tablespoon of oil. put lid on and turn heat to a medium for 15-20 minutes. Never take the lid off unless the water starts to overflow.

>> No.11924294

Fry the rice before cooking it in some butter. Does wonders

>> No.11924341

unironically this. The quality difference between regular parboiled rice and jasmine rice is staggering.

>> No.11924372

Idk if anyone has said it yet but you should let your rice sit in the pot covered for 10 minutes after you turn off the heat, in addition to rinsing the rice before cooking

this helped for me

>> No.11924385

Buy the right kind of rice.
Starch content inside rice makes a huge difference. Some rice just won't go fluffy. Some rice will always go fluffy unless you use too little water.

>> No.11924787

Buy a rice cooker and better rice, preferably from a Japanese brand.

>> No.11924837

you can just fluff your rice if its not fluffy, retard

>> No.11924851

Just take equal quantity of rice and water in a cooker and keep cooker on till two whistles and afterwards off flame

>> No.11924853

rinse it more, once is not enough

>> No.11924867
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>rice cooking general
rice thread?

>> No.11924869

You can use a fork and quite literally fluff up the rice when it's done cooking. You'll still need like 1:1.5 rice:water ratio tho

>> No.11924883

a) use the absorption method.
b) rinse the rice THOROUGHLY. this means until the water runs clear.
c) use a good brand of rice. supermarket brands will not do. For general use I recommend Thai Jasmine.

>> No.11925077

Is rice, dare i say, the thinking man's grain?

>> No.11926051


>> No.11926110

My instant pot makes perfect rice. I couldn't believe how perfectly cooked they were after the first time. Not slimy, not mushy, not crunchy.

>> No.11926724

What brand is it

>> No.11926757

if it's much then you're overcooking it, maybe try steaming it?

>> No.11926770

How to add flavor to rice ?

>> No.11926775

Add flavor to rice.

>> No.11926779

Do you use a fork to stir and fluff the rice when it's done? Because you should.

>> No.11926803

instant... pot.

>> No.11926833

>What does a rice cooker do that i couldn't do on the stove with a regular pot?
it just does it right everytime without effort.

Fun fact, the majority of Japanese adults have never made rice outside of an electric rice cooker.

>> No.11926936
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Instant pot? They can't have my brand. I have special rice.

>> No.11927221

What spices do you add to your rice?

>> No.11927357

Nips use rice cookers for a reason. Pressure cookers work too. It’s hard to get the rice infused with the water without overcoooking it if you simply use a pot.

>> No.11927359

are you using a rice cooker

>> No.11927609

>What does a rice cooker do that i couldn't do on the stove with a regular pot?
Evidently make rice correctly like a normal fucking person

>> No.11927613

Poor guy just wanted to be accepted

>> No.11927716

>What does a rice cooker do that i couldn't do on the stove with a regular pot?

Rice cookers are pressure vessels that quickly convert the water to steam, then finish cooking by pressure-steaming the rice in it. This is required to get rice right, even while cooking over a fire east Asia has preferred pots with a heavy, tight-fitting ceramic, wooden, or cast metal lid rather than a light sheet metal one like a western pot.

Without that pressure steaming, your rice will be bad. The autists who go "reeeeeeeee singletasker" are just proud that they're undercooking their food instead of burning it, like someone understanding well-done steak is bad but insisting that tartare is the only solution.

>> No.11927718

Look for "fuzzy logic" rice cookers
Thats why nip rice comes out so good

>> No.11927726

Never, ever get rid of your microwave's manual. If for some reason you have, look up the serial number and download a PDF.
The ritual-like instructions inside them let you do some wild fucking shit.

>> No.11927761

This does mean that you don't need a dedicated electric rice cooker, per se. You can get good results in most pressure cookers, and of course if you want to be historical you can pay $100 plus shipping for an oldschool ceramic rice cooker instead of $60 at your local Chinese market for an entry-level Tiger.

It also means that the old advice in the west about "put it in a pot and don't touch it for 30 minutes" was pretty true. When written for your great-grandparents. Whose lidded pots were heavy-ass cast iron hulks beefier than a modern dutch oven, and actually pretty similar to a smaller version of the traditional Korean rice pot.
But once we got cheap stainless and clad copper from turn-of-the-century industrialization and World War 1 advances in metallurgy and steelworking, that stopped working.

>> No.11928283

I don't get what the trouble people have with rice is. I've never bothered to rinse rice, never had to experiment, just use the damn ratio and a pot and it's fluffy and fine every time. Bring 2 parts by volume of salted water up to a boil, pour rice in, quick stir to make sure the rice isn't stuck to the bottom, lid on, heat down just about as low as it goes without being off, leave it alone for 20 minutes, come back, lid off, fluff with a fork. DONE.

>> No.11928430

buy a rice cooker off amazon

>> No.11928522

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Anon, but it's been scientifically proven that you're just too much of a dumb hick to notice how bad you're doing.

>> No.11928742

It's an instant pot

>> No.11928827

You're using the wrong kind of rice. Try using fragrant Jasmine rice next time.

>> No.11928840

strain rice to get rid of excess water. done.

>> No.11929140

Try steaming the rice

>> No.11929230

Really? I've heard of claims that that thing makes meh rice. Do you just follow their instructions or do you do something else?

>> No.11929238

tiger or zojirushi

>> No.11929250

Doesn't help if you're also an asshole on top of your retardation.

>> No.11929859
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>> No.11929867

rinse the excess starch out first and boil at a ratio of 1 part rice to 1.5 parts water

>> No.11929950

rice cooker

>> No.11929970

I see you never tried to just turn the heat off and let it stand with a lid on the rice for say 15 minutes.

That usually makes my rice fluffy

>> No.11930106

Get a rice cooker