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11906401 No.11906401 [Reply] [Original]

Wild boars/feral pigs are destroying natural habitat anywhere they're found. They need to be eradicated. Is it wrong to eat the flesh of an animal that is destroying our planet?
Farmed oysters are extremely beneficial to the habitats they're farmed in. Is it morally wrong to eat something if doing so helps create demand that will ultimately be beneficial to our planet?
If you raise chickens, they will continually produce eggs no matter what. Is it morally wrong to eat eggs if your chickens are well taken care of and are happy?

>> No.11906405

>Looking for vegans

>> No.11906428

>Looking for legitimate answers from vegans


>> No.11906434

Not vegan but feral hogs taste like what they eat, which is mostly mud and garbage. There are tricks to making the meat taste better but it's a huge hassle and it still tastes lousy. Good for the dog and cat at least. There's a reason you see videos of people in the south mowing down those things with machine guns and just leaving the corpses to rot.

>> No.11906451 [DELETED] 
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There are no legitimate answers to these. Most vegans have a problem with cruel meat industry practices and the innefficiency of popular meat production methods. I'd argue that almost everyone agrees that it does need to change. This is why the future is insect farming and aquaponics.

>> No.11906460

Pretty much

Piggers don't need to be eaten, they need to be nuked. Vaporized

>> No.11906603

That's only the board and really old/big sows. Piglets and younger sows taste as good or better than store bought pork.
There's a guy that posted pics of him dressing a feral hog in another thread on this very board.

>> No.11906610

Isn't feral hog meat really shit, though?

>> No.11906611

>this very board
Holy shit anon, THIS very board??

>> No.11906642

> Killing a pig for food/sustenance...

> Killing a 6 month old infant because you couldn't be bothered to wear a condom...

Why are liberal vegans so fucking retarded?

>> No.11906670


It all depends on what race the infant is.

>> No.11906700

I'd rather consume the high energy from veggies/fruits than the dense, fear energy from killed animals.

If you feel called to consume decaying flesh then do it up homie, I bet your parasites would love it.

>> No.11906706

You do realize that alot of liberals wont mind controlled human genocide for the sake of "saving the planet." It fits perfectly with their ideology.

>> No.11906773


>> No.11906825


**vegan crickets**

>> No.11906838

Considering that an overwhelmingly high percentage of abortions are performed on blacks, and the majority of blacks are "carnists", this is a win win for vegans.

>> No.11906901

Pigs are shit.

Ruminants is where it's at. That not only means cows but goats and sheep as well.

>> No.11906919

You forgot antelope, deer and giraffes

>> No.11907727

>The redpilled anon

>> No.11907834

>high energy
???? What magical fruit and veg have you GMO'd anon? Vegan diet is notoriously low energy density, the vegans are continuously shilling how much they "get" to eat compared to omnivores to match calories or protein.

>> No.11907889
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>another vegan thread

>> No.11907909

>is it wrong to eat an animal destroying the planet?

Cannibalism incoming

>> No.11907914

Vegan here.
>Wild boars/feral pigs are destroying natural habitat anywhere they're found. They need to be eradicated. Is it wrong to eat the flesh of an animal that is destroying our planet?
If they had to be eradicated instead of an alternative like being relocated, then no, use the carcass however you please.
>Farmed oysters are extremely beneficial to the habitats they're farmed in. Is it morally wrong to eat something if doing so helps create demand that will ultimately be beneficial to our planet?
Morality is personal. I don't care about the morality of eating oyster, but I'd say they can be used for their benefits without being harvested and eaten.
>If you raise chickens, they will continually produce eggs no matter what. Is it morally wrong to eat eggs if your chickens are well taken care of and are happy?
No. But on a global scale, farming chickens like that may be less efficient and less environmentally friendly compared to humans directly consuming the grains and water.

>> No.11907917

Based pyjama poster

>> No.11907933

>vegans are for abortion because my mentally depraved strawman doesnt work otherwise
Big yikes

>> No.11907962
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>> No.11908129

Vegan here. I would eat deep-fried nigger-cocks.

>> No.11908527

I see nothing inherently wrong with hunting animals if your intention is to eat them. But if you want to use the argument that they're destroying the planet, then where does that leave humans? Not to mention that "destroying the planet" is a gross hyperbole.

It isn't necessary to eat oysters to gain their environmental benefits, so to conflate eating them with some moral high ground is dishonest. You might say that without consumer demand for oysters there's no need to farm them, but regardless of any potential economic benefits, there are still environmental benefits to be had, and since we have the capacity to do so, we as humans should be environmentally responsible even when we don't stand to benefit personally from it.

Chickens don't live forever so you need to continually raise new chickens to replace ones that die, and you need to hatch those from eggs. So you need to keep roosters to fertilise those eggs, and you may also hatch more roosters. However you don't want to keep too many roosters because they become territorial and fight, so you can either kill ones you don't need, or keep the ones you don't need and let them fight and kill each other. And frankly I don't expect anyone who does raise chickens for their eggs to keep more roosters than they need, since, ya know, they don't want those eggs fertilised for the most part. The most compelling argument I've seen in favour of keeping egg laying chickens is that they produce relatively low carbon emissions, but even so I wouldn't keep any myself, nor would I buy eggs to eat.

>> No.11908938

decide for yourself. do you think it's wrong? does it make sense? i mostly vegan, but in a situation like the one you've brought up I would have no problem eating meat. you don't need to adhere to some rigid, puritanical, obsessive diet just because other people choose to.

>> No.11908966

>Is it wrong to eat the flesh of an animal that is destroying our planet?

no, it is not wrong to eat flesh or have a penis inside of your mouth....have at it

>> No.11909030

I have the same problem as you fellow vegan, my husband isn't vegan wat do?


>> No.11909687

>fear energy
>decaying flesh
Kekd and checkd, dumb cunt

>> No.11909728


>Wild boars/feral pigs are destroying natural habitat anywhere they're found

The thing is you have to consider why this is happening in the first place
I mean wild boars have been around for a while and in flourishing healthy environments no less such as pacific islands
If they were really just such a threat to the environment you'd think it would've been destroyed already
It seems likely the reason they've become a problem is actually because humans have done something that caused their natural predators to dwindle

>> No.11910481

Pigs are awesome. So are turkeys.

>> No.11910492

You dumb shit.
Humans were the ones who brought the hogs there in the first place. There are no natural predators because the hogs are an invasive species, which is the whole fucking point.

>>If greenhouse gases really just such a threat to the environment you'd think it would've been destroyed already
Really bro? Damage takes time. And humans are constantly spending great deals of effort repairing it.

>> No.11910727

vegans hate humanity
all life exists off the back of other life, they try to remove themselves from the circle of life because they think humans are worthless

>> No.11911123


t. calcified pineal glandlets

>> No.11911130


>> No.11911134

Maybe not genoide, but fuck we need to stop breeding like rats

>> No.11911138
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And that’s why carnists will get genocided. Circle of LIFE. You’ll be our new cattle, new meat, new dairy, new oil, new fur, new manure, new fertilizer, new feed for actual carnist animals

Circle of life

>> No.11911282
File: 147 KB, 429x603, 1543890001750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans don't use animal byproducts
>Antivenin is an animal byproduct
>Vegans think vegans should be allowed to use antivenin
Whoa... so this is the mental power of vegetables...

>> No.11911382


>Humans were the ones who brought the hogs there in the first place.

so it's still human's fault then...

>> No.11911389

Antivenin is an animal product extracted through stressful force. Shouldn't it be vegans that can't use it?

>> No.11911390


>> No.11911412

Samefagging is generally frowned upon.

>> No.11911424

>so it's still human's fault then...
That wasn't your problem.

Your problem was this brain-dead piece of shit:
>I mean wild boars have been around for a while and in flourishing healthy environments

No. Wild boars have NOT been "flourishing for a while". We humans have spread them all around the world and caused massive amounts of damage to native species in doing so.

>> No.11911571

Animals in nature have defense mechanisms, like camoflauge. Ours happens to be the intelligence to create anti venom. Besides, it's an animal product so shouldn't it be the vegans who can't use it? I've never once gotten a good answer to this question.

>> No.11911575

Vegans are moralists and believe deep down that animals have souls

>> No.11912268

Good luck doing this considering you're all a bunch of toothless walking skeletons.


>> No.11912300

Veganism is a fundamentally leftist ideology and as such is rooted in "anti-life" thought. The vegan may not admit it in private or public, or even to itself, but the desire for abnegation underlies their dietary choice.

>> No.11912550

>wanting life to live unencumbered by slaughter is the abnegation of life
This is what happens to your mind when you go full bore into carnism. Logic dissipates into a vapor.

>> No.11912785

My problem as a vegan is that people get so fucking offended if a person has killed their dog and it's animal abuse. If you're allowed to eat meat you should be able to do everything to an animal that is your property.

Then people who eat meat think that animal abusers are monsters and should be locked up, hypocrites.

And if you don't have a problem with all of this, go ahead do it. As long as you don't try to feel sympathy to animals you don't know.

>> No.11912808

Not a vegan but this makes sense. I think causing suffering to animals is like pollution: something bad that you cause indirectly when you purchase certain products, and should in theory be handled by government regulation but isn't. My response is to minimize consumption of animal products. Maybe one day I will become vegan, but in the meantime I'm going to do my best and not pretend animal suffering isn't a real issue.

>> No.11912961

>Subtle anti-meat pro vegan propaganda.

It's not really very subtle. Notice how all these "I care about animals" virtue signalers.... None of them care about animals slaughtered on vegetables farms??


>> No.11913024

No everything I wrote was the truth. I find your logic backwards. There is no "if animal suffering matters..." It does matter. I know it matters and if your article is correct, I will adjust my behavior. I skimmed it but there are a lot of things to follow up on, e.g. whether Australia is special in having mouse plagues or whether all wheat is like this.

>> No.11914231

you're weird

>> No.11914475

>Carnivores are the weird ones


>> No.11914487

So you only skimmed the article for the theme, and still doubt if it's even true. Does growing vegetables involve stealing habitat from animals, pushing them out of their homes for our pleasure?

Sounds like animal abuse to me. Does growing vegetables involve thousands of tons of chemical pesticides, or s that something I made up because I'm a liar? What are pesticides designed to do?

Why are vegans able to massacre millions of small animals every year while hypocritically pretending to care about animals at all?


>> No.11914558

who cares, eat what tastes good and kill what doesn't

>> No.11914563

Congrats, you just agreed that it's literally the fault of humans.

>> No.11914581

Draw your line and make your stand, however small it is.

I only buy free-range organic animal products wherever possible. Admittedly it's less to do with morality and more because it tastes better and I think that is worth the increased price, but my basic point here is that you have to stick to your principles, even if it doesn't really mean anything.