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File: 37 KB, 640x427, pork-neck-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11910152 No.11910152 [Reply] [Original]

So, I have this pretty big chunk of pork neck(around 3 kilos)and was thinking of trying a pot roast. I know usually people do it with beef, but this should work too, right? The meat is pretty tender already, so I've been thinking of putting it in this big clay pot I have, add some onions, carrots and potatoes, herbs and spices, some vegetable stock and some red wine and bake in the oven on low heat for 5-6 hours.
Any tips/advices?

>> No.11910166

Yes, it would work. I think I'd use white wine for pork, though.
And I don't think you'll need six hours for something like that.
Brown it on a pan first.

>> No.11910194

Yeah, I'll brown it in some olive oil first and then saitee some chopped onions and carrots in that before throwing it on in the pot

>> No.11910203

I'm more of a cast iron roasting pot kind of guy so I can't really rattle off oven times, but 5-6 hours still sounds like a lot to me. As you said, it's a pretty tender and nicely marbled cut of pork. I sometimes cut a nice thick chop from it and sear at high heat on the pan. Definitely doesn't NEED to simmer for hours.
Good for pulled pork if you want to go REALLY low and slow, though. At six hours that's probably more or less what you're end up with.
If I brown and simmer a piece like in the OP pic in the CI roasting pot it probably won't take over 1½ - 2 hours.

>> No.11910272

Yeah, you might have a point, neck meat is pretty tender, might just bake it for 2-hours st higher heat instead

>> No.11910534

Don't go with pot roast. Get out your crock pot. Sear the outsides in cast iron on the stove. Put it in your crock pot. Fill to 2/3 full with coke or dr pepper. Cut up and onion and a couple bell peppers and add to the pot. Cook on low 6-8 hours keeping an eye on the liquid level. Drain, shred meat, mix with bbq sauce. Wa la pulled pork.

>> No.11910557

Pork neck? Do you mean shoulder, or butt?
Thats a new one to me, obviously pigs have necks but they aren't commonly sold here. That picture makes it look boneless, why have I never seen this cut before?

>> No.11910580
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, Pork-neck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dong have a crock pot unfortunately, been planning on buying a slow cooker for the longest time
Dunno, I'm an euro so that's how it's called in my country, i guess that cut has a different name in USA, although googling pork neck shows me the same type of meat I have.

Anyway, just came back from the store, got potatoes, carrots and celery, I put shitloads of sea salt on my meat and gonna let it warm up on room temp for an hour, gonna brown it in some olive oil and then make a mirepoix base before transferring it all in the pot. Thankfully, managed to find some fresh thyme and rosemary branches in the store, shits gonna be great, wish me luck

>> No.11910620

It does look like shoulder, yes. It's called neck in some languages, which at least makes more sense than calling it butt.
Meat cuts in general translate very poorly.

>> No.11910793
File: 3.72 MB, 4032x3024, 20190215_183818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my meat

>> No.11910827
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Made sum base

>> No.11910848

Some fresh herbs and some chilli, gotta spice it up

>> No.11910870
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>> No.11910882
File: 2.71 MB, 4032x2268, 20190215_190502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browned that nigga in some olive oil, doing the second chunk now

>> No.11910903

Seriously need a lot more browning than that my dude.

>> No.11910906
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x2268, 20190215_191321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck, turns out my pot ain't as big as I thought, but gotta work it out somehow

>> No.11910924
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x2268, 20190215_191940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smells like heaven

Yeah, I think I was too quick with that, should've kept it more

>> No.11910930

You need to brown that meat a lot more. Next time you should dry it with a paper towel to ensure a quick strong brown color, which will give your stew a lot of flavor.

>> No.11911013
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x2268, 20190215_193420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will have it in mind, definitely

And while on the subject of fucking up, I think I out too much liquid. Gonna bake it for a while without covering the top so some of the water evaporates and then I'm gonna add sliced carrots and potatoes

>> No.11911023
File: 3.23 MB, 4032x2268, 20190215_194246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In done for now, its gonna stay in the oven for the next hour or so, before I add those fuckers too and bake for another hour

>> No.11911030
File: 2.77 MB, 4032x2268, 20190215_195618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, I cut 2 tiny steaks from the meat before putting it in the pot and just fried them with some olive oil and soy sauce while waiting :-DDD

>> No.11911092

based and potpilled

>> No.11911141

Too greasy. It will also never not be liquid if you didn't put some thickener in there. Flour by itself would normally be added after browning the meat but the flour would take too long to cook if added near the end. You should just make a roux on the side and properly mix it into the still hot stew.

>> No.11911170

I put some tomato paste which tends to thicken it a bit, also the starch from the potatoes and carrots should help, no?

>> No.11911207

>tomato paste which tends to thicken it a bit
Not really unless you put so much in it it'll basically be a tomato stew.
>starch from the potatoes
Yes. But since you're adding them near the end, it'll take a while for it to happen. But if you put the stew on a rolling boil to try to make it go faster, it'll disintegrate the potatoes since, from what I understand, you sliced them. All the while overcooking everything else in it, and you'll end up with potato soup.
>starch from the carrots
Same as the tomato paste.

>> No.11911333

>eating meat in 2019

>> No.11911982
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>> No.11911998

slop o' shit

>> No.11912010
File: 2.40 MB, 4032x2268, 20190216_003715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money shot
Its so fucking good lads, literally faing apart in my mouth, I think I did alright

>> No.11912027

nice plate, did your grandma give it to you?

>> No.11912085

Looks good, but I would have strained the cooking liquid, added some wine, reduced and butter at the end, spoon over the top at plating because it just feels dry.

>> No.11912108

Looks delicious. You could probably have cooked it less but it's not like that ruins it.
If you end up with surplus liquid you can thicken it with a little flour mixed with cold water and have it with whatever you cook next.

>> No.11912118

no i fucking took it by force from that fat slut

>> No.11912595
File: 211 KB, 750x922, 1496504557051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that actually looks fucking good. next time around try this with the pork, my buddys mom always made it for us growing up

pork butt cut into thick strips like boneless ribs

finely dice an onion and cook in a few tbsp oil until translucent

add pork and brown on all sides

add 2 tbsp of hoisin sauce and keep frying until it all absorbs into the meat

add 3 cups of coconut water and 1 tbsp of fish sauce or to taste

leave the pot half covered until it cooks down, add salt or sugar to taste

hard boil eggs in a diff pot, peel and add to the pot of pork the last 15 or so minutes


i dont know what its called but she made this for us at least a few times a month and served it with a giant bowl of jasmine rice and maggi seasoning bottle on the side. when we were kids we swore it was beef but it was pork butt.

>> No.11912765

There is one undisputed king of roasts. Hold tight kid, I'm gonna teach you one of the best kept Neapolitan secrets; carne alla genovese.

You take a nice, deep pot and put some good olive oil in it. Enough to seer that hunk of meat. And make sure to salt and pepper that meat. Put that oil on medium heat and seer that meat. Then put in some finely minced carrots and celery; I'd say 2:1 ratio in favor of celery. Then when the celery softens, dump in a shit ton of diced, white onions. Like a metric shit ton. Enough to cover the meat and then some. Then add in a good glug of a dry white wine, like a Falanghina, put a probe in the meat, put the heat on low, and cover the pot. Then just walk away until the meat is rare to medium rare. It might take a few hours, but it's worth it.

Carne alla genovese Is essentially a roast cooked in carmelized onions. It's amazing. Take those carmelized onions and toss them with a pasta of choice (the correct choice is tagliatelle). Serve to family and friends. Serve to your girlfriend before you fuck her. Your welcome.

>> No.11912978

I brown cuts of pork butt for like 6-7 minutes a side on a medium flame.