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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11916322 No.11916322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shellfish, childless male here.
Wanting to make avocado toast but only have arrowheat raisin nut bread.
Will this ruin my breakfast?

>> No.11916459



KYS. Not even joking

>> No.11916470
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Every day we stray further from God.

>> No.11916478
File: 69 KB, 743x495, Crayfish-Cherax-destructor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no females for you beta bitch

>> No.11916487

>I'm totally not trying to start shit, this is an innocent food and cooking thread I swear guize

>> No.11917665

I fucking hate articles like these, probably by huffpo. How about women want to travel and enjoy time with their spouses without having to pay out of the nose for childcare or shack them up with their grandparents to do so?

>> No.11917681

Go back to /pol/eddit with your unrelated thread, retard.

>> No.11917697

There are so many knowledgeabilities and innovations worth having before kids.

>Foreskin is correlative with intelligence, plausibly because of stimulation and (thus) awareness
>What is an abundance of nutriments.
>Fitness … amongst flexibility, cardio, nutrient timing / hypoglycemia, and low-insulogenics.
>The existence (possibility) of liquid-immersion EMS.
>(Et al.)

>> No.11917703
File: 735 KB, 700x905, based on prenatal testosterone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>female testosterone levels and other metrics of health
> …

>> No.11917715

>it's /pol/ to not want kids
what the fuck is your point

>> No.11917904

The digit ratio thing is sort of a myth.

The ring finger on working males like myself will appear longer from the way we grip shit after a while. If you force all the fingers straight forwards it will look... like nothing in that pic holy shit silly putty hands.

>> No.11917925

fact: women have smaller brains than men

>> No.11917932

I've got a """"feminine"""" face but a big cock, so suck it

>> No.11917933

Raisin nut would be too sweet with avocado toast.

>> No.11917939

Avocados are crap unless you're mexican and grew up with that bullshit. Only tastes like whatever you add to it.

>> No.11918029

The objective standard is swiveling fingers 90° to palms.

>> No.11918040

everyone sees your face

>> No.11918041

They're for texture you fucktard

>> No.11918085

Paste is not a good texture.
Not even that anon.

>> No.11918090

Please stop forcing your shitty /leftypol/ meme.

>> No.11918774



>> No.11918877

My gf is 30 and I have no intention of impregnating her, is it wrong of me to steal her last few fertile years?

>> No.11918918

be honest with her and don't lie to her

>> No.11918940

But we haven't actually broached the subject, so it's not like I've told her I want to impregnate her. If she asked I'd be honest.

>> No.11918955

I guess that's fair but I don't know the scope of your relationship how serious it is

>> No.11918982

It's fairly obvious if you don't come inside man.

>> No.11918988

Dude condoms lmao

>> No.11919412

If you want

>> No.11919445

Oh yeah well then post your dick faggot

>> No.11919833

My ring finger on my left hand is significantly longer than index finger.

But my index finger on my right hand is slightly longer than the ring finger.

>> No.11920151

Women voting and women in the workplace was the greatest mistake of the last 150 years, other than not exterminating every last Jew when we had the chance.

>> No.11920176

>dude post your dick and take a three day ban just because I'm a faggot lmao
Fuck off.

>> No.11920225

>/pol/acks are the real redditors
Why are lefties so uncreative and boring they can only think of "no u" comebacks

>> No.11920239

Objectively if you play video games past 18 you're childish.

>> No.11920266

What's wrong with being childish? We live in a time when you are celebrated for castrating your own children. How is childish an insult? Fuck it's a compliment and that's coming from an actual boomer and gaming enthusiast

>> No.11920274

cringe and reddit

>> No.11920442


>> No.11920469

>I said a thing therefore it is objectively true
What a delusional faggot. Also, why 18? Because Big Daddy Gubment says that's when you're a growed up? Lmao @ your life

>> No.11920477

>I take pride in being a 20 something NEET
Never gonna make it

>> No.11920490

Keep on deflecting and doubling down. It's anonymous here after all.

>> No.11920496

Fortunate for you, yes

>> No.11920501

Link 10000 eoy

>> No.11920505

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food chicken burger sandwich.

>> No.11920517

Post feet

>> No.11920536
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>> No.11921517

Do you want to have kids someday?
If no, not an issue.

If yes, you're wasting both her time, and your time– which is an incredibly dumb thing to do if you think about it.

>> No.11921546

My ring finger was already longer than my index before I've started working and now that I've been working the only difference is more scars and they're less straight. You're just an idiot with low test.

T. Welder

>> No.11921649

towards the gaschambers with you

>> No.11921662
File: 1.54 MB, 1191x1698, kujou-nozomi-Anime-Bleach-Puma-(Hyuma1219)-2691381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Et al. and et cetera are not interchangeable, Anon. The moar u know.

>> No.11921684

I guess I had high prenatal testosterone?

I'm a small dick bitch tho