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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11905553 No.11905553 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everything taste fucking disgusting nowadays? I can only eat really bland food and it's just so I have something to fill my stomach. It feels like it's been years since I've eaten something I would say is "good". Even fresh produce tastes like it's missing something... like it feels less filling somehow. Please tell me I'm not the only one with this problem, it feels like the stuff I'm eating is no longer "alive" and I can no longer get any enjoyment out of the eating anymore.
I'm murrican and this seems more of an issue here, seems like I can find better stuff more often when I travel to other places, but only a little better.

>> No.11905570


>> No.11905594


>> No.11905596

it's just you. I'm not trying to be mean, I honestly think you should talk to a therapist.

>> No.11905618
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nah I have the same problem. not american tho

i cant seem to get excited about anything now. like today for example, i could go out and get anything the fuck i want for lunch in my city. anything, but im excited about nothing. every meal time is a stress because i dont enjoy anything anymore but i need food

i was thinking, for this reason, of trying that Huel slop. would at least cut out having to think what to eat

>> No.11905634


It's pretty much this>>11905596

As a typically very sad person, food is a shining light to me (not a fatty I run a lot) but the key is branching out and trying new things that might seem gross. You really have to develop your palate. Also organic food tastes a billion times better if you are from USA.

>> No.11905645

Ok, you want the truth. I'm sorry to have to be the one that gets you up to speed. You died in your sleep a long while back. You're "alive" but you're not alive in your original world. You're "alive" in the afterlife you deserve, and we're all here because we deserve it as well. We did good enough not to go to the really bad places, but our punishment is to endure in-your-face mediocrity in every aspect of life, and to shelter and comfort those in our "life" that were previously in worse places, so it's a step up for them. We also have to deal with an endless horde of NPCs. Welcome to purgatory. You remember things that were better because they WERE better, just not "here".

>> No.11905651

Just fast for a few days.

>> No.11905660


You guys have depression, talk to someone about it.

>> No.11905666

try cooking yourself, make things from scratch, you probably had an unhealthy diet like I did before learning to cook

>> No.11905670

look up Hikikomori, I sort of have similar symptom where I losing interest in everything, like nothing is new to me

>> No.11905741

How 2 fix?

>> No.11905747
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exact opposite of this thread

>> No.11905818

idk unfortunately I'm still in that state, this will sound soy but I think being social might help, or have a pet dog ? taking a walk with them feels really nice

>> No.11905825

Every time I see this pic, I look directly into the eyes. Is she wearing contacts?

>> No.11905841

Nah man, there are 7 billion blue-eyed chinks out there you racist

>> No.11905854
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>talk to girl I like that's had a crush on me that is also depressed and on antidepressants about my depression or why I feel sad
>get told to stop messaging her, she's not my therapist, I need help

Don't talk to friends about depression. They'll just think less of you and see you as an emotional burden. At most you'll get invited somewhere out of pity.

>> No.11905868

>see you as an emotional burden

this, never start the topic unless your friend came ask you what's wrong and willing to help out, it is rare but those who do are genuinely helpful.

>> No.11905882

I recall not long ago, moms titty milk tasted soo sweet, today; not so much. I guess it's an age thing. Like our hearing and sight get worse over time, so do taste.

>> No.11905892

Your mom’s titty milk is still quite sweet for me.

>> No.11905916

Go see a psych and see if you can figure out the reason you are feeling depressed. There should be something about your situation causing it which means you can change back to your usual self when the issues have been sorted out.

>> No.11905918
File: 2.41 MB, 964x1080, after a 5-clicked session of warming up.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recipes here are getting a lot of stevia, being *really* great, hinting of vanilla; being 200x the sweetness of sugar, with longer onsets and more lasting durations – sometimes even hours), so homemade chocolate; heated / prepared peanut butter; and even water mixtures, with dairy / cinnamon / et al. are all so intense with it …

Also, neuro-rewards are supported by nutriments, such as serotonin (which is produced from … OTC 5-HTP) and epinephrine / dopamine (from L-DOPA), neurotransmitter protection from Sangre de Grado and astaxanthin. It's even plausible that having lots of these chemicals defines the consistency of caffeine / coffee effects.

>> No.11905919
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Also, hypoglycemia increases appetites, flavors, and sensations.

>> No.11905923

mostly:note to self, but others may take note. No reason to fill your face with candy, greasy food, meat around the clock. Work up a little appetite, pay attention to what you put on your palates. Stay hungry.

>> No.11905959
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Synchronicity is a fucking bitch, huh?
Now I'm starting to believe this anon even more

>> No.11905973
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Anon that's not how depression works. Also I'm OP, and if I do have depression (likely) there's no real reason for it. I guess if I had to pin down any reason at all, it's because life as an adult is the most dull thing imaginable and there's only a few things that really excite me. One being writing stories and the other drawing. And I've talked to therapists multiple times and they tell me I don't have any issues. I act pretty happy on the outside but I don't really derive any pleasure from life like I used to and I can't see it ever coming back.
Things like pic related are some of the few things I CAN enjoy and ironically coffee is probably the only drink/food thing I even like anymore.

>> No.11905975


>> No.11906034

Yeah those are some poorly fit dime store color contacts

>> No.11906038
File: 1.09 MB, 1834x1511, 20190213_191529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

satan is correct
cooking for yourself may be daunting at first but the as you learn and get better it's really exciting
i've recently learned how to make pizza and it's so easy and delicious i'll never buy frozen pizza again

>> No.11906174

I do cook, but it only helps slightly. I don't seem to have a specific reason for being depressed. I guess some people do but a lot don't. Some just are, because their brain is lacking something and that can't be easily fixed even with medication at times.

>> No.11906200

Being a NEET usually leads to a vicious cycle of depression anons

>> No.11906226

Ever think maybe it's not internal?
Ever think maybe it's societal?

>> No.11906253

Shut up, having a job doesn't help. You just have less free time while the cash piles up in your bank account because you have no motivation on spending it.

>> No.11906258

i usually work 6 months a year and can say that working definitely helps if it's not an extremely shitty job

>> No.11906266

Well, lots of produce sold in the US is grown hydroponically in Mexico. Maybe hit up a farmer's market. Maybe you just need to try something new.

>> No.11906267

>Shut up, having a job doesn't help.
It actually does, there's a reason NEETs have such high suicide rates anon.
Also it makes me laugh that I hit the nail on the head, maybe get a job and move out of your parents house you loser

>> No.11906404
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lol I'm not even a NEET I have a fairly easy job that I don't mind too much other than it's a bit boring. There's really nothing obvious I'm just depressed and don't derive enjoyment from much anymore.
Could be this, also I grew up in the countryside so I prefer nature in general to being busy and shit. Like I said there's no particular reason it's just a variety of things and mostly boredom.
lol lots of people with jobs are depressed. But yea NEETs aren't much better off. Anyway I can pretty much remember the last time I felt actually happy, it was 5 years ago when I visited South Korea and was exiting through a tunnel and seeing the ocean after coming out of it. I mean actually happy rather than just laughing at something funny or whatever. Most people who say they are happy these days don't know what being happy means anymore.

>> No.11907579

came here to say this >>11905594

>> No.11907587


Yeah man, you have to talk to a THERAPIST

>> No.11907593

i'm depressed for reasons i understand but can't control
i don't want to be on drugs
some things that help me are
>my dog
>food and cooking
especially prepper shit like canning and dehydrating
night bike rides listening to books on tape, rollerblading and skateboarding, walks with my dog
i have a cool job

>> No.11909130

Immerse yourself in work, give yourself no time down to drown in your thoughts

>> No.11909373

Unironically get better friends

>> No.11910738

I'd eat that. For sure.

>> No.11910746

I get depressed because there are alot of people who condemn me for being a neet, while at the same time seeing they are depressed. Makes me think getting a job solves nothing.

>> No.11910810

Friends aren't there for you to emotionally vomit on. Depression is not an external problem, it's an internal problem. That's why therapy is recommended, because a therapist will help you to figure out what the causes of your depression are and the things you personally can do to address them as well as learning to accept the things you cant control. The part two is about forcing yourself to love better. Depressed people stop bathing as frequently, they drink more, they dont exercise enough or at all, they eat unhealthy foods or in an unhealthy way (either too much or not at all), etc. Addressing these two aspects will help you. Using your friends as emotional punching bags when they cant do fuckall to help you is unhelpful and will rightfully lose you friends.

>> No.11910837

>that's not how depression works
Fuck you, I am so goddamned sick of this utter lie. Therapy has an extremely high success rate. The reason you dont know why you're depressed is because we lie to ourselves even unconsciously. Therapists are there to examine our habits, look into the past months and your routine to see the things that reinforce it, and also understand the stressors that may have contributed to it originally. You're certainly welcome to handle it however you want but you deserve to be called out any time you suggest a psych / therapist wont help you. There are those who are unhelpful, but they in general will be the people best equipped to help you.

>> No.11911242


(I'm the op)
I'm not even depressed though. I don't identify with depressed people or their issues. I have suicidal thoughts is all but those can be attributed to other things.

>> No.11911244

>Why does everything taste fucking disgusting nowadays?

Factory farmed meats.
Industrial monoculture crops.

>> No.11913002
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Yup, had this problem until I started regularly exercising. Don't take SSRIs the side effects isn't worth it and they're not long term solutions. Kicking depressions ass is hard but you just have to take it a day at a time, exercise twice a week at first for like 15 minutes and then try to add more days and time to your workouts. Humans are meant to be mobile active creatures, you don't have to be super buff/strong but you shouldn't be a slob. You want the serotonin releases from exercise and eventually you'll feel "alive" again.

>> No.11913018

Suicidal thoughts is the textbook sign of depression buddy... I mean it isn't embarassing most first worlders go through this and the ones who shit on you for being depressed are jackasses anyways.

>> No.11913027

Use MSG or try smoking dope before you eat

>> No.11913111



>> No.11913134

There's this pizza place that makes delivers and it's my favorite thing in the world. But i'm not depressed or murican so my opinion might not count.

>> No.11913150


I can relate to what you're saying. Often I've resisted the idea that I might be depressed because I don't see the distinction between "depression" and being unmotivated or unhappy. In the end I decided that depression does seem to be very similar or the same as being unmotivated/unhappy, but some people crave a medical sounding label. And a medical sounding label can also be useful because it helps you take a step back from your own thought patterns and lifestyle, and ask if things could be different.

>> No.11913640
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You're not OP faggot, I am. As proof I'm gonna post another /biz/ meme.
Well for the last 15 or so years I've tried therapy on and off, I've been told I have no issues. I'm just told I'm depressed and the solution is "go outside" (I travel several times a year), "eat better" (I've been cooking for myself for a year now), or "make friends (I have friends, unfortunately most of them are flaky and never want to hang out).

>> No.11913962

same, its pretty vexing , going to try and break out by living inna woods away from everything and everyone

>> No.11913969

>that pic

Ask a guy who lost over one hundred thousand dollars in the 2018 crypto crash anything.

>> No.11913974

why did you use a means of exchange for internasional currency as a savings account?
why didn't you invest in low / medium risk mutual funds and the s&p 500?

>> No.11913980

Yeah sounds like your depressed anon, without the DUDE some types of weed help to eat when you’re feeling depressed

>> No.11914135
File: 609 KB, 939x480, 1529760854692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would have to have been in the crypto scene during 2017 to understand the incredible elation everyone was experiencing. People were getting 1000% ROE. There were coins that at inception were traded for fractions of a penny rocketing up to $100+, $1,000+ in the case of Ethereum, representing something like 100,000% ROE. Everyone was trying to be find these and when the wider world noticed, literal billions of dollars started pouring in. It was glorious pandemonium.

And everyone knew it was a massive bubble and everyone thought they had a plan for cashing out before it burst, but it didn't burst, contrary to the expectations of analysts. Because it kept going up and people were doubling their money in the span of days I too felt an incredible compulsion to keep trading, keep seeing my net worth skyrocket despite the perilous risks. The actual burst caught me off guard because of the coordinated delusion of the market and I was in the thick of it.

Should I call myself stupid for risking so much? Nah. People who scorn others with the benefit of hindsight don't have opinions worth a shit.

>> No.11914324

Talk to a therapist, anon. You have depression.

>> No.11914396

Those are symptoms of depression, anon, not causes.

See a therapist.

>> No.11914855

I always hear about these people who got rich on crypto but never about actual real money gains. How did they cash out?

>> No.11914904
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I hear about that to, but never see the evidence of it. It's always some anonymous dick saying they are retired at 30 because of it or "a friend of mine bought a mansion and a bugatti with his gains' type shit whit no proof to back it up.

>> No.11914910

Any extra equipment you have to buy to make things for yourself that you'd normally have to get when you eat out, like a pizza stone, immediately pay for themselves once you use them a few times

>> No.11915576

It's just like any stock. People got excited about crypto and would pay a dollar for the penny you paid. Like any business all of the money would sit in limbo until the business needed to use it. Everything started to go down when too many people got involved. T. My buddy who is a dick because he wouldn't share after he cashed out 60k

>> No.11915903
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so you didnt really lose 100k. you never invested that much and only counted your net worth at your highest point. damn you are retarded. learn the difference you waste of oxygen