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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 1136x640, D088BF6B-9665-4001-BA74-0781A05D0DCD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11917732 No.11917732[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that nigga whomst still consumes Wendy’s

LMAOing at your life

>> No.11917740

but they zing people on twitter so who cares about their unethical practices

>> No.11917741

too long of an article. can u paraphrase it plz

>> No.11917818

yea i want wendys to pay its farmers more money so they can raise the price on their burgers

>> No.11917922

Good those fucking nigger tomato farmers don't deserve it. Based Wendy's.

>> No.11917941

>Slave labor workers request more pay
That's not how it works.

>> No.11918032

Get a marketable skill that can't be done by any tard and you get paid more. Lifeskills 101

>> No.11918042

Fuck off back to your containment board you dumb freetard.

>> No.11918047

It’s not logical to demand a service and also look down on people for providing it.

>> No.11918054
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From the guy that eats his foot pickings

>> No.11918059


>> No.11918106

If this was harming white working class people I could muster up some displeasure but in my limited world view I'm assuming this is about paying illegal hispanics more.

>> No.11918974

Wendy’s bad

>> No.11919170

Mostly correct. The CIW also traffics illegals into Florida so they can have more illegals to complain about not being paid enough.

>> No.11920080
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sorry but you can't beat the baconator and frosty goodness fags

>> No.11920111

Looks like donut glaze

>> No.11920118
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>being so insecure you put two dates on your copyright notice
opinion discarded. and i don't even eat that nasty garbage.

>> No.11920137

I buy tomatoes picked by farmers getting a wage not arbitrated by media strong arm tactics just for belonging to some highly visible minority, so do you. It's not unethical, it's capitalism.

If they want better pay they should offer more value to their employers, or the market as an independent.

>> No.11920148
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>> No.11920150

Dog shit must taste nice on those boots

>> No.11920154

who is this protoneckbeard and what is he doing in this clip

>> No.11920157
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Eating tomatoes are for plebs, and before you say anything, no, eating ketchup doesn't count as eating tomatoes, that's like saying eating a cake is eating eggs.

Tomatoes, often called the dumb-dumb fruit, named after it's consumers.

>> No.11920179

That's Richard Stallman, inventor of Linux, eating his foot fungus. He's the guy who wrote the inane ramblings in OP's pic.

>> No.11920185

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX. Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

>> No.11920190
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>inventor of Linux

>> No.11920192

>It's not unethical, it's capitalism.
Same thing desu

>> No.11920202

Suggest a viable alternative

>> No.11920209
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king of /g/

>> No.11920218

Why should I

>> No.11920224

Because if you just complain about things without suggesting something better people will begin to not like you.

>> No.11920231

I don't profit from suggesting a solution so I have no incentive to do so. I'm not being unethical, I'm just a capitalist.

>> No.11920240

Then who will get your precious tomatoes

>> No.11920244

No, you're a faggot

>> No.11920273

You can, however, subscribe to my opinions for a low price of $4.99 monthly.

>> No.11920300

What would a GNU/Hamburger taste like?

>> No.11920301

I'm not about to take diet advice from a fat fuck who unironically uses emacs

>> No.11920412


>> No.11920417
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>> No.11920430

I don't get tomatoes on my burgers at fast food places. That's disgusting. Homegrown tomatoes or no tomato on the burg

>> No.11920438

Soon brother the white man will take back his national soverignty

>> No.11920444

>bun is just a McDonalds bun somebody dug out of the trash
>open source lettuce and tomato
>ketchup and mustard packets to apply on your own (may not be compatible with your vehicles specific make and model, in which case you're shit outta ouck)
>handed out of a shady drive thru window free of charge* (you have to assemble it yourself)
*gnu/hamburger is only free if your time has no value

>> No.11920479


>> No.11920513
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>Homegrown tomatoes or no tomato on the burg
my man

>> No.11920524


>> No.11920530

That nigger eats his own toe fungus

>> No.11920534

you can't taste the difference. i could blindfold you and feed you one of yours and one from walmart, you'd might as well flip a coin because it's going to be 50/50 on what you pick each time i do it.
the reason you think it tastes better is your mind doesn't want to cuck itself and think "damn I wasted all that time growing something that i could have bought for 15 cents"

>> No.11920540

>you cant taste the difference
maybe if you hydroponically grow your tomato

>> No.11920547

I get my 1/4 pound single without tomatoes. Problem solved.

>> No.11920550
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i base my purchasing choices on the hotness of the mascot.

>> No.11920569


Robots will, of course!

>> No.11920577
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Hahaha I've literally done that my dude. It wasn't even a contest, myself and others could immediately identify the ones I grew and they tasted way better than the Walmart ones, which taste mostly like tomato water. I don't even know how fast food tomatoes are worse than Walmart ones, that's the one thing I ask not to be on a burger when I get fast food (which isn't often). Maybe you should try growing your own tomatoes since you don't know. Feel bad for ya now m8, here have some more tomatoes.

>> No.11920583

You should market as a miracle weight loss program whatever you did to blow out your tastebuds bad enough to make you believe a grocery tomato tastes the same as garden vine ripened.

>> No.11920626

I’m with you, no shitty tomato on my burger.

>but anon, you have ten tomato plants in your garden, why do you always ask for no tomato at restaurants?

I really can’t do it.

>> No.11920685

I bring my sliced vine ripened tomato to the fast food restaurant and replace theirs with mine. Problem solved.

>> No.11921015

A Dave's double with cheese is so delicious that I would still eat them even if the tomato farmers worked 80 hour weeks at gunpoint and were 14 year olds

>> No.11921496

this just makes me like them more
like in-n-out donating to the california republican party, or chick-fil-a hating gays, or that barilla pasta guy

>> No.11921686

Yeah but some nigger didn't slop it our of a bowl of water when I cut a fresh homegrown. You're fucking up. Imagine a BLT with fast food tomatoes.

>> No.11921691


>> No.11921692

Its because illegals are basicly slave labor.

>> No.11921719

Those look great. Those have texture and chew to them it's not just a red sponge

>> No.11921721

I bet you're the biggest rainbow haired faggot IRL
Do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.11921729

Fuck spics

>> No.11921737

Wendy's and Chick Fil A arguably have the best chicken nuggets

>> No.11922270
File: 52 KB, 600x376, w-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else here miss The W? I remember the sauce tasted similar to thousand island but a bit zestier.

>> No.11922323
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reminder that the twitter thing was them discretely trying to be "hip and cool" after the whole "eats spicy goodness" failure

>> No.11922333

yeah wendys is shit especially their fries.

>> No.11922338

trips of truth

>> No.11923079
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The only reason I like Wendy's is because everytime I walk into one I fantasize about creampying wendy over the ordering counter. Also I like to flash my bulgy wulgy to the cute girls taling my order.

>> No.11923140

Why only for the tomatos? And Immokalee sounds like some indian shit, I'm wouldn't give them shit

>> No.11923146


>> No.11923156


>> No.11923158

why should I care about this? I wouldnt sign that faggot shit either if I was CEO of Wendys.

>> No.11923178
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>> No.11923186

I don't like tomatoes

>> No.11924450
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I bet these same retards buy shit off Amazon with no fucks given.

>> No.11924486

>people sign contract